Trends Influencing Tourism to 2020

Trends Influencing Tourism to 2020:
Implications for Tourism
Paolo Grigolli
Bucharest, 5 JUNE 2012
Issues supporting Sustainable Tourism
• What form will tourism take in the future?
• What will be the implications for tourism
• identify the major economic, political, social,
environmental, and technological forces
driving global change to 2020
• explore the implications for managers in the
private and public sectors to develop tourism
in a sustainable way
World Tourism Organisation Tourism Forecasts
to 2020
• International tourism will continue to boom in the 21st
increasing to almost 1.6 billion in 2020
this is 2.5 times the volume recorded in the late
• Annual average growth rate in international tourist
arrivals is 4.1 per cent a year
well above the maximum probable expansion of
around 3 per cent per year in the world’s wealth
Emerging Destinations and Origins
• Principal new international destinations include:
– China, Vietnam and Mekong River countries
– the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America
• Emerging Origin markets include
– the new economic powerhouses of Asia (China, Korea, Taiwan, India and
– large population countries - Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and, to
some extent, the Eastern European countries
Domestic tourism is playing a predominant role.
– for the OECD area, domestic tourism consumption accounts for about
75% of tourism consumption within the zone
OECD Countries
• In 2009, OECD countries still accounted for 57% of international
tourist arrivals and for 67% of the corresponding travel receipts.
However, OECD countries are losing market share
• During the last 20 years, the growth rate of tourism arrivals in
OECD countries has averaged 2.8% per year, well ahead of the GDP
growth rate of 2.4% for the zone
• In the OECD area, the employment growth rate in the tourism
industry exceeded 2% per year between 2000 and 2009, more
than a percentage point ahead of the total employment growth
Global Trends Affecting Tourism
We identify 5 key global trends
1. Globalization and long term economic trends
2. Political trends
3. Social trends
4. Environment, Resources and Energy Trends
5. Changes in Technology
Influence of Megatrends on Tourism
Globalization and Long term Economic Trends
six factors that drive globalization, economic dynamism
and growth
1. political pressures for higher living standards
2. improved macroeconomic policies
3. deregulation/liberalisation of international trade
4. rising trade and investment
5. diffusion of information technology
6. increasingly dynamic private sectors
Trends and opportunities
• Leisure and vacation travel dominates
Leisure is by far the most important purpose of visit (>50% of arrivals).
• Tendency towards shorter stays
The shrinking duration of tourist trips is closely linked to changing lifestyles and
developments in the means of transport.
• Online reservations continue to rise
In many countries more than 25% of individuals have booked travel or accommodation
on the Internet.
• SMEs play an important role
In the hotel, restaurant and travel agencies sectors, SMEs are responsible for at least
70% of employment in nearly all OECD countries.
Political Trends
• the gap between the “haves” and “have-nots”
will widen unless the “have-not” countries
pursue policies that support application of
new technologies
• good governance
• universal education
• market reforms
Some Political Influences
• Destinations that are perceived to be less safe
and secure will be avoided by tourists
• Enclave tourism strategies need to be reexamined (risk management)
• Globalisation Vs Localisation
• Modernity Vs Identity
Environment, Resources,
Energy Trends
• climate change
higher temperatures
ozone depletion
sea level rise
loss of snow cover and permafrost
glacial melt in the polar regions
extreme weather events, precipitation and hydrological changes
• natural resource depletion (energy, water)
• land-use changes (deforestation and desertification, salinity)
• changes in biodiversity (species loss)
Some Environmental Influences
on Tourism
• Tourism both contributes to and is affected by climate change
• Natural environments and climate will influence which
destinations will be preferred by tourists
• Climate change impacts on the profitability of the industry through
increasing temperatures, energy and water use and increasing
needs for adaptation
• Government policies will affect operator costs
• Long haul destinations are particularly affected
• Diminishing supplies of energy will impact on fuel costs, affecting
transport costs and tourism flows
Social Trends
Population and Ageing
Changing Social Structures
Aspirations and Expectations
Values and Lifestyles
Changing Work Patterns
Social Influences on Tourism
• Money rich-time poor. Leisure time has become an
increasingly scarce commodity
• Individualism. Tourist behavior is becoming driven by a
desire for customisation (hedonism)
• Self improvement. As more material needs are satisfied
tourists seek newer, richer, deeper, authentic experiences
• Seeking value for money. The internet has lead to more
knowledgeable consumers who seek best value for money
and time
Social Influences on Tourism
• Experimental.
experimental, willing to try new products, foods and
attractions, but too impatient to give a second chance
to products or service that fail to satisfy initially
• Safety conscious. Safety issues are becoming
increasingly important
• Social and Environmental Concern. Tourists are
becoming more aware of political, social and
environmental issues for different destinations
(tipping points)
• Good service. The tourist marketing battle is shifting
from competitive pricing to service improvement
Technological Change
• Two areas of change: IT and Transport
• Technology is the foremost management tool
for successful performance and competitive
advantage in the new business operating
Technological Influences
• Database management systems allow response to individual
preferences to stimulate tourism
• New technologies give tourists more control over how they spend
their time and money
• New technology is improving the speed and comfort and reducing
the real cost of travel
• All aspects of tourism and hospitality organizations in all sectors
are being dramatically changed by new technology
The tourism industry generally has not taken an active role in
developing or adapting new technology
Despite the proliferation of new technology, the industry is often
reluctant to adopt new methods and tools
• Taken together, these drivers and trends set the
context in which the global tourism industry may
be expected to develop to 2020
• No single driver or trend will dominate the
global future
• Each driver will have varying impacts in different
regions and countries
• In some cases, these trends work at crosspurposes
• Integrate tourism into wider development strategy
• Raise participation of local citizens and private decision makers in
tourism development
• Better define and promote competitive tourism assets
• Improve internal mobility and external accessibility
• Better define tourist targets: new products for specific niches
• Better branding of Rumania and its region
• Foster education and training for the tourism sector
• Foster the introduction and use of ICT in the industry
• Develop an evaluation framework of tourism and local development
Trends Influencing Tourism to 2020:
Implications for Tourism Management
Paolo Grigolli