Continents and Hemispheres

Continents, Hemispheres &
Mr. Johnson
• North America-located above South America and beside
Europe. It is located in the northern and western
• South America-located under North America and beside
Africa. It is located in the southern and western
• Africa-located under Europe and beside Asia. It is also
located in the northern and eastern hemispheres.
• Antarctica-located at the bottom center of the earth
below all of the continents. It is located in the southern
and western/eastern hemispheres.
• Australia-located below Asia and above Antarctica. It is
also located in the southern and eastern hemispheres.
• Asia-located beside Europe and above Australia. It is
also located in the northern and eastern hemispheres.
• Europe-located between North America and Asia and
above Africa. It is also located in the northern and
eastern hemispheres.
Northern Hemisphere
• The Equator and Prime Meridian slice the earth into
different hemispheres of halves. The Northern
Hemisphere is all of the earth lying north of the equator.
• Located completely in the Northern Hemisphere are
North America, & Europe. Partially located here are
Africa, Asia, & South America.
Southern Hemisphere
• All areas south of the Equator are in the Southern
• Most of South America and part of Africa is located in the
Southern Hemisphere. All of Australia & Antarctica are is
located in the Southern Hemisphere.
Western Hemisphere
• The Western Hemisphere is the left vertical half of the
earth, west of the Prime Meridian.
• North and South America are in the Western
Hemisphere. Antarctica is in both the Western & Eastern
Eastern Hemisphere
• The Eastern Hemisphere is the right vertical half of the
Prime Meridian.
• Most of Europe and Africa are in the Eastern
Hemisphere, but a small part of their western areas are
in the Western Hemisphere. Antarctica is in both the
Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
• Oceans are great bodies of water that covers more than
70% of the earth’s surface and come together around
the continent of Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere.
• The major oceans of the world are the Atlantic, Pacific,
Indian, and Arctic. Oceans can affect the development of
a region such as to encourage fishing and trade, and can
influence the migration and settlement of people. It can
also affect weather, climate, and the living conditions of
Pacific Ocean
• The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean. It
covers 63,800,000 square miles or about one-third of
the earth’s surface. It is so vast that the Pacific could
hold all the continents and stretches about 11,000 miles.
• North & South America lie to the east of the Pacific, and
Asia and Australia are to the west. To the north, the
Baring Strait links the Pacific with the Arctic Ocean.
Atlantic Ocean
• The Atlantic Ocean meets the Arctic Ocean to the north.
It covers about 31, 530,000 square miles.
• The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean. Europe
& Africa is to the east and North America and South
America are on the west.
Indian Ocean
• The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Atlantic. It
covers about 28,356,000 square miles.
• Africa borders it on the west and Australia and
the East Indies on the east.
Arctic Ocean
• The Arctic Ocean lies at the top of the world
north of Asia, Europe, and North America. The
Arctic Ocean covers about 3,662,000 square
• On the west, Bering Strait links it with the
Pacific. On the east, it merges with the Atlantic.
Content Questions
• 1. What are the names of the seven
• 2. Name the two continents that are located
completely within the Southern Hemisphere.
• 3. What two continents are located
completely within the Northern Hemisphere?
• 4. Name the continent located completely
within the Northern & Western Hemispheres.
• 5. Name the continent located completely
within the Southern & Eastern Hemispheres.
• 6. Name the four oceans.