
Unit 55, 56, 58, 59
Sun’s magnetism is due to
• A. iron core of the Sun
• B. heating of Corona by energetic particles generated
during Solar Flares
• C. generation of magnetic fields via fluid+magnetic
field motions
• D. neutrino flows coming from the Sun’s core
Why was adaptive optics developed?
• a. To compensate for chromatic aberration
• b. To prevent distortion of mirrors by the vacuum of
• c. To compensate for the image distortion caused by
the Earth atmosphere
• d. To prevent fractures of the main mirror.
The PRIMARY reason for spreading many radio
telescopes across a large area and combining the
signals at a central station (i.e. combining radio
telescopes to form an interferometer) is
• a. to produce a much sharper images of radio sources
• b. to avoid interference between signals from separate
• c. to be able to send a more powerful signal to space
• d. ensure that cloudy weather only affects a few of
telescopes, leaving the others to continue observing
The main absorber in the atmosphere for infrared
radiation, which impedes observations of
astronomical infrared objects, is
• a. electrons in the Earth's atmosphere
• b. dust in the Earth atmosphere
• c. oxygen and nitrogen, the major constituents of the
• d. water vapor
Pieces of metal are heated by varying amount in a
flame. The hottest of these will be the one that shows
which color most prominently?
a. blue
b. yellow
c. red
d. black
To a physicist a blackbody is defined as an object
• a. absorbs all radiation which falls upon it
• b. always appears to be black, whatever its
• c. always emits the same spectrum of light, whatever
its temperature
• d. reflects all radiation which falls upon it, never
heating up and always appearing black.
The specific colors of light emitted by an atom in a
hot, thin gas are caused by
• a. protons jumping from level to level
• b. an electron dropping into the nucleus, producing
small nuclear changes
• c. electrons jumping to lower energy levels, losing
energy as they do so
• d. the vibrations of the nucleus
When electromagnetic radiation is Doppler-shifted by
motion of the source away from the detector
• a. the measured wavelength is longer than the emitted
• b. the measured frequency of the radiation remains the
same, but its wavelength is shortened, compared to
the emitted radiation
• c. the speed of the radiation is less than the emitted
• d. the measured frequency is higher than the emitted
You see this every day!
• More distant streetlights appear
dimmer than ones closer to us.
• It works the same with stars!
• If we know the total energy output of a
star (luminosity), and we can count the
number of photons we receive from
that star (brightness), we can calculate
its distance
• Some types of stars have a known
luminosity, and we can use this
standard candle to calculate the
distance to the neighborhoods these
stars live in.
Photons in Stellar Atmospheres
• Photons have a difficult time moving through a star’s atmosphere
• If the photon has the right energy, it will be absorbed by an atom and raise an
electron to a higher energy level
• Creates absorption spectra, a unique “fingerprint” for the star’s composition.
The strength of this spectra is determined by the star’s temperature.
Stellar Surface Temperatures
• Remember from Unit 23 that the peak
wavelength emitted by stars shifts with the
star’s surface temperatures
– Hotter stars look blue
– Cooler stars look red
• We can use the star’s color to estimate its
surface temperature
– If a star emits most strongly in a wavelength 
(in nm), then its surface temperature (T) is:
2.9 ´106 K × nm
• This is Wien’s Law
Measuring Temperature using
Wein’s Law
2.9 ´106 K × nm
Spectral Classification
• Around 1901, Annie
Jump Cannon
developed the spectral
classification system
– Arranges star
classifications by
• Hotter stars are O type
• Cooler stars are M
• New Types: L and T
– Cooler than M
• From hottest to coldest, they are
– Mnemonics: “Oh, Be A Fine Girl/Guy,
Kiss Me
– Or: Only Bad Astronomers Forget
Generally Known Mnemonics
• Stars are simply too far away to easily
measure their diameters!
– Atmospheric blurring and telescope
effects smear out the light
• Can combine the light from two or
more telescopes to pick out more
detail – this is called interferometry
– Two telescopes separated by a
distance of 300 meters have almost the
same resolution as a single telescope
300 m across!
• Speckle interferometry uses multiple
images form the same telescope to
increase resolution
The Stefan-Boltzmann Law
• The Stefan-Boltzmann Law links a
star’s temperature to the amount of
light the star emits
– Hotter stars emit more!
– Larger stars emit more!
• A star’s luminosity is then
related to both a star’s size
and a star’s temperature
A convenient tool for organizing stars
• In the previous unit, we saw that
stars have different temperatures,
and that a star’s luminosity
depends on its temperature and
• The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
lets us look for trends in this
The H-R Diagram
A star’s location on the HR diagram is
given by its temperature (x-axis) and
luminosity (y-axis)
We see that many stars are located on a
diagonal line running from cool, dim
stars to hot bright stars
Other stars are cooler and more
luminous than main sequence stars
The Main Sequence
Must have large diameters
(Red and Blue) Giant stars
Some stars are hotter, yet less luminous
than main sequence stars
Must have small diameters
White Dwarf stars
The Family of Stars
Stars come in all sizes…
The Mass-Luminosity Relation
• If we look for trends in
stellar masses, we notice
something interesting
– Low mass main
sequence stars tend to be
cooler and dimmer
– High mass main
sequence stars tend to be
hotter and brighter
• The Mass-Luminosity
L  M 3.5
Massive stars burn brighter!
Massive stars burn brighter
Luminosity Classes
Stellar Evolution –
Models and Observation
Stars change very little over a human lifespan, so it is impossible to
follow a single star from birth to death.
We observe stars at various stages of evolution, and can piece together
a description of the evolution of stars in general
Computer models provide a “fast-forward” look at the evolution of
Stars begin as clouds of gas and dust, which collapse to form a stellar
disk. This disk eventually becomes a star.
The star eventually runs out of nuclear fuel and dies. The manner of
its death depends on its mass.
Evolution of low-mass stars
Evolution of high-mass stars
Tracking changes with the
HR Diagram
• As a star evolves, its
temperature and luminosity
• We can follow a stars
evolution on the HR
• Lower mass stars move on
to the main sequence, stay
for a while, and eventually
move through giant stages
before becoming white
• Higher mass stars move
rapidly off the main
sequence and into the giant
stages, eventually exploding
in a supernova
Our Sun will eventually
A. Become white dwarf
B. Explode as a supernova
C. Become a protostar
D. Become a black hole
The spectral type of a star is most directly related to
a. Absolute magnitude
b. Surface temperature
c. Size or radius
d. Luminocity
Which two vital parameters are used to describe the
systematics of a group of stars in the HR diagram?
a. Mass and weight
b. Luminocity and radius
c. Surface temperature and mass
d. Luminocity and surface temperature