CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide areas in participating to the CovenANT of Mayors New opportunities for a sustainable development: Second generation industrial areas Erica Holland, Project Manager Unioncamere del Veneto IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Coordinator: Regional Association of Veneto’s Chambers of Commerce (IT) Contact person: Erica Holland +0039 041 099 9411; Partners: Forgreen S.p.a. (IT) Clusterland Upper Austria Ltd. (AT) S.O.L.I.D. Company for Installation of Solar and Design (AT) BULGARIAN INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (BG) Erato Holding (BG) Italian-Slovak Chamber of Commerce (SK) P.S. Elmont (S) NBank (DE) Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (DE) IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Unioncamere del Veneto works to promote initiatives to boost the development of green economy: • Increasing the renewable energy sources market • Creating new opportunities for investements IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Second generation warehouses is the key word of the Green Blue Energy Factory project, which will represent the passage from warehouses fuelled by fossil fuel to a second generation of industrial and commercial buildings IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels The project promotes the concept of “GREEN-BLUE-ENERGY FACTORY”: industrial and commercial buildings equipped with single or combined renewable energy sources, able to provide electricity or heating/cooling for the air conditioning of premises, as well as for the business activities housed therein. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels The expected results The project will trigger investments in di GBE FACTORIES for a total of 21 MW (Electricity / Heating/ Cooling) IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels GBE Factory aims at: Boosting invetsments; Abating costs linked to the consumption of energy for heating/cooling of the warehouses and /or for the productive activities inside and/or selling the surplus to the nieghbouring companies of the same industrial area. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels The companies from the Supply side (installers/productors of RES plants/technologies like ESCOs, EPCs) will benefit of: Real business opportunities (ESCOs or EPCs) Taking part in matchmaking events for matching the demand/supply of RES IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels The companies from the Demand side of GBE Factories will be able to : Benefit from business models developed by the project Benefit from a prefeasibility assessment for better decision making Gaining contacts with ESCOs, EPCs, investors and installers; Increase their visibility IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels BUSINESS MODELS IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Business Models: • • • • • Closed district trigeneration Open district trigeneration Self production Waste platforms self production Open Self production consortium IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Condensing boiler Photovoltaic plants Chiller 1°: Closed district trigeneration: a GBE factory is located in a given firm industrial area supplying to all firms heating, cooling and electricity Chp Firm Firm Firm Firm GBE factory Firm Firm Energy sub station IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Example: Binario Project (Padova) Re-qualification project Power plant is situated in a 120.000 sqm commercial area with 46 commercial companies-users with a similar energy use. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Power plant 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Binario Project (Padova) closed district trigeneration The best generation and distribution technology 30 years energy supply contract for every single building Energy is sold by an ESCO with an average guaranted discount of 15%. CHP Absorption Chiller Condensing Boiler Photovoltaic Heat pump District heating substation. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop 14 – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Binario Project (Padova) closed district trigeneration District heating incentivation can be applied to the project. (fiscal incentivation, efficiency bonuses,...) Hig efficiency and green energy generation provides: a) Evironnemental improvement effects b) High energy class certification c) Facilitate buildings selling operation for real estate IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels 2°: Open district trigeneration: GBE factory is located in a given firm district and its energy production is not only suppling the local needs, but also external firms need's. Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm GBE factory Firm Firm IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels 3°: Self production: the GBE Factory is located inside the firm satisfying its energy needs and selling out the surplus Firm GBE factory Solar thermal CHP fuel cell IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Example: Murcia Pharmaceutical company Warehouse of a pharmaceutical company in Murcia (Southeast Spain), compelled to maintain the internal temperature below 25°C. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels With a solar air conditioning system of 2.2 MW, the company reduced the energy consumption by 70% IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels The case of NUNCAS (Italy) The Nuncas company manufactures products for home cleaning and care, and has always been very careful on renewable energy source innovation. In 2009 it won the award “Ecotech 2009-11 edition4TH Category” for the enterprises that are excellent in eco-friendly behaviors. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels A “passive building”, equipped with several renewable energy systems: - photovoltaic plant (135 kWp) able to provide energy to the entire building. - There is a heating pump. - The entire plant is completely automatic, and it is equipped with a system that is able to check and notice the employment of energy sources for the production of electricity, heating and cooling. - The electric light is regulated by a presence detector as well, and natural lighting is exploited through adjustable chimneys. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels In total the amount of CO2 emissions avoided is around 302 tonnes/year. The plant has also obtained in 2009 the certificate of Regione Lombardia of Class A building What would happen to your industrial areas if groups of companies adopted this model? IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels The case of Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria (Germany) The Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria is a 4 stars city hotel with 69 rooms situated in Freiburg. Since 2002 the hotel became a zeroemissions building (based on the CO2 value), due to the constant and continuous application of modern solar, eolic and many other environmental friendly technologies. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Main technologies involved: 3 heat insulating panels were built in the windows of the entire building; The rear building was completely insulated in 2009 and an impressive primary energy requirement of only 82 kWh/m2 was reached; Intelligent air supply units, through which an inflow of tempered air is possible, were integrated in the face of the building; The heat for warm water and heating is up to 100% produced by only renewable energy: a wood-pellet heater combined with a thermal solar collector. The thermal-solar energy plant with a collector area of 30 m2 supports the warm water production. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Ground water cooling: a pump ensures 10 to 13 degrees cold water from a depth of about 16 to 20 meters from the water well located in the hotel courtyard and supplies the heat exchanger system. The cool water circulates through a pipe system into the room for being then released back to the ground (well) with a maximum temperature of 16 degrees Celsius through an injection pipe, where it drains away and cools down. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels 4°: Waste platforms self production: in a waste management activity the GBE factory transforms part of the waste into enegy to supply the management process and logistics IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Logistics Firm GBE factory Biogas 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels 5°: Open Self production consortium Partners together with their customers can join a network, providing for all of their production, consumption and resources needs. The extra energy production can be sold to other subjects external to the network. IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels The paderno network, Milan (Italy) 5 companies of the same industrial area installed 5 PV plants sharing a single grid. Each company invested in the common project, aiming at tackling a common problem: the high consumption of electricity. SMART GRID FOR SMES IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Final considerations Among the benefits of second generation industrial areas there are: – – – – IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Economies of scale: supplies, logistics, costs Negotiation power with suppliers and providers Smart use of energy Joint guarantees and insurance 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels Final considerations ...What if the virtuous change came from the industry? IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide areas in participating to the CovenANT of Mayors Thank you for your attention! IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 1st International Workshop – “Big changes start in small towns” - June 21st 2012 - Brussels