Medieval Church

Church and Medieval Life
 During the middle ages the Church’s most important
achievement was to Christianize the diverse people of Western
Europe. In 597 Pope Gregory 1 sent Augustine to convert the
Anglo Saxons of England.
 People in villages contact with the church came from local
priest of the parish. Priests administered sacraments, the
sacred rites of the church. Christians believed that faith in
Christ and participation in sacraments would lead them to
salvation, or an everlasting life with god.
 Village church was a social center as well as a place of worship.
After services, peasants gossiped or danced, although the
priest might condemn their rowdy songs or behavior.
 Villages took pride in their church buildings and decorated
them with care. In later medieval times prosperous
communities built stone churches rather than wood ones.
 Views of Women- Church taught that men and women were
equal before god. But on earth women were viewed as
“daughters of eve” weak and easily lead to sin. Thus they
needed guidance from men. At the same time the church
offered a view of an ideal women, as modest pure as Mary, the
mother of Jesus. The church tried to protect women by
setting a minimum age for marriage. Church courts could fine
men if they seriously hurt their wives, yet women would be
punished more severely for the exact same offenses.
Monks and Nuns
 Both men and women withdrew from worldly life to
become monks and nuns. In 530 a monk named Benedict
drew a set of rules to regulate monastic life. Under his
rules monks and nuns had to follow 3 vows. First,
obedience to those who headed the monastery or
Covent. Second, was poverty, and the third was chastity,
or purity.
 Life of service- In a world without hospitals or schools,
monasteries and convents of provided basic services.
Monks and Nuns often looked after the poor and sick and
sometimes set up schools for children.
Power of the Church Grows
 After the fall of Rome, the church carved out a unique position
in Western Europe. Christians gradually became the most
powerful force of Medieval Europe.
 During the middle ages, the pope was the spiritual leader of
the Roman Catholic Church. As representatives of Christ on
Earth, medieval popes eventually claimed PAPAL
SUPREMACY or authority over all secular rulers. The pope
himself held vast lands in central Italy called the Papal States.
 Medieval church developed it’s own body of laws, known as
canon law. Anyone who disobeyed church law faced a range
of penalties. The most severe and terrifying penalties was
EXCOMMUNICATION or people couldn’t receive sacraments
or Christian burial. If a powerful noble opposed the church an
entire town could face INTERDICT, were no one in that town
could receive sacraments or Christian burial.
Reform Movements
 Success of the medieval church brought problems.
Wealth people sometimes left their wealth to the church
after passing. Some clergy lived luxuries and this caused
them to ignore the poor. Throughout the middle ages
people called for reforms to the church.
 One reform in the 900’s swept across Europe. Nobles
were no longer allowed to interfere with monastery
affairs. Second marriage was outlawed for priests and
prohibited the selling of church offices. Pope called on
Christians to renew their faith. To end secular influence
Pope Gregory insisted that the church, not kings or
nobles, choose church officials. This policy would spark a
bitter battle of will with the German emperor.
Preaching Orders
 Over the centuries, other reform movements battled
corruption. In the 1200’s, Francis of Assisi and Dominic took a
new approach. They set up FRIARS, monks that traveled
around Europe's towns preaching to the poor.
 Francis left his home to preach the gospel and teach by
 Soon after, Dominic, a Spanish priest set up the Dominican
order. His chief goal was to combat heresy by teaching official
Roman Catholic beliefs.
 Women joined the reform movement by creating new
religious groups. Most groups only accepted well-born
women whose parents would give a dowry, or gift, to the
church. These women would help by selling their weavings
and embroidery, then help the poor by setting up hospitals
and shelters
Jews in Europe
 Jewish communities existed across Europe.
 Jews flourished in Spain, Muslims who had conquered Spain in
711 were tolerant of Jews and Christians.
 During the middle ages Jews had migrated to other parts of
Europe, such as Germany were they were known as
“Ashkenazim”. They lived here for centuries in peace.
 In the late 1000’s, Christian persecution of Jews increased.
Many church leaders charged the Jews as responsible for the
death of Jesus. As the church grew in power, it issued orders
forbidding Jews to own land or practice many occupations.
 In bad time, ANTISEMITISM, or prejudice against Jews,
worsened. When disasters occurred that people didn’t
understand such as illness or famine, many Christians blamed
Jews. Because of this many Jews will migrate to Eastern