Chapter 2 – Primeval Kansas

Chapter 2 – Primeval Kansas
Primeval Kansas
• Primeval means “the natural state”
• Who lived here?
• Who changed it?
• How was it changed?
• Who can tell us about Primeval Kansas?
Primeval Kansas
• Most of Kansas is
covered by
Sedimentary Rock
What is sedimentary
How does this tell us
about our past?
Primeval Kansas
• Look at map on page 10 in the textbook
• Find the Ozark Plateau on the map
• What color is it?
• The Ozark Plateau is made up of mostly
– Limestone
– Chert
These rocks are over 300 million years old
Primeval Kansas
• Now find the Cherokee
What color are they on
the map?
This was once a swamp.
One rock found here is
Land of strip mining
What is the difference
between strip and shaft
Primeval Kansas
• Find the orange colored area on the map
• What is the name of this area?
• This area is known for its limestone and
natural gas.
Primeval Kansas
• Find the Chautauqua
What color is it on the
We find sandstone
Sandstone is made at
a river delta
What does this tell us
about this area?
Primeval Kansas
• Find the light pink area on the map
• What is the name of this area?
• This area has limestone and chert
• Why does it have the name it has then?
• This is very hard rock and does not erode
Primeval Kansas
• Find the Wellington and McPherson
Lowlands on the map
• What color are they?
• This is really good wheat country
• We find shale here
• We find Gypsum here
• We find salt here
Primeval Kansas
• Find the Red Hills on the map
• What color are they?
• This area is made up of red shale and gray
• Look at the picture on page 12 to see
what they look like.
Primeval Kansas
• Find the large gray area on the map
• What is the name of this area?
• What causes the smoky look of these
• This area has sandstone, limestone, and
• What do these rocks tell us about the
history of this area?
Primeval Kansas
• The largest area on the
map is called what?
What color is it?
There are no sedimentary
rocks here
What does that tell us
about this area?
This is the flattest part of
Home of Mount
Sunflower – 4,000 ft
above sea level.
Primeval Kansas
• Follow the Arkansas river on the map
• This area is called the Arkansas River
• It has been eroded by water and wind
• The soil is sandy
• People get water from the Ogallala
• How does this contribute to Lyons?
Primeval Kansas
• Go to the North East
corner of the map
What is this area
This is the only area
of Kansas once
covered by a glacier.
Primeval Kansas
• What two types of soil
does a glacier leave
Primeval Kansas
• Now use the map and the information
about each area and decide which area
Lyons is located in.
• Why do you think this is the correct area?
Primeval Kansas
• River Systems of Kansas
• There are only two river systems in
• What are the names of these two
Primeval Kansas
• Arkansas River System
• Water comes from mountains in Colorado
• Eventually it flows to the Mississippi River
and the Gulf of Mexico
Primeval Kansas
• Kansas River System
• Is formed by many smaller rivers flowing
into it.
• Name the five main rivers flowing into the
Kansas River– use the map on page 15
Primeval Kansas
• Lakes in Kansas
How were they created?
Why are the following reservoirs important?
Tuttle Creek
Primeval Kansas
• Climate in Kansas
• What is one word that
describes Kansas
What condition makes
it dry in the west and
wetter in the east?
Primeval Kansas
• What two factors effect Kansas
Primeval Kansas
• Plants and Animals in Kansas
• What one plant covers most of Kansas?
• Name the tall grasses
• Name the short grasses
Primeval Kansas
• What are some trees
that are native to
Primeval Kansas
• Name some animals that are native to
Primeval Kansas
• Name some birds that are native to