Driver Education Study Guide: Chapter 7

Chapter #7
Study Guide Answers
CHAPTER 7 Searching and Giving Meaning
A. Match the following terms by placing the letter of the clue in the right column
next to the item in the left column.
1. visual acuity
a. gives three-dimensional perspective
to objects
2. field of vision
b. estimating distance between yourself
and an object
3. area of central vision
c. ability to see clearly
4. peripheral vision
d. what you see looking straight ahead
and at an angle to the left and right
5. depth perception
e. vision clearest in a narrow coneshaped area directly in front of you
6. distance judgment
f. enables you to notice objects and
movement to the side
B. For each sentence below, circle T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
Correct each false statement in the space below.
About 90 percent of all decisions that you make while driving are based on
information gathered with your eyes.
A color-blind person cannot legally drive.
False - A color-blind person can safely and legally drive.
When driving at night, you should increase your following distance by 1 second.
False - At night, increase your following distance to a minimum of 3 seconds.
You should switch on your high beams in city traffic.
False -You should switch on your high beams on long stretches of empty highway
or open country roadways.
The light from an oncoming vehicle’s headlights cause your eyes’ pupils to
become larger.
False - An oncoming car’s headlights cause the pupils of your eyes to become
What are the colors of a traffic light hung vertically (top to bottom)?
Red, Yellow, Green
What are the colors of a traffic light hung horizontally (left to right)?
Red, Yellow, Green
C. FIND OUT MORE. Look in your state driver’s manual OR your notes from the first week
of class.
What visual acuity do you need to pass the vision test?
In order to pass the vision test, you must have 20/50 visual acuity in at least one eye with or
without corrective lenses. If you pass the test using corrective lenses, you will have a
restriction on your license indicating that you must wear these corrective lenses while
2. What can be done to get your license if your visual acuity is low?
If you fail the test, you will have to visit your doctor and complete Form ST-14.
Sound, Balance, and Touch
A. Match the Key Term on the left with its definition on the right.
b 1. backward pitch
d 2. forward pitch
c 3. roll
a 4. yaw
a. the spinning action resulting from the back tire sliding sideways
toward the front tire
b. a transfer of weight to the rear of a vehicle; the result of rapid
c. the feeling that occurs after a vehicle goes through a left-right
combination turn on a corner.
d. a transfer of weight to the front of the vehicle; the result of
rapid deceleration.
B. For each sentence below, circle T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Correct
each false statement in the space below.
1. The sense of hearing is not crucial for driving successfully.
False - The sounds of the road and the vehicle offer the driver important information.
Passengers, cell phones, and loud music diminish your situational awareness.
2. Drivers with hearing loss can compensate by wearing hearing aids and relying more on
their sense of vision.
3. If you begin a turn by quickly and sharply turning the wheel, the vehicle will roll
only a little and will remain stable throughout the turn.
False - Quickly and sharply turning the wheel will create a good deal of roll and
could possibly destabilize the vehicle during the turn.
4. Sudden steering or braking maneuvers affect rear-vehicle balance and may
result in the loss of tire traction.
5. Out-of-balance tires cause increased wear on all steering and suspension
FIND OUT MORE. The next time you are in a vehicle, take notes on the types
and number of sounds you hear.
How will paying attention to these sounds make you a better driver?
What information do the sounds communicate?
Study Guide for Chapter 7 Lesson 3
Scanning, Searching, and Sensing
A. For each topic sentence below, give examples of how you would apply scanning,
searching, and sensing. Imagine that you are actually driving. What will you be
specifically looking for and doing?
Look ahead, not down.
Looking ahead for curves, intersections, stop signs, stop lights, brake lights, closed lanes,
and merging traffic.
Keep your eyes moving.
Continually change what your eyes are looking at: switch from the road far ahead to close
by, to the mirrors, to the speedometer, to the off road areas, and back to the road.
Get the big picture.
Look at the whole scene: the flow of traffic, the pedestrian traffic, school buses, children,
heavy traffic, weather conditions, signs.
Make sure that others can see you.
Drive with low beam headlights on, stay out of other drivers blind spots, tap your brake
lights when slowing, signal intention to turn 100ft in advance.
Leave yourself a way out.
Keep aware of all space around you. Have the lane to the left or right of you open in case you
have to move to avoid a collision. Have enough space in front of you to stop safely.
B. FIND OUT MORE Interview someone you know who drives and look in Chapter 5 of your NJ
Driver Manual.
1. Ask the person what information he or she collects about the road while driving in order to
avoid collisions?
2. List and explain the three (3) steps of the standard collision-prevention formula?
 Be Alert – Never think the other motorist will not make a driving mistake.
 Be Prepared –Learn what to do in any situation when you have to act fast, and always expect
the unexpected.
 Act in Time – Try not to panic. Know what to do if something happens suddenly.
Giving Meaning
A. For each sentence below, circle T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Correct
each false statement in the space below.
1. Giving meaning is a mental process that has to do with understanding what you perceive
with your senses.
2. Giving meaning requires your full, undivided attention while driving.
3. Traffic situations are always predictable.
False - Any traffic situation will change constantly and hazards can occur at any time.
4. Driving in familiar areas requires the same amount of attention as driving in less familiar
5. Commentary driving involves “saying” aloud what you sense in real-world traffic
List the five factors that affect your ability to give meaning to a driving scene.
Your alertness.
The time it takes you to process traffic events.
Irrelevant information that might distract you from processing important traffic events.
Your previous driving experiences
Your expectations of traffic events.
C. FIND OUT MORE. Imagine that you are driving on a crowded road and are about to
make a left turn at a busy intersection. Develop a plan for giving meaning to events
that might occur at the intersection (consider, for example, the possibility of
pedestrians crossing the street against the light.)
1. Where should you be looking?
2. What should you be looking for?
 At the light, waiting for the green.
 Across the intersection, to make sure
oncoming traffic is stopped or also
turning left.
 To the left for traffic running the red
light and pedestrians crossing against
the light.
 To the right for traffic running the red
light and pedestrians crossing against
the light.
What are the three (3)
Classifications of Distraction?
•VISUAL - Eyes off the road
•COGNITIVE - Mind off the road
•MANUAL - Hands off the steering wheel