ENERGY FLOW THROUGH ECOSYSTEMS THE FLOW OF ENERGY HEAT ENERGY (Lower Energy, Longwave) INPUT ENERGY (Higher Energy, Shortwave) WORK ENERGY (Higher – Lower Energy) ENERGY CONVERSION PROCESS (Physical or Chemical) Dr. Jeffrey R. Corney, Managing Director of the University of Minnesota’s Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve ENERGY FLOW Global Net Primary Productivity NASA ENERGY FLOW Key to Productivity: Energy & Water (…and Nutrients) Wikipedia Annual Mean Solar Energy Intercepting Surface of Earth NASA ENERGY FLOW Eco-Regions of Earth OCEAN LAND ENERGY FLOW Total Global Net Productivity Ecosystem Type OPEN OCEAN TROPICAL RAIN FOREST TEMPERATE DECIDUOUS FOREST SAVANNA BOREAL CONIFEROUS FOREST CONTINENTAL SHELF AGRICULTURAL LAND TEMPERATE GRASSLAND WOODLAND & SHRUBLAND ESTUARIES SWAMPS & MARSHES DESERT SCRUB LAKES & STREAMS TUNDRA (ARCTIC & ALPINE) EXTREME DESERT per R.H. Whittaker Average Global Net Primary Productivity (billion kcal/yr) ENERGY FLOW Global Net Productivity per Unit Area Ecosystem Type ESTUARIES SWAMPS & MARSHES TROPICAL RAIN FOREST TEMPERATE DECIDUOUS FOREST BOREAL CONIFEROUS FOREST SAVANNA AGRICULTURAL LAND WOODLAND & SHRUBLAND TEMPERATE GRASSLAND LAKES & STREAMS CONTINENTAL SHELF TUNDRA (ARCTIC & ALPINE) OPEN OCEAN DESERT SCRUB EXTREME DESERT per R.H. Whittaker Average Net Primary Productivity (kcal/m2/yr) ENERGY FLOW THE BIG IDEA: Solar Energy… How Stuff Works …Builds Organisms, Powers Life Functions, and Drives Earth’s Water, Carbon, Oxygen & Nutrient Cycles ENERGY FLOW Food “Chain” vs. “Food Web” Science Bob ENERGY FLOW Trophic Levels ENERGY FLOW Trophic Levels as “Food Web” ENERGY FLOW Trophic Level Pyramids ENERGY FLOW U of Virginia Trophic Pyramid to Eltonian Energy Transfer Pyramid The starting point is PHOTOSYNTHESIS ENERGY FLOW Photosynthesis Cellular Level World Book Encyclopedia ENERGY FLOW Photosynthesis in Chloroplasts ENERGY FLOW Site of Photosynthesis: Chlorophyll ENERGY FLOW The Calvin Cycle The Simple Home School ENERGY FLOW Product of Photosynthesis ENERGY FLOW Transfer of Energy from Sun to Cell From here… …to here! ENERGY FLOW Biological Energy Storage & Release PHOTOSYNTHESIS ENERGY (in) + 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 “Sugar” Solar Energy > ATP AEROBIC RESPIRATION C6H12O6 + 6O2 “Sugar” 6CO2 + 6H2O + ENERGY (out) Chemical Energy > ATP J. Corney ENERGY FLOW Conversion of Photon Energy to Work HEAT ENERGY (Lower Energy, Longwave) INPUT ENERGY (Higher Energy, Shortwave) WORK ENERGY (Higher – Lower Energy) ENERGY CONVERSION PROCESS (Physical or Chemical) ENERGY FLOW Where It All Begins… NOTE: 1 Watt = 1 Joule/second 1 Joule = 0.00024 kcal 1kcal = 1 Calorie The Sun Radiates 63,000,000 W/m2 of Energy from Its Surface into Space ENERGY FLOW Then, On to Earth… (93 Million Miles in about 8 Minutes) 1,367 W/m2 or 0.002% of the Sun’s Total Energy Output Reaches Earth’s Orbit ENERGY FLOW Earth’s Sphere Intercepting Energy 343 W/m2 or 0.0005% of the Sun’s Total Energy Output Enters Earth’s Atmosphere ENERGY FLOW Earth’s Gross Solar Insolation Wikipedia Annual Mean Solar Insolation Intercepting Top of Earth’s Atmosphere ENERGY FLOW Earth’s Energy Budget 49% REFLECTED 51% RE-RADIATED 51% ABSORBED Jason Project 175 W/m2 or 0.00025% of the Sun’s Total Energy Output Is Absorbed by Earth’s Surface ENERGY FLOW Solar Spectrum Reaching Earth 343 W/m2 High energy, short wavelength Sun REACHING EARTH 343 W/m2 LEAVING EARTH Nonionizing radiation Ionizing radiation Cosmic rays Gamma rays Far Near Visible ultraviolet ultraviolet waves waves waves X rays 10% 10-14 Wavelength in meters (not to scale) 10-12 W/m2 10-8 103 REFLECTED BY ATMOSPHERE & SURFACE Low energy, long wavelength 50% 10-7 Near infrared waves Far infrared waves microwaves TV waves Radio waves 40% 10-6 W/m2 10-5 175 ABSORBED BY EARTH’S SURFACE 10-3 W/m2 10-2 10-1 65 ABSORBED BY ATMOSPHERE & CLOUDS 1 ENERGY FLOW Net Solar Insolation at Surface Wikipedia Annual Mean Solar Insolation Intercepting Surface of Earth ENERGY FLOW Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Sun High energy, short wavelength REACHING EARTH LEAVING EARTH Nonionizing radiation Ionizing radiation Cosmic rays Gamma rays Far Near Visible ultraviolet ultraviolet waves waves waves X rays 10% 10-14 Wavelength in meters (not to scale) 10-12 10-8 Low energy, long wavelength 50% 10-7 Near infrared waves Far infrared waves microwaves TV waves Radio waves 40% 10-6 10-5 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 AVAILABLE FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS (PAR) Global Annual Avg. = 70W/m2 [0.0001% of Total Solar Energy Output] Range (latitude/season) = 0 - 240W/m2 [e.g. = mid-lat./summer = 160W/m2] ENERGY FLOW Cross-Section of Energy for 1-m2 (4-month Summer Growing Season)* 160 W/m2 Average PAR during Summer at 43oN = 160 W/m2 1 Watt = 1 Joule/second 1 Joule = 0.00024 kcal 160 W/m2 1 kcal = 1 Calorie 160 W/m2 160 W/m2 *Over a four-month summer season in a Temperate Deciduous Forest at 43oN Latitude (generalized from Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest study) 0.04 kcal/sec/m2 J. Corney ENERGY FLOW Energy Flow Into an Ecosystem 400,000 kcal/m2 * (Summer Avg. = 160 W/m2) SOLAR ENERGY POTENTIALLY AVAILABLE FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS *Over a four-month summer season in a Temperate Deciduous Forest at 43oN Latitude (generalized from Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest study) J. Corney 390,000 kcal/m2 Absorbed by Earth and re-radiated as heat ENERGY FLOW Energy Flow Through an Ecosystem ECOSYSTEM PRODUCERS 6,000 700 10,000 kcal/m2 70 10 100 1o 2o 200 SOLAR ENERGY 3,000 10,000 kcal/m2 CONSUMERS 1,000 7 3o 20 3 DECOMPOSERS 3,223 HEAT ENERGY J. Corney ENERGY FLOW Energy Flow Through a Trophic Level AVAILABLE from PRODUCERS 1,000 kcal (from ~1,000 plants/m2) CONSUMED by PRIMARY CONSUMERS (1o) (for ~100 grasshoppers/m2) 10 kcal Feces 2 kcal 7 kcal Respiration HEAT 1 kcal DECOMPOSERS J. Corney Growth AVAILABLE for SECONDARY CONSUMERS (2o) 1 kcal X 100 grasshoppers = 100 kcal (for ~10 birds/m2) ENERGY FLOW Primary Productivity GROSS PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY (GPP) uses available (PAR) Solar Energy, Water, and Carbon Dioxide to produce Glucose Range = 0.01% - 5% of PAR (2.5% average) [~ 0.00000005% of Total Solar Output] Mr. G’s NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY (NPP) = Glucose produced during photosynthesis (GPP) – Glucose used during plant Respiration (R) Range = 20% – 60% of GPP (40% average) Mr. G’s ENERGY FLOW Secondary Productivity GSP ranges from 20% to 90% of Incoming Food Energy Mr. G’s NSP ranges from 1% to 40% of Incoming Food Energy Mr. G’s ENERGY FLOW Efficiency of Energy Transfer INGESTION EFFICIENCY: Energy Consumed as Food Herbivores = 5% - 50% (25% average) Carnivores = 25% - 100% (60% average) ASSIMILATION EFFICIENCY: Energy Digested & Absorbed (- feces) Herbivores = 20% - 50% (30% average) Carnivores = 70% - 90% (80% average) PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY: Energy Used to Grow Biomass Invertebrates = 30% - 40% (35% average) Vertebrates: Ectotherms = 5% - 15% (10% average) Vertebrates: Endotherms = 1% - 2% (1.5% average) TROPHIC-LEVEL ENERGY TRANSFER EFFICIENCY: Available for Next Consumer Trophic-Level Energy Transfers = 2% - 24% (10% average) > “The 10% Rule” ENERGY FLOW Energy Transfer Eltonian Pyramid Tertiary Consumers 0.0025% of PAR 0.010% of GPP available Secondary Consumers 0.025% of PAR 0.10% of GPP available Primary Consumers 0.25% of PAR Primary Producers 10% of GPP available Net Primary Productivity (NPP) = 1.0% of PAR or 40% of GPP Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) = 2.5% of PAR Solar Energy Available for Photosynthesis (PAR) = 100%* J. Corney *Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) = 40% of Net Surface Solar Insolation ENERGY FLOW Example from Actual Temperate Forest McGraw Hill ENERGY FLOW Example from a Sub-tropical Ecosystem Wadsworth Click and Learn Pearson ENERGY FLOW Examples from Other Ecosystems Mr. G’s Mr. G’s ENERGY FLOW Examples of Actual Efficiencies SIDE BAR A Human at Rest Uses… 1,200 Calories/day or 5,000,000 Joules/day or 60 Joules/second …just for Respiration! McGraw Hill NUTRIENT CYCLING Then There’s the Carbon Cycle… Animals & Dead Material Dept. of Energy N UTRIENT CYCLING ENERGY FLOW Carbon Cycling Through an Ecosystem ECOSYSTEM CO2 CO2 PRODUCERS OTHER SOURCES C6H12O6 1o CONSUMERS 2o CO2 3o DECOMPOSERS C6H12O6 SOIL “SINK” J. Corney N UTRIENT CYCLING ENERGY FLOW Energy Flow & Carbon Cycling J. Corney FOR NEXT TIME… Nitrogen Cycle Linked to Carbon Cycle Dept. of Energy Wikipedia WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE SOIL? Dr. Jeffrey R. Corney, Managing Director University of Minnesota Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve 2660 Fawn Lake Dr NE East Bethel, MN 55005 (763) 434-5131 Trophic-Level Energy Transfer Eltonian Pyramid Decomposers Tertiary Consumers Secondary Consumers Primary Consumers Primary Producers Solar Energy Available for Photosynthesis (PAR) J. Corney ENERGY FLOW PRODUCERS CONSUMERS 1o SOLAR ENERGY 2o 3o DECOMPOSERS HEAT ENERGY J. Corney ENERGY FLOW PRODUCERS 6,000 700 10,000 kcal/m2 CONSUMERS 1,000 2o 200 SOLAR ENERGY 70 100 1o 3,000 10,000 kcal/m2 20 10 3o 7 3 DECOMPOSERS 3,223 HEAT ENERGY J. Corney CARBON CYCLE CO2 CO2 PRODUCERS OTHER SOURCES C6H12O6 2o 3o DECOMPOSERS C6H12O6 CO2 ATMOSPHERE 1o CONSUMERS SOIL “SINK” J. Corney