OLTENIA WINE-GROWING REGION Viticulture represents a traditional occupation with deep roots in the culture and civilisation of the Romanian people, with significant role in the economy and agriculture of Romania. Oltenia wine-growing region, through its multiple micro-climates and soils types, but also a complete scale of wine types (white, red and aromatic, distilled of wines) and the culture of table grapes are arguments that Oltenia should be named a veritable wine-growing Romania, in miniature, occupying in the present almost 1520% from the Romania wine-growing area. Romania Europe Oltenia region 21. Sâmbureşti Vineyard 22. Drăgăşani Vineyard 0.14-Tg. Jiu 0.17-Poiana Cruşetu 23. Dealurile Craiovei Vineyard 0.15-Segarcea 24. Severinului Vineyard Olt 0.36-Drăgăneşti- 35. Vineyard Dacilor 36. Calafat Vineyard 37. Sadova-Corabia Vineyard The power of tradition and the pedoclimatic offer from this vast amphitheatre, offered by the natural frame of the Oltenia relief has led to the place for centuries in these area of some piedmontan vineyard (Dragasani, Samburesti, Dealurile Severinului, Craiovei, Dealurile Drancei), danubian vineyards (Dacilor, Calafat, Sadova-Corabia, Severinului), also independent winegrowing (Segarcea). In the wine- growing region of Oltenia, at the beginning of the XX-th century, were cultivated 34 local – traditional varieties (Gordan, Braghina, Corbul, Seina,Vulpea), selected along time by winegrowers, many of them can be still met today in culture. To this genetic inheritance, will be added along time over 14 wine types, a wine varieties (examples Haiduc, Pandur – for red wine; Cramposie, Cramposie sectionata for white wine), a table varieties (Victoria), a varieties for raisins (Calina) and of rootstock type (Dragasani 37 and Dragasani 57) creations of researches for the Experiment Station of Wine- growing Researches Dragasani and the Department of Horticulture of Craiova University. TABLE VARIETIES OF GRAPES BUCURESTI Early Muscat STEFANESTI Golden HAMBURG Muscat Victoria Chasselas dorè FRESH SEEDLESS VARIETIES PIETROASA CENTENARY PERLETTE OTILIA CALINA Grape varieties for white wine types Grape varieties for red wine types