Neptune by Nicole Bu and Melissa

Our presentation on Neptune and
more !
By Melissa Byrne and Nicole Burnett
 In our solar system, nine planets circle around our sun.
The sun sits in the middle while the planets travel in
circular paths (called orbits) around it. These nine
planets travel in the same direction (counterclockwise looking down from the Sun's north pole).
 The inner solar system contains Mercury, Venus, Earth
and Mars. These four planets are closest to the Sun.
 The outer solar system contains Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The inner planets are
separated from the outer planets by the Asteroid Belt.
Our solar system
Gas planets
The gas planets
are mostly made
up of gases
(hydrogen and
helium). These
planets are light
for their sizes (just
like a big air
balloon) and move
quickly. They have
rings and lots of
moons. These are
also big planets.
Rocky planets
The rocky
planets are
mostly made up
of rock and
metal. These
planets are very
heavy and move
slowly. They
also do not have
rings and very
few moons.
These are also
small planets.
Facts about Neptune
In Roman mythology Neptune was the god of the
Sea. He is known as Poseidon in Greek mythology.
The planet was probably named after the sea gods
because of its deep blue color. Neptune's blue color
is the result of a gas called "methane" in its
atmosphere. Like the other gas planets, Neptune
has rapid winds trapped in "bands" of latitude and
large storms. Neptune's winds are the fastest in the
solar system, reaching 2000 km/hour!
 Neptune was discovered in 1846 on the 23rd of
September. It was discovered by urbain le verrier,john
couch Adams and Johann Galle.
Neptune is the eight planet from the sun and the forth
largest (by size) of the nine planets. Neptune is smaller
in size but its heavier than Uranus. Neptune is a giant
gas planet which is most likely made up of various
“ices” and rock.
 Neptune has been visited by only one spacecraft,
voyager 2 on august 25th 1989.
What we learned (so far)
what we have learned is:
 Well Neptune is the 7th planet away from the sun.
 I've learned from doing this project that there are
rocky planets and gas planets
 In our solar system 9/8 planets are around the sun
 Some scientists say That Pluto was never a planet but I
think Pluto is a planet.
 Neptune is a giant gas planet which is most likely
made up of various "ices" and rock.