
Of the San Blas Islands
Created by Barbara Finkle
The San Blas Islands are located in the Caribbean Sea
off of the coast of Panama.
It is close to the equator, so it is very hot there.
There are many kinds of fish
in the sea surrounding the
San Blas Islands.
Coconut trees grow all
over the islands.
Bamboo is abundant on the
nearby coast of Panama.
The Kuna people build their
homes out of bamboo and
coconut fronds.
They get the bamboo from
the mainland of Panama
and the fronds from trees
on the islands.
Homes cost about $100 to
build and last about 10 years.
The Kuna people eat lots of fish from the sea and coconuts from
trees that grow on the islands.
They own some land
on the coast of Panama
where they grow bananas
and other tropical fruits.
The Kunas also buy
food like beans and rice
because they can be
stored without refrigeration.
There is no refrigeration because
there is no electricity on the islands.
Kuna women wear colorful
clothing and beads around
their ankles and wrists.
They are known for their
colorful mola blouses, which
they sew by hand out of many
pieces of cloth.
They also wear gold jewelry
on special occasions.
The jewelry is made by
pounding gold into flat
pieces and then cut into
Wooden boats are carved from trees found on the
coast of Panama.
Kuna men make baskets
from plants found on the
coast of Panama.
Kuna Chief and His Wife
Medicine Man
The medicine man uses special
wooden dolls for healing.
The Kuna Indians sell colorful mola
panels to tourists.
People from all over the world collect molas.
Berta Alicia Avila, a Kuna woman from Suitupu, 1997.
Photo by Mari Lyn Salvador.
Molas, Ann Parker, Barr Publishing, New York