天天讚美主 P1 詞.曲:江錫銘

求主使我靠十架 在彼有生命水
Je-sus, keep me near the cross
There a pre-cious foun-tain
宝血由十架流下 白白赐人洗罪
Free to all, a heal-ing stream
Flows from Cal-vary’s moun-tain
十字架 Near the Cross
教會聖詩 #198
*十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glo-ry ev-er
我众罪都洗清洁 唯靠耶稣宝血
Till my rap-tured soul shall find
Rest be-yond the riv-er
2 我来到主十架前
At the cross I stood one day
Love and mercy found me
祂赐我圣灵亮光 照亮我的心田
There the bright and morn-ing star
Sheds its beams a-round me
*十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glo-ry ev-er
我众罪都洗清洁 唯靠耶稣宝血
Till my rap-tured soul shall find
Rest be-yond the riv-er
3 求主使我依十架 思念昔日情景
Near the cross! O Lamb of God
Bring its scenes be-fore me
常在十架荫庇下 紧紧跟主前行
Help me walk from day by day
With its shad-ows o’er me
*十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glo-ry ev-er
我众罪都洗清洁 唯靠耶稣宝血
Till my rap-tured soul shall find
Rest be-yond the riv-er
4 儆醒等候十架前 盼望信心加增
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait
Hop-ing, trust-ing ev-er
直到走完世路程 天家永享安稳
Till I reach the gold-en strand
Just be-yond the riv-er
*十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glo-ry ev-er
我众罪都洗清洁 唯靠耶稣宝血
Till my rap-tured soul shall find
Rest be-yond the riv-er