Running Over

Beach Bash
Pledge to the American Flag
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America, and to the Republic for
which it stands – one nation, under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
God Bless America
God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
Pledge to the Bible
I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy
Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet
and a light unto my path. Thy Word have I
hid in my heart, that I might not sin against
I Pledge Allegiance To The
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
With all my strength, with all I am
I will seek to honor His commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
Pledge to the Christian Flag
I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and
to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands
– one Savior, crucified, risen and coming
again with life and liberty for all who
Onward, Christian Soldiers
Onward, Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war.
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before!
Bible School Songs
Good News!
Do Lord!
March in the Infantry
Jesus He’s the Way Maker
Running Over
Everybody, Let’s Go!
Running Over
Running over,
Running over,
My cup is full and running over!
Since the Lord saved me,
I’m as happy as can be!
My cup is full and running over!
Bible School Songs
Jesus died for you and me
Jesus died for sinful men – AMEN!
I BELIEVE God’s word is true
God has promised you
A home eternally
Bible School Songs
Good News
Good news! Good news!
Christ died for me!
Good news! Good news!
If I believe Good news! Good news!
I’m saved eternally!
That’s wonderful EXTRA good news!
Bible School Songs
The B-I-B-L-E,
Yes, that’s the book for me!
I stand alone on the word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E!
The B-I-B-L-E,
I’ll take it along with me!
I’ll read and pray and then obey,
The B-I-B-L-E!
Bible School Songs
I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb
Do Lord!
I’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the
I’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the
I’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the
Way beyond the blue!
Do Lord, oh do Lord, Oh do remember me!
Do Lord, oh do Lord, Oh do remember me!
Do Lord, oh do Lord, Oh do remember me!
Way beyond the blue!
Bible School Songs
March in the Infantry
I may never march in the infantry, ride in the
Shoot the artillery, Oh I may never fly o’er the
But I’m in the Lord’s army!
I’m in the Lord’s army! I’m in the Lord’s army!
I may never march in the infantry, ride in the
Shoot the artillery, Oh I may never fly o’er the
But I’m in the Lord’s army!
Bible School Songs
Wrong is never, never right
Right is never, never wrong
It is always right to do what’s right, and
wrong to do what’s wrong
Everyone may do what's wrong
But that doesn’t make it right
Even though no one is doing good
Keep doing what you should.
Bible School Songs
God Is My Hero
Sign up, show up, join forces with God!
He’s the biggest hero of them all.
Stand out, give a shout. Show the world
what it’s all about.
He’s the biggest hero of them all.
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
God Is My Hero
Heroes bring help when you don’t see help
A hero steps up and points the way.
Heroes are humble and trust the Lord in
Heroes stand for truth and save the day.
Heroes stand for truth and save the day.
God Is My Hero
Have faith, speak truth, fight for what is right.
You’re never too young to join the cause.
Stand out, give a shout, show the world
what it’s all about.
You’re never too young to join the cause.
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
God Is My Hero
Heroes bring help when you don’t see help
A hero steps up and points the way.
Heroes are humble and trust the Lord in
Heroes stand for truth and save the day.
Heroes stand for truth and save the day.
God Is My Hero
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
H-E-R-O, God is my hero!
Bible School Songs
Jesus He’s the Way Maker
Jesus, He’s the way maker
Jesus, He’s the way maker
Jesus, He’s the way maker
He made a way for me
When that sun refused to shine
On that sinful heart of mine
Jesus, He made a way for me
Bible School Songs
I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing
I’m gonna sing, sing, sing
I’m gonna shout, shout, shout
I’m gonna sing, I’m gonna shout “Praise
the Lord!”
When those gates are opened wide
I’m gonna sit by Jesus’ side
I’m gonna sing, I’m gonna shout “Praise
the Lord!”
I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing
I’m gonna clap, clap, clap,
I’m gonna snap, snap, snap
I’m gonna clap I’m gonna snap “Praise
the Lord!”
When those gates are opened wide
I’m gonna sit by Jesus’ side
I’m gonna clap, I’m gonna snap “Praise
the Lord!”
I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing
I’m gonna jump, jump, jump
I’m gonna stomp, stomp, stomp
I’m gonna jump, I’m gonna stomp “Praise
the Lord!”
When those gates are opened wide
I’m gonna sit by Jesus’ side
I’m gonna jump, I’m gonna stomp “Praise
the Lord!”
I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing
I’m gonna whirl, whirl, whirl
I’m gonna twirl, twirl, twirl
I’m gonna whirl, I’m gonna twirl “Praise
the Lord!”
When those gates are opened wide
I’m gonna sit by Jesus’ side
I’m gonna whirl, I’m gonna twirl “Praise
the Lord!”
I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing
He’s My Rock
He’s my rock, my sword, my shield
He’s the wheel in the middle of the wheel
He’s the lily of the valley, the bright and
morning star
Makes no difference what you say
I’m gonna kneel right down and pray
I’m gonna serve my Jesus ‘til He comes
I’m Goin’ to heaven
I’m goin’ to heaven, can’t wait
Gonna see Jesus, can’t wait
Heaven’s so wonderful, so bright and fair
Praise the Lord, I’m going there
I’ll be there forever, can’t wait
Gonna leave never, can’t wait
So I know I won’t be late
I’m goin’ to heaven and I can’t wait
I’m goin’ to heaven and I can’t wait
Everybody Let’s Go!
Let’s go!
Let’s go!
It’s hot, we’re not
Gonna sit around bakin’.
Grab your towel.
Get your sunscreen.
Everybody’s headin’
for the beach.
Come on, let’s go!
It’s a Sonsurf
Beach Bash—yeah!
Everybody, let’s go!
White sand, cool tan,
Catch a wave and ride it in.
Build a castle, knock it down
Everybody’s headin’
for the beach.
Come on, let’s go!
It’s a Sonsurf
Beach Bash—yeah!
Everybody, let’s go!
So much to do,
So much to learn
About my Savior, Jesus.
He’s the Way, the Truth
and the Life.
He is the One who leads us.
Let’s go!
It’s a Sonsurf
Beach Bash—yeah!
Everybody, come on!
It’s hot, we’re not
Gonna sit around bakin’.
Grab your towel.
Get your sunscreen.
Everybody’s headin’
for the beach.
Come on, let’s go!
It’s a Sonsurf Beach Bash— yeah!
All our friends are gonna be there.
It’s a Sonsurf
Beach Bash—yeah!
Everybody, let’s go!
Let’s go!
Bible School Songs
Somewhere in outer space
God has prepared a place
For those who trust him and obey
Jesus will come again
And thou we don’t know when
The countdowns getting closer every day
Three and two coming thru the
Ten and nine eight and seven six and five
and four
Call upon the savior while you may
Three and two coming thru the clouds in
bright array
The countdowns getting closer every day
Bible School Songs