Worldwide Review – PowerPoint

LUMA Light Show
Worldwide Review
United States (Mainland)
Other endorsements
United States (Mainland)
San Francisco, CA
Delighted by lights in ‘Luma’
by Robert Hurwitt
It isn‘t every show where the master of ceremonies asks
audience members to turn their cell phones on. But it’s a rare
show that sets its audience to waving glowing cell phones as if
they were cigarette lighters at a retro rock concert. Or that turns
a theater full of adults into a bedlam of kids batting about
luminous beach balls in the dark. Darkness and light are the
primary elements of “ Luma ,” a strange, often enchanting touring
theatrical light show that opened Friday at the Victoria Theater.
Small green-glowing strings skitter into place, extend themselves
and gradually assemble into a stick figure that dances about.
Beaming colored balls trace intricate patterns in the dark.
Luminous umbrellas open and close rhythmically, floating like
jellyfish in a black sea. Light sticks, glow-in-the-dark staffs and
twinkling multicolored hoops create vivid swoops, swirls,
pinwheels and explosions of light.
“ Luma ” is the latest incarnation of a constantly evolving show
that Marlin, its one-named creator, has been working on since
1988. A skilled juggler who became fascinated with patterns of
light, Marlin created the show for a series of spiritual workshops
in Hawaii, redeveloped it…
San Francisco Chronicle
Description: Northern California’s largest
newspaper. Founded in 1865, the paper
grew along with San Francisco and was the
largest circulation newspaper on the West
Coast of the United States in 1880. Today
only the Los Angeles Times exceeds the
paper’s circulation on the West Coast,
while the paper is ranked 21st by
circulation nationally
Publication Day: Daily
Market Served: San Francisco Bay Area,
distributed throughout Northern and Central
Circulation: 312,118 daily, 354,752
San Francisco, CA
Everything Is Illuminated
by Frances Reade
OK, so a lot of us don't really like hippies. The problem, though, is
that every now and then they're right. Health food, yoga, and
even the Grateful Dead have survived years of derision only to
become acceptable pleasures within the clearheaded, cynical
straight world. Recalling the humble pie we've all occasionally
eaten with respect to this easily maligned subculture, I ask you to
tune in, turn on, and reconsider ... the light show. Judging from
those laser spectacles soundtracked with Pink Floyd and the
irritating predominance of glow sticks, it might seem wise
to avoid any nexus between illumination and, like, illumination,
man, but there's where you're wrong, because the performance
art of Luma is rad. Created by a man named Marlin who claims to
have been "birthed on a live volcano next to a glowing lava flow,"
the show transpires onstage, conducted by acrobats,
contortionists, and other circus types bearing, wearing, and
wielding all manner of high-tech light-emitting devices. If you've
sanded away your sense of wonderment, stay home, but if you
still get a metaphysical kick out of fireflies, the northern lights,
shooting stars, and screen savers, you're encouraged to attend.
SF Weekly
Description: San Francisco's smartest
publication. It cherishes its political
independence: The paper has repeatedly
challenged massive public subsidies for
private developments by leading San
Francisco business interests. Add to its
array of public-interest stories a
comprehensive entertainment guide--led by
incisive, award-winning writing on the
cultural scene--and it has acquired a loyal
audience of active, urban professionals, an
audience as diverse as the city it covers.
Publication Day: Every Wednesday
Market Served: San Francisco Bay Area
Circulation: 85,046
Charleston, SC
'Luma' delights with light
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
By Diane Sprung
Producer Marlin greets his full audience at the very onset of "Luma." He
announces the names of his talented and hardworking cast. They are Greg
Kennedy, Shana Kennedy, Adam Zeisler, Jan Brotman, and of course, Marlin.
He says we can't read in the dark anyway so there is no program. Then with
house lights still on, he expertly juggles balls and rings, garnering lots of
laughs with his patter. He explains he is doing this while the cast is filling up
the stage with dark. Then the house grows black.
Black is the absence of light. Nonetheless we remain in the void at
Physicians Auditorium, not to stare at a moonless night, but to wait for
illumination with expectations of wonderment and delight. "Luma" conceived
and directed by Marlin, does not disappoint. As part of the Piccolo Theatre
Series, this is a show for all ages. The true stars here are the many stories
told by the colored streamers and shapes of light shimmering on the stage.
Accompanying the magic is music ranging from classical to just plain weird
noises. Some of the lights swirl in slow motion, gradually gaining speed until
they become a blur of paint. Little green worm-like figures dart into view,
along with fish, soft moth wings and a strange but fascinating chaos toy.
Friendly ghostly figures fly out over the audience.
"Luma" never releases our attention. The whimsy is in constant creative
movement and you realize the amount of coordination necessary for this
type of entertainment is phenomenal.
The Post and Courier
Description: The oldest daily newspaper
in the South and the eighth oldest
newspaper still in publication in the United
States. It is one of the three largest papers
in the Palmetto State
Publication Day: Daily
Market Served: Charleston
Circulation: 85,854 daily, 95378 Sunday
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
by Gareth Davies
It's true- some of the best experiences in life happen in the dark.
LUMA is the theatrical equivalent of the aurora borealis, as six
shadowy figures present a light show that is as beautiful as it is
dramatic, a Fantasia with torches, the music ranging from
classical to contemporary. The most interesting dance sequences
are the less literla, more abstract ones, such as those involving
flourescent geometric figures and lengths of glowing rope, though
the 'underwater' sequences with black light puppets will keep
children entertained too. It's witty clever, unusual and thorugh
hardly intellectually challenging, very pretty and great fun. …
The List
Description: an Edinburgh-based
fortnightly entertainment event
listings magazine first published in
It contains listings, news and
reviews of film, music, shopping,
books, comedy, clubs, art, sports,
LGBT, food & drink in and around
Publication Day: Fortnight
Market Served: Scotland
Circulation: 50,000
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
By Sarah Willcocks
How the five performers mangae circus tricks in the pitch black is
anyones guess. Using glow in the dark balls and tubing, the
invisible performeres create an eye opening show of light. Hosted
by Marlin, a one time busker from Houston, he amiable delivers
the flashy opening by showign us just how many ways it's
possible to juggle three orange balls. He's spot on with the quip: "
I guess you are waiting for something else to happen." But then
we are plunged into the darkness and Marlin's theatre of light
starts to glow. The worlds of natural, artificial and metaphysical
light are the inspiration as the stage illuminated with fireflys,
fireworks or tropical fish. A neon matchstick man brings
unexpected humour as his conception and disintegration are
depicted. Also impressive is the geometry scene-three
dimensional solids turn in space making the performance area
look like a giant screensaver. The soundscape, ranging from a
classical orchestra to a lone cackle of manic laughter adds to the
mystique. Out of the dark, Luma pulls more tricks than a magician
out of his hat.
The Stage
Description: a weekly British
newspaper founded in 1880.
Covering all areas of the
entertainment industry but focused
primarily on theatre, it contains
news, reviews, opinion, features
and other items of interest, mainly
to those who work within the
industry. An important publication
for actors throughout the country, as
it contains regular advertisements
for available jobs and provides an
opportunity for various acts to
promote themselves to agents and
Publication Day: Every Thursday
Market Served: UK
Circulation: 34,000
Light Show
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
By John Berger
Many interesting things have been banned from local school campuses in
recent years -- POGs, Pokemon cards, spaghetti-strap tops and that song by
Na Leo that mentions "the Lord," to name four. By this time next year,
Slingerzz will almost certainly have been added to the list.
Never heard of Slingerzz? They go on sale in Hawaii tomorrow when "LUMA:
Theatre of Light" opens at the Hawaii Theatre. Marlin, the single-name
creator of "LUMA," also invented Slingerzz, and he had some with him when
we met at Compadres on Monday to talk about the show. Marlin didn't bring
out the Slingerzz until after the interview was over. The fun began when he
Slingerzz are among those extremely simple, why-didn't-I-think-of-this? toys
-- coils of flexible lime-green tubing, each with a straight 5-inch-long handle.
In theory, they're easy to use, but require some practice to master. Marlin
made it look deceptively easy as he slung one so that the end wrapped so
tightly around a chair leg that he could pull the chair to him. Then he threw
one so that it wrapped around an object several yards away, and slung
another around his outstretched fingers to create geometric patterns familiar
to yo-yo aficionados.
Promoter Tim Bostock and I were far less adept. People watching from
across the restaurant were fascinated anyway.
Marlin said "LUMA" offers a similar sense of involvement and entertainment.
" The audience has the opportunity to play with some of the illuminated
objects that we're using," he said. "We also break the fourth wall a lot where
we come off the stage and out into the house with some of the effects."
Honolulu Star Bulletin
Description: based in Honolulu,
Hawaii, United States, is the second
largest daily newspaper in the state
of Hawaii. The Honolulu StarBulletin, and a sister publication
called Midweek, is owned by Black
Press of Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada. The newspaper is
administered by a council of local
Hawaii investors.
Publication Day: Daily
Market Served: Hawaii
Circulation: 64,073 Morning,
60,158 Sunday
‘Luma’ Brightens Spirits of Audiences of All Ages
Monday, December 23, 2002
By John Berger
Who hasn‘t played with light in the dark -- sparklers, flashlights, glow-sticks
or the ever-popular laser-pointer? There’s something inherently entertaining
about light in the dark even for adults. How else to explain the popularity of
elaborate aerial fireworks on New Year‘s Eve and the Fourth of July?
Start with the basics, add fluorescent “black light” effects, an eclectic musical
score and lots and lots of juggling illuminated objected in the dark, and you
have “LUMA: Theatre of Light,” a hit with the kids lucky enough to see one of
the four performances at Hawaii Theatre over the weekend.
The adults in the house for the Saturday night show seemed to leave in
brighter spirits as well.
Flashlights, self-illuminated objects, puppets, a metal grinder’s wheel,
colored stage lights, illuminated beach balls and various other items were
used to create a variety of “light in the dark” effects. Some were abstract -- a
“live” representation of a giant oscilloscope was especially dramatic. Other
effects were used to tell short stories or suggest comic situations. A stick
figure defined by luminescent green lines appeared in several vignettes and
became a recurring character.
An “underwater” segment featured colorful Day-Glo puppets -- a giant clam,
hammerhead shark, starfish and a mother octopus defending her baby from
a foolishly aggressive fish. A similar number introduced an “invisible” man
wearing a fluorescent “zoot”-style hat and jacket…
Honolulu Star Bulletin
Description: based in Honolulu,
Hawaii, United States, is the second
largest daily newspaper in the state
of Hawaii. The Honolulu StarBulletin, and a sister publication
called Midweek, is owned by Black
Press of Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada. The newspaper is
administered by a council of local
Hawaii investors.
Publication Day: Daily
Market Served: Hawaii
Circulation: 64,073 Morning,
60,158 Sunday
Other Endorsements
Other Endorsement
“Pure utter beauty… in all its mythical, philosophical and playful wonder.”
- NPR Radio
The show is figuratively and literally illuminating. It never fails to amaze”
- The Chicago Tribune
“A shining example of creation, quite simply out of this world.”
- The Herald (UK)
NPR Radio
The Chicago Tribune
The Herald (UK)
Description: Served as a national
syndicator to 797 public radio
stations in the United States. NPR
produces and distributes news and
cultural programming. In a Harris
poll conducted in 2005, NPR was
voted the most trusted news source
in the U.S.
Description: a major daily
newspaper based in Chicago.
Formerly self-styled as the "World's
Greatest Newspaper", it remains
the most read daily newspaper of
the Chicago metropolitan area and
the Great Lakes region and is
currently the eighth largest
newspaper in America by circulation
Description: a broadsheet
newspaper published Monday to
Saturday in Glasgow, and available
throughout Scotland. As of July
2009 it had an audited circulation of
55,707, giving it a lead over
Scotland's other 'quality' national
daily, The Scotsman.
Broadcasting Type: Public Radio
Market Served: United States and
the rest of world
Publication Day: Daily
Market Served: Chicago
Circulation: 516,032 Daily
898,703 Sunday
Publication Day: Daily
Market Served: Scotland
Circulation: 55,707
Other Endorsement
The Tonight Show debuted in
1954. Jay Leno followed Carson
and would be followed by Conan
O’Brien in 2009.
Luma on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
The show, taped in Los Angeles,
follows the standard talk show
format, with monologue, skits,
celebrity and musical guests.
Some of the more popular
features include Monday’s
Headlines, in which Jay displays
amusing news headlines, and
Jaywalking, during which Leno
hits the byways to interview the
Man on the Street – with hilarious
Other Endorsement
Siegfried & Roy are two German-American
entertainers known for their long running
show of magic and illusion in Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA.
The duo gave their final performance on
February 28, 2009 after a hiatus of over five
Their show was famous for including white
tigers, and due to their dependence on white
tigers for their act, the duo started a tigerbreeding program.
Siegfried & Roy Endorsement Letter
Other Endorsement
A playbill from the
Dominica Republic
A billboard of LUMA at the Isle
of Capri Casino
Corporate collateral flyer