COAST RANGE DRIVER TRAINING PROGRAM & WORKBOOK UPDATED: FEB 22, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Section A: Driving Policies and Procedures Section B: Vehicle Bonus and Inspection Form Section C: Classroom Basics of the Road 1. Definitions. 2. Paperwork. 3. Rules of the Road for Safe Operation of Vehicles. 4. Vehicle Regular Service and Repair Work. 5.Towing Out. 6. Securing Loads. 7. Fuel Handling. 8. Driving on the worksite. 9. Reversing a trailer Section D: Historical Incidents. Section E: Historic Damage Section F: Daily Vehicle Log. Section G: Speed Kills! Reminders from the previous training Section H: Conclusions INTRODUCTION Background Information In an effort to continually improve our company we have updated the vehicle training program for 2014. In 2010 we had one major vehicle incident. Apart from that incident, our vehicle damage has continued to decrease in the past few years. With your consistent efforts throughout the season we can further reduce our vehicle damages in 2014. This season we will again be using Budget F350 Diesel trucks set up with 10-ply tires & bush bumpers. We believe these are the best possible vehicles for the job. They are more expensive to rent, but if we can take proper care of them, they will pay off for us. Other costs (personal & financial) associated with vehicle damage: Personal Injury & Loss of Life (unlimited personal costs) Lost time for planters, lost production Time spent on investigations / poor image with client Project downtime Lost vehicle bonus Frustrated Staff Missed Dead lines Increase in WCB rates Increased Insurance Premiums During the season we will notify (by email) all senior management of any accident that happened in the company to keep them current on incidents as a constant reminder. We will also track all incidents and kept clear records so that we can look at trends to determine causes and promote preventative actions. DRIVER TRAINING PROGRAM (2 PARTS) 1.Complete this online training session. Review this presentation, complete and submit the online test. 2.Complete the “hands-on” vehicle training with a Professional Driver Trainer in prior to season start-up. For Management this will be at Skimikin Nursery during the pre-season Management Training Sessions. For Crew Drivers this will be arranged prior to the start of the season. A. DRIVING POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS: Only personnel who possess ALL of the following qualifications will be permitted to operate Coast Range vehicles—WITHOUT EXCEPTION! Possession of a valid Driver’s license (appropriate class for vehicle) A current driver’s abstract submitted to, and approved by, Garth Hadley prior to start-up (need a new one every year). Successful completion of this Online Driver Training Program Successful completion of pre-season practical driver training with Professional Trainer Operating a Coast Range vehicle under ANY of the following circumstances may result in the immediate termination of the driver and/or management. Furthermore, the driver and/or management will be 100% responsible for any & all damage costs, if incurred, when operating a vehicle under ANY of the following circumstances: Driving a company vehicle without the above qualifications Driving a company vehicle under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs Driving a company vehicle without the permission of your Supervisor Making unscheduled and or unapproved trips with a company vehicle UNSAFE DRIVING WARNINGS & IMPACTS Upon the first report of unsafe driving, the driver will receive a verbal warning from their Supervisor. (Management Vehicle bonus may be affected.) If a second warning is warranted, it will be in writing and signed by the driver and/or Supervisor. At that point in time the driver’s job is on the line. (Management Vehicle bonus will be affected.) A third warning from a Supervisor will result in the immediate suspension of driving privileges and may result in the demotion of the driver or termination of the driver’s employment with the company (Management Vehicle bonus may be completely withheld.) A. DRIVING POLICIES & PROCEDURES 1) PERSONNEL INJURY (vehicle related), VEHICLE DAMAGE AND/OR NEAR MISS PROTOCOL All personnel injury (relating to vehicles) and damage to equipment or vehicles, including near misses, must be reported to the Supervisor & Garth Hadley immediately. The following chart outlines the actions required for each type of incident. Class Incident Action Driver to report to: 1 Near Miss Investigation Supervisor & Camp Safety Officer 2 Accident with other party Investigation, Impact to Vehicle Bonus, Possible demotion or loss of Job Supervisor & Garth Hadley 3 < $ 1,000 Investigation, Impact to Vehicle Bonus, Possible demotion or loss of Job Supervisor & Garth Hadley 4 > $1,000 Investigation, Impact to Vehicle Bonus, Possible demotion or loss of Job Supervisor & Garth Hadley A. DRIVING POLICIES & PROCEDURES 2) INFORMATION CIRCULATION All classes of vehicle damage information must be communicated to Garth Hadley at Garth will keep records for all incidents and circulate the information to other Supervisors. SPEEDING AND/OR THE UNSAFE OPERATION OF ANY COMPANY VEHICLE OR PERSONAL VEHICLE (on company/client limits) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL DIRECTLY AFFECT YOUR VEHICLE BONUS. THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TAKE WHATEVER ACTIONS ARE NESSESARY TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF ITS’ WORKERS. B. VEHICLE BONUS Management Vehicle Bonus System We want drivers to get their full bonus. We budget paying out the full bonus when we do our job costing. We would rather pay money to our drivers than incur costs related to safety violations & injury, avoidable accidents, equipment & vehicle damage and project downtime. Our goal is to pay out 100% of all vehicle bonuses in 2014. However, it is up to you to help ensure this happens. Total Possible Vehicle Bonuses Available: CB- Crew Bosses: %25 / production day C&D-Checkers & Deliverers: $15 / production day CD-Crew Drivers: $10 / production day Check Point Value ($/prod day) 1st Vehicle Inspection, start of the project CB: %7.50 C&D: $2.50 CD: $2.50 2nd Vehicle Inspection & Driver Review, mid season CB: %7.50 C&D: $2.50 CD: $2.50 3rd Vehicle Inspection, Driver Review, Damage Assessment, end of season – at Exit meeting (Sections A – E of the vehicle inspection report) CB: %10.00 C&D: $10.00 CD: $5.00 Total Possible Vehicle Bonus CB=%25 / C&D=$15 / CD=$10 B. VEHICLE BONUS Management Vehicle Bonus System Each vehicle will be inspected 3 times by your Supervisor and/or Garth during the season, and will affect the amount of Bonus paid. The Supervisor & Garth Hadley will base the Final Inspection on an assessment of the condition of the vehicles (clean, no body damage, no motor & transmission damage, no excessive undercarriage damage, vehicle paperwork being competed (log book complete, REGULAR SERVICE DONE ON VEHICLE—RECEIPTS SUBMITTED TO SUPERVISOR); accident protocol must be followed at every occurrence (see attached “Accident Protocol Flow Chart”). B. VEHICLE BONUS (VEHICLE INSPECTION FORM) B. VEHICLE BONUS MANAGEMENT VEHICLE BONUS SYSTEM Tire and front windshield wear and damage will not be considered when calculating the vehicle bonus. If the driver has a major accident or does vehicle damage greater than $500.00 (tires and front windshield not included) the driver’s final potential bonus will be $ 0.00 A final review of the Vehicle Bonus will be part of the management payment process with the Supervisor and Garth Hadley. You will not receive your vehicle bonus until all bills have been received from the rental companies. This can take some time—I.e. late July or August. The daily bonus will be re-started between spring & summer projects. THIS INFORMATION IS INCLUDED IN ALL COMPANY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTS. C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 1. Defensive Driving: I. The Law (Legal Element) Rules and regulations that apply to a (i) commercial motor vehicle; (ii) school bus; (iii) personal vehicle operation All drivers are governed by, and must comply with the Highway Traffic Act (HTA). Drivers are not expected to be familiar with all aspects of the HTA; but drivers are required to be aware of, understand, and abide by the portions of the act that apply to the driver, the driver’s vehicle and cargo which the driver carries. This would include: The mechanical condition of the driver’s vehicle (is the vehicle safe to drive) Driver’s physical and emotional condition (is the driver fully alert and physically able to drive) The security of the load which the driver is carrying or pulling (roof rack cargo, truck bed cargo and/or trailer cargo) The visibility of the driver’s vehicle and visibility from the vehicle (lights, mirrors, windows) Licenses, validation stickers and insurance II. The Driver (Human Element) As experienced drivers, we are confident in our knowledge and abilities. As a result, many of us feel we can deal with anything. No matter what the problem, mechanical failures, bad weather, poor roads or bad drivers, we believe we can deal with the situation and survive. Overconfidence such as this is common among people who are thoroughly familiar with their work. If you think about it though, it’s a pretty arrogant and potentially dangerous attitude to take. The basic human factors that affect our ability to drive safely are Attitude, Mental and Emotional State, Physical State and Knowledge. TRAINER DISCUSSION: Attitude Mental/Emotional State: Fatigue (Tiredness), Stress (Emotional Strain), Complacency, Emotions Physical State: Physical Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep, The Sleep/Wake Cycle, Minor Illnesses/Injuries, Major Illnesses, Hearing, Drugs and Alcohol C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 1. Defensive Driving: III. The Vehicle (Mechanical Element) Vehicle inspection Basic vehicle control Factors that affect steering Stopping and handling TRAINER DISCUSSION: Pre-trip Inspection, Vehicle Control: -acceleration, -shifting, -braking, -steering, -anti-lock brake systems (ABS) Following Distance: -centre of gravity, -centrifugal force, -handling Vehicle Physics IV. The Environment Inside the vehicle Road surface conditions Traffic and weather conditions TRAINER DISCUSSION: Inside the vehicle Weather conditions:-light conditions, -night driving, -headlights, -rain, -freezing rain, -fog, -snow, -wind Road surface conditions: -potholes, -hydroplaning, -flooded roads, -wheel ruts, -washboard, -shoulders, -road debris, pavement markings V. Driving Defensively: Accident Prevention use of mirrors turning procedures signs and signals passing intersections expressway driving backing procedures C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 2. Paperwork: Vehicle paperwork must be completed on a daily basis, it is the law. You will be liable for any and all the fines, that are the result of failure to produce the proper paperwork. VEHICLE BINDER Always ensure the vehicle binder is in your vehicle and contains the appropriate information, (review actual binder contents) The binder belongs in the vehicle at all times, IT SHOULD ONLY BE REMOVED upon return of the vehicle to the Rental company. BE SURE TO GET A COPY OF THE RECEIPT FOR ALL WORK THAT IS DONE ON YOUR VEHICLE. THIS RECEIPT SHOULD GO DIRECTLY TO YOUR SUPERVISOR WITH THE UNIT NUMBER CLEARLY VISIBLE. You must complete any damage, accident or vehicle transfer reports (review binder contents) as per instructions in the binder Always complete your daily circle check (morning and night). MANY VEHICLE DAMAGES RESULT IN NOT DOING YOUR CIRCLE CHECK—LOOSE LUG NUTS, SOFT TIRES, HANGING MUFFLERS, LEAKS, ETC. GENERAL Always have your drivers license with you if you are operating a vehicle The driver must be able to fully complete all aspects of the following paperwork and demonstrate the ability to complete a comprehensive circle check (Check Pass or Fail for each item). C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 3. Rules of the Road for Safe Operation of Vehicles: Client Policies Before the contract begins the Supervisor must ask the client if there are any specific driving rules or procedures that they should be aware of. It is the Supervisor’s responsibility to communicate these rules and regulations to his/her staff. Seat Belts You and all of your passengers MUST WEAR a seat belt at all times while driving in a company vehicle—NO EXCEPTIONS!!. It is the law. Maximum Speed The maximum speed of travel in a company vehicle on a bush road is 70 km/hr or the posted limit. The maximum speed of travel in a company vehicle on the highway is the posted limit. Actual driving conditions may reduce the acceptable maximum speed of travel on bush roads & highways. SPEEDING IS THE #1 CAUSE OF VEHICLE ACCIDENTS IN THE COMPANY Smoking All vehicles should be non smoking! Set the policy early and lead by example (i.e. Supervisors can’t smoke in their trucks either!) Safe Driving is Everyone’s Responsibility During the Camp Safety & Orientation Day the Supervisor will make a personal commitment to safe driving. The Supervisor will tell the camp that each person has the responsibility to report unsafe driving to the Supervisor, the Safety Officer. If anyone is driving unsafely, the Supervisor & Garth must be aware of the problem and action will be taken. It is very important that at the beginning of the season that all persons in camp are versed on the dangers of bush road driving. Personal vehicles are a significant hazard to safety and the drivers must understand the basics of our safety standards. Personal vehicles must follow in a radio-controlled convoy while traveling on active bush roads. Personal Vehicle Drivers. Anyone wishing to use a Personal vehicle during the season MUST review and sign the “SOP—Bush Driving for Personal Vehicles” and submit a signed copy to their Supervisor. This SOP is on the “Pre-Season” page and your Supervisor will have copies available at start-up. C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 3. Rules of the Road for Safe Operation of Vehicles: Backing-up a Vehicle Drivers must sound their horn twice quickly before reversing any vehicle. A high percentage of our vehicle damage is a result of hitting objects when in reverse. You will forfeit your entire vehicle bonus and it will effect your end of season performance review & bonus if any damage or injury is caused by improperly backing-up a vehicle. This is an avoidable incident. Drinking, Driving and Illegal Drugs Driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal. The management will appoint designated drivers if drivers are required on the night off. Keys Keys must be removed from the vehicle when in town or during in-camp nights off. Keys should never be left attached to the vehicle (in the gas flap, under the bumper). The last driver is responsible for the care of the keys and respective vehicle. Keys must be kept in a safe place and all management should designate a common location, (i.e. Key box in the office at camp) Key Points & Review: The use of the word accident is inherently misleading. Accident by definition means that an incident is unavoidable. What we are trying to get across is that problems that occur with Coast Range’s drivers are in fact avoidable. A better word may be “a preventable” or “avoidable incident”. It is necessary to communicate to drivers that they can avoid being put in dangerous situations by driving more safely, responsibly and carefully. Make sure people know where you are. Do checks on your vehicle daily. Make sure you have the equipment that you need. (Spare tire, jack-all, chains, shovel, etc.) Wear your seat belt and ensure all passengers are belted. Keep your sights high and wide in order to anticipate danger. Drive according to existing conditions. Adapt speed accordingly. Slow down for: fog, dust, loose gravel, boulders, potholes, washboard, sand, wet clay, soft shoulders, grader working. Investigate flooded roads before proceeding. Be careful when turning around. The most common method of getting stuck is trying to turn around in a bad spot. Get out and check the area where you plan to turn around. C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 3. Rules of the Road for Safe Operation of Vehicles: Key Points and Review (cont’d): Approaching a grader: Slow down. Make sure the grader driver knows you are there (use your radio to communicate with him, if possible). Wait until driver signals you before you pass. Be sure that it is safe to enter the oncoming lane before you pass the grader. Be careful crossing the line of gravel that the grader leaves. Haul Trucks: Be sure to keep the noise down in your vehicle so you can hear the radio and anticipate when haul trucks are coming. It is just as important that they know you are coming. You must use your radio and call every 2 kilometers. Look for a safe “pull-out” and wait for the truck to pass. Continue on only when the dust has settled and you are sure that it is clear. Radio your position again before you pull onto the road. Animals: When you see an animal, brake, slow down and/or stop if you can without risk to vehicles behind you. If there is no traffic and no danger of colliding with any other object, steer around the animal, staying in control of your vehicle. Distractions: The Driver must be free of distractions. Co-pilot will operate 2-way radio calling km’s and truck stereo. Music must not be loud enough to distract the driver. Passengers will not distract the driver verbally or physically at anytime during travel. Always stay right on hills. There is a legal center-line on bush roads. Drive within your capabilities and that of your vehicle. See and be seen. Use headlights at all times. Reduce speed to increase warning time. Radio Usage: Co-pilot will operate truck radio for traffic communication & handheld radio for company communication. Be clear on your client’s expectations on radio use. As a company rule, call out your position every 2 kilometers. Use the radio to call out a description of who you are, where you are and what you are doing. (I.e. “Pick-up, Up Bear at 6.”) Be sure to listen for other on the road and pull-over for larger vehicles. Anyone found not using their radio properly will be subject to discipline and loss of management or driver bonus. Radio Checks: Each time a convoy of vehicles leaves camp or the block, a radio check must be completed to ensure that all vehicles are on the proper channel and that clear communication is established. Co-pilot will operate truck radio and company handheld. Passing Equipment at Roadside: When approaching any heavy equipment that is working at roadside, come to a complete stop at least 35 meters back from the machine. Make sure you get the attention of the operator (use your radio to communicate if possible) and the machine comes to a complete stop. Always make sure that you establish eye contact with the operator and that he/she signals it is safe to pass. C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 3. Rules of the Road for Safe Operation of Vehicles: SPACE: is something that a driver must always be aware of whether he/she is backing up, following a haul truck, pulling over to the side, or passing another vehicle etc. When a driver knows his/her space, he/she understands the limits of where the vehicle can move. Be very careful to provide sufficient space when traveling in convoys! Sleepy Drivers: are a common cause of our vehicle accidents. Analyze the situation and decide if the task can wait until the morning. If something really must get done at night, work in pairs. If it is impractical or impossible to work in pairs then “know your limits.” If you can’t keep your eyes open you can’t drive. Pull off and take a power nap. Work efficiently during the day. Avoid the allnighters. You can accomplish more when you are rested and thinking clearly. Empty vs. Full Vehicles: A fully-loaded SUV or truck will handle differently than an empty one. The rear end of an empty vehicle will tend to “slide out” more than a full one when cornering. An empty vehicle also tends to spin its rear tires if starting on an uphill. Back vehicles into their parking spots at night & parking pointing in the direction of escape on the block: Not only does it look professional; it will be much easier to drive out in the morning without having to back-up with foggy windows and planters stumbling around. Park vehicles pointing in the direction of escape to prepare for the possibility of an emergency exit. Night Driving: Avoid night driving whenever possible. Operating a vehicle at night greatly increases your change of personal injury and damage to the vehicle The Cowboy Days Are Gone… You have a serious responsibility to ensure the safety of your passengers. No one thinks that you are the coolest because you drive the fastest. You won’t feel like much of hero if you find yourself upside down in the ditch with the blood of 7 planters on your hands. Driving too fast and out of control truly upsets people and is an extremely serious offense that will lead to termination of employment. Be efficient and make up time by being organized; NOT by driving fast. Whether it’s your first day on gravel roads or you are a wily veteran, take it easy. It will take a while for you to feel comfortable driving on gravel roads. (Even if you have experience, remember that it has been many months since you’ve been driving on logging roads). If you start to feel “too comfortable” driving on logging roads, take a moment and make sure that you are driving safely. NEVER FORGET THE SERIOUS RESPONSIBILITY THAT DRIVING BRINGS WITH IT!! C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 4. Vehicle Regular Service & Repair work: Have a licensed shop (Ford Dealer for Budget Units) service your vehicle every 5,000 km (Oil, Lube, Filter & Air Filter). Your Supervisor will instruct you on where to take your vehicle to be serviced. You are responsible for your vehicle, so you must remind your Supervisor that your vehicle needs service and plan to do it on the day off. MANY OF OUR UNECESSARY VEHCILE CHARGES ARE RELATED TO NOT DOING REGULAR SERVICE AND NOT HAVING ANY RECEIPTS FOR SERVICE. BE SURE THAT YOUR SUPERVISOR GETS A RECEIPT FOR ANY WORK THAT IS DONE ON YOUR VEHICLE—THIS IS CRUCIAL AND WILL AFFECT YOUR BONUS. Wash your vehicle on every day off—THE UNDERCARRIAGE AND BRAKES ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT. All rental vehicles are covered by warranty if they have less than 60,000 km.. CHECK TO SEE IF IT IS WARRANTY WORK FIRST. Road side assistance should be covered by the manufacturer if you break down on the highway, however it does not apply on bush roads. 5. Towing Out (Getting Equipment unstuck): Keep your cool, don’t get frantic Avoid night driving (2x easier to get stuck, 4x harder to get unstuck) how to pull out a vehicle with another vehicle(s), demonstrate how to hook-up chains & ropes, what part of the truck, demonstrate how to jack-up a truck, demonstrate (jack-all & hydraulic jack) don’t leave any slack in the rope or chain / keep people away in case the rope breaks avoid getting under the vehicle don’t keep spinning the wheels, call for help get out and walk an area first if you think you may get stuck put truck in 4WD before you get stuck ensure the vehicle has no damage and is cleaned off once unstuck C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 6. Securing Loads: how and when to use a tie-down straps, demonstrate how and when to use chains, demonstrate how & when to use rope, demonstrate where to tie-off how to secure propane and gas checking loads (ALWAYS) unloading heavy items /types of ramps 7. Fuel Handling (TDG): Must complete the TDG & WHMIS requirements and test at TDG Placards (when required) – reference load sheet (see attached) Always transport Propane cylinders standing up Do not fill Gerry cans in the bed of a pick-up truck. Fill them on the ground and then load into truck to avoid static electricity charge. how to secure propane and gas (always tie down) Always transport fuel in the open bed of a truck (never inside an enclosed area) Gasoline can no longer be transported in 45 Gal Drums, only Diesel in 45 Gal Drums. Water & Dirt in the fuel is the Number 1 cause of vehicle malfunction—keep Gerry cans water tight! Improper Fuel Type (Gas vs. Diesel) is the Number 2 cause of vehicle malfunction. Be sure of which fuel you are using. C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 8. Driving on the worksite: Driving a vehicle is a major part of executing your job as a member of Coast Range’s management team. Driving on the block can be a hazardous part of your day and requires that you pay special attention. There are a number of elements that you must look out for on the block. You must not pass planters on the block in excess of 20km/hr. This is the law! Drive at a much slower speed than normal. Roads on blocks are not maintained and usually much narrower. Keeping close watch of any workers that may be on the road or at a tree cache. It is very easy to get stuck in soft landings. There is usually no shoulder on these roads. Keeping as eye out for animals as the block is often their home or former home. Block roads can change from good to bad very quickly. Wash outs can be very deep and often not marked. Heavy sticks can be kicked up and hit a bystander or the side of your vehicle. DO NOT RUN OVER LOGS OR ROCKS ON THE ROAD—TAKE THE TIME TO MOVE THEM! Do not take vehicles down roads if you know there is no turn around spot. Be careful when approaching tree caches as there could be someone under the tarp or near it. Park your vehicle so that it is pointing in the direction to leave the block—you never know when you will need to leave in an emergency situation. C. CLASSROOM BASICS OF THE ROAD 9. Reversing a trailer: D. HISTORIC INCIDENTS Description of Incident: Supervisor had head on collision with quality checker. Vehicles met around a corner – both were speeding and in the middle of the road. Results: Supervisor had concussion (walked away). Client checker had multiple broken bones (pelvis, femur) – hospitalized for 8 weeks. Very nearly a fatality. Both trucks were write-offs (<$40,000.00) WHAT WENT WRONG? Speed, driving in middle of road (stay to the right on corners and when cresting hills). Driving when angry – super & checker had just had a fight and were returning to talk to one another. D. HISTORIC INCIDENTS Description of Incident: Supervisor was driving, talking on phone and taking a number at same time. Slipped off the road at very slow speed (<50 km/h). Results: Truck was a write-off (<$40,000.00) WHAT WENT WRONG? Driver Distraction….Not paying attention to driving (talking on phone, writing…could be loud music, driver passing something to a passenger, etc.) D. HISTORIC INCIDENTS Description of Incident: Driver was reaching for a water bottle in the back seat. Road was being graded (had berm in the centre) and sun was shining in the driver’s eyes. Vehicle flipped off the road at approx. 60 km/h Results: Several planters received minor injuries. Driver sustained long-term back injury. Resulted in +$34,000 in WCB injury claims! Vehicle was write-off (+$20,000) Lost production WHAT WENT WRONG? Driver Distraction & Not Adjusting Speed….Not paying proper attention to driving & not adjusting speed for conditions. (Reaching for a water bottle when someone else could have done that. Driving too fast for a road that was in the process of being graded and sun conditions). E. HISTORIC DAMAGE Here are some of the vehicle damages charged to Coast Range by our Rental Companies in the past: •Backing-up accidents in town parking lots, in camp and on the block. •Wheel damage due to lug-nuts that are not checked and become loose!!!! •Running into obstacles in town (fences, drive-thrus, parked cars). •Under-carriage of truck destroyed by driving too fast on a very rough road. •Body dents and scratches on doors, panels, roof…caused by careless planters. •Oil changes not done by us during season / Air filters not cleaned or replaced •Broken and damaged tailgates and bumpers. •Destroyed brakes due to neglect during season—drums need to be cleaned every day off on all vehicles. •Replacing missing tires—returned with no spares or wrong spare. •Missing jacks and tire irons—lost during season. •Coffee stains and cigarette burns on seats. •Missing mud-flaps, bumper shrouds and door trim. •Broken mirrors. •Truck Boxes that are cracked and worn from canopies / paint scraped by loose ties downs from canopies LET’S MAKE SURE WE TAKE CARE OF THE VEHICLES AND PUT THE MONEY INTO YOUR BONUS, NOT THE RENTAL COMPANY! F. VEHICLE DAILY LOG Coast Range vehicles are all commercially licensed vehicles. This means that by law, you are obligated to complete a “Vehicle Log” on a daily basis. We have moved away from the log books that the trucking industry uses to using our own more simplified form called the “Vehicle Daily Log”. This form is designed to be less onerous and you are expected to complete one form for each shift during the season. You will only receive your Vehicle Bonus is you are diligent in keeping your Vehicle Daily Log up to date and actually use it to ensure the safe operating condition of your vehicle. (Just filling it out every 5th day in the hotel room is not acceptable). Log Book documentation is a proven statement of the drivers’ willingness and attempt to operate that vehicle with all safety standards in mind. *IMPORTANT POINT - FILLING OUT THE LOG BOOK ON A DAILY BASIS IS THE FIRST STEP TO SAFE DRIVING AND IT IS THE LAW TO DO SO. F. VEHICLE DAILY LOG – PAGE 1 F. VEHICLE DAILY LOG -- PAGE 2 G. SPEED KILLS!! A Review of ICBC Information The following slides were presented at the 2007 Management Training and serve as valuable reminders to the dangers of driving too fast! To speed or not to speed… that is the question. IS IT WORTH THE RISK TO SPEED? 50 KM ROAD TRIP (100 km/hr speed limit) OBEY SPEED LIMIT DRIVER 15 km/h OVER Total Driving Time 30 minutes 26 Minutes Increased crash risk? NO YES Amount of fine $0.00 $115.00 Driver Penalty Points 0 3 Risk of increased insurance premium due to a crash? NO YES Additional stress? NO Watching for police Fear of radar traps Increased risk of killing yourself or others How much time do you save by speeding? Only 4 minutes! DECIDE To STOP 10 m 20 m 80 km/h REACTION: 22 m 85 km/h REACTION: 24 m 90 km/h REACTION: 25 m 100 km/h REACTION: 28 m 110 km/h REACTION: 31 m 120 km/h REACTION: 33 m 30 m 40 m 50 m 60 m 70 m 80 m 90 m STOPPING DISTANCE: 34 m STOPPING DISTANCE: 38 m STOPPING DISTANCE: 43 m STOPPING DISTANCE: 47 m STOPPING DISTANCE: 63 m STOPPING DISTANCE: 76 m * vehicle shown in proportion to actual stopping distances SPEED OF IMPACT 44 km/h SPEED OF IMPACT 77 km/h SPEED OF IMPACT 96 km/h - FATAL CRASH SEVERITY (1) Crash at 90 km Crash at 120 km A vehicle crashing at 120 km/h creates a force of impact 84% higher than one crashing at 90 km/hour. An increase of only 30 km/h nearly doubles crash severity! THE FASTER WE DRIVE The less time and distance we have to react The more our field of vision is effectively reduced (need more information to keep up with the rate of travel) Vehicle responsiveness and stability are reduced; brakes, tires, steering and suspension become less effective In the event of a crash, the violence of the impact is dramatically increased H. CONCLUSIONS Once you complete the online test that accompanies this training, you have completed the first part of Coast Range’s annual driver training. The second part of the annual driver training will be a practical session with a Professional Driver Trainer at the Management Training at Skimikin or in Kamloops (for Crew Drivers). Please remember that you will need to submit the following to Garth ( before you start work: Copy of your valid driver’s licence A current driver abstract (your driving record from your province) Confirm attendance at Management Training or Crew Driver Training. The Last Word… I trust that you take your responsibility for safe driving with the extreme seriousness that it deserves. Many people are counting on you to drive safely. I believe that driving is the biggest responsibility that I can place upon you, and I want to do my best to prepare you for it. Be calm, be prepared, and think ahead. Most of the damages and accidents come from rushing, taking short cuts, frustration and poor planning. Put safety first by being prepared and organized. “THINK FIRST. THEN DRIVE.” I wish you all a very safe and profitable season, and may you all EARN all of your vehicle bonus. Garth Hadley, Director, Coast Range Contracting Ltd.