Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops

Adding COOL to our Video Services in the
world of Over-the-Top
April, 2011
• We all know the viewing habits and consumption of
entertainment & information is changing quickly for the young,
middle-age, and even some older consumers.
• Faster Broadband as an enabler
• The quality of video streaming over the Internet
• Open standards are driving rapid development
• Over-the-top video (OTT) providers
• Content providers
• IPTV hardware connecting OTT content to televisions
• Content is King
• Broadband is now more than ever a NEED-TO-HAVE service
• The i-Pad is a game changer….The Daily from News Corp.
• The Three Screens
• TV Everywhere
• Any content, on Any screen, Anywhere
• Authentication to access certain content
• Multi-Video Service Provider without owning a network
• If Content is King then Advertising is the Queen
• Content Creators
• Content Aggregators
• Content Distributers
• Customer purchase decision – Both-And NOT Either-Or
• Streaming multimedia over unmanaged networks like the
• Adaptive Rate Encoding – HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
• Benefits of HTTP for streaming video
• Video-on-Demand transition to Content-on-Demand
• Akamai and Google Cache
• Pushing content closer to the consumer
The Opportunities for Cable Operators
• Opportunities for cable operators in the IPTV streaming
• Cable Operators App for iPhone, iPad, Droid, or PC.
• Streaming to i-Pad and SmartPhones
• Quick entry options for TV Everywhere
• Small Capital Investment before revenue stream becomes
• Transition to in-house back office systems as revenue streams
are proven
The Opportunities for Cable Operators
The need for a new CPE
• Legacy Motorola Conditional Access Platform and IPTV
• Old proprietary Set-Top platform limitations to next generator
of IPTV delivery
• Application development
• Arcadia testing
• How we squeeze more out of legacy Set-Tops (more on EBIF in a bit)
• Standards work underway at CableLabs
• Ethernet distribution within the home
• New Program Guide
• What SIMULCAST means
The Opportunities for Cable Operators
A new way to delivery IPTV over existing HFC/FTTH Networks
• Next Generation delivery of MPEG video over DOCSIS
• IP streaming from Headend to IP Simulcast Gateway
• Headend requirements
• Next Generation CMTS bypass architecture
• The IP Simulcast Gateway functionality
• DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem for Zoom
• e-MTA for Armstrong Telephone
• IP Gateway for Zoom Share
• Receive legacy video QAMs using CableCard for decryption
• Receive next generation of DOCSIS QAMs
• Whole Home DVR
• Security system, camera, and home automation interfaces
The Opportunities for Cable Operators
A new way to delivery IPTV over existing HFC/FTTH Networks
• IP Simulcast
Gateway will enable a new era of revenuegenerating services.
• Targeted advertizing and search revenue
• Video commercials, banner ads, and other forms of highly
targeted advertizing
• Ad Insertion at the home
• Switched Mutlicast and requesting streams…learning viewing
habits for marketing
• Vendors in this space
• CableLabs standards development
Life Still left in Legacy Set-Top boxes
• Whole-Home DVR
• Internet Widgets
• Even with legacy Set-Top box limitations, they can’t be ignored
since we have multi-millions of dollars invested in them
• Embedded Binary Information Format (EBIF)
• The Remote User Interface
• i-Pad could go down in history as a tipping point for video
• EBIF applications for existing Set-Tops
• Existing Set-Top box limitations (DCT 2000s)
Remote User Interface on an i-Pad for Legacy Set-Tops and Home Gateway
Examples of the Remote User Interface on an i-Pad
Watch a movie trailer
Quickly Access the Internet Movie Database Site
Read Interesting Trivia
iPad To IP Remote Web Server
 Simple API over Web Services interface
 Fetch Catalog (get guide information)
 Select Channel
 Channel Up
 Channel Down
 Get Device Status (get current channel, etc.)
 Device Status Notification
 Channel Change Notification
Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops
• Personalized applications that offer compelling
and diverse content to your subscribers.
• Eleven news categories, local weather and weather from
any zip code in the US, a personal stock portfolio and
business news and much more…
Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops
• Personal stock portfolio with any
stock from any US exchange.
Personalized Stock Portfolio allowing
users to track any stock from any North
American exchange. Business headlines
and major indices updated throughout
the day.
For Operators:
Sticky application with default settings
for local companies.
For Media Sales:
Affluent, self selecting audience is
perfect target for finance and stock
trading companies.
For Programming:
Highly competitive business news
category. Opportunity to cross platform
with established portfolios and brands.
Usage Profile:
Low Impact, good repeat usage among
portfolio owners.
Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops
• A new advertising ecosystem for the
cable industry.
Seeding mechanism for new ad inventory
of thousands of categories, new
advertiser base (8,000 in San Juan, PR),
and context for valuable VOD verticals.
For Operators:
Positions the operator as the source of
local search on TV.
For Media Sales:
Migration of hundreds of new advertisers
to the platform. Up sell of VOD product yr
Wealth of features: click to call, RFI, Buy
Button, telescoping, etc.
For Programming:
Non-traditional partnership with print or
online publishers migrate their
advertising base for share of revenue.
Usage Profile:
Low impact. 85% of those who use YP
buy a product.
Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops
• Search, bid, buy. Synchronized ebay
accounts across all platforms.
Search, bid, be alerted when auction or
watch list changes, regardless of what
you’re watching on TV.
For Operators:
Widget that allows MSO to partner with
company having world wide name brand
For Media Sales:
Targeted advertising opportunity to place
ad in front of consumer shopping for such a
product. Opportunity for VOD telescoping
to products or merchants.
For Programming:
Potential product placement connections.
Usage Profile:
Low impact. Consistent use of alerts.
Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops
• Fantasy sports trackers for
football, baseball and basketball.
Real-time player level data with
personalized rosters, games, teams,
leader boards, stat lines for Football ,
Baseball, and Basketball Tracker are set
with local or regional teams as defaults.
For Operators:
The stickiest application for avid sports
fans. Competitive offerings already in
For Media Sales:
Ownership of fantasy sports trackers is a
unique opportunity and valuable position.
Consumer product companies, fantasy
sports companies, auto, beverage, etc.
For Programming:
Obvious partner opportunities for
unbound and bound applications. Some
already in marketplace.
Usage profile:
High usage, up to 45% of market, using up
to 19 minutes per session.
Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops
• Custom widget for high school,
college and pro sports teams.
Create team widgets for advanced
coverage of local teams, including high
school, college and professional teams.
For Operators:
More local than anything satellite can
For Media Sales:
Opportunity for sponsors to tie
themselves to local and national sports
For Programming:
Unique opportunities at a local level to
take advantage of community loyalty.
Usage Profile:
Consistent and high. Greater usage
with localization, particularly local
Examples of the EBIF Applications available for Legacy Set-Tops
• A suite of customer services allowing
subscribers to review, pay bill and
upgrade service
• Customers can review bills,
make payments and add
instant upgrades to their
• Available Q1, 2011, with
instant upgrade available
Q3, 2011.
The Opportunities for Cable Operators
A new way to delivery IPTV over existing HFC/FTTH Networks
• Bandwidth
Reclamation must occur first
• This means reducing the number of linear video QAMs or analog television channels
inserted at the Headend
• There are three primary methods of Bandwidth Reclamation on an HFC network.
 Switched Digital Video
Digital Transport Adaptors (DTAs to allow turning off analog)
Amplifier upgrade to 1GHz that would add 250MHz (in 750MHz systems) or
130MHz (in 860MHz systems)
• Switched Digital is the least capital intensive
• Switched Digital Video (SDV) makes lesser-viewed content available to an
EdgeQAM to be added to a downstream only transmitted into a Set-Top Service Group
when at least one tuner is set to that channel.
• SDV has been deployed for several years, especially by Time Warner Cable.
Experience shows that while SDV required eight to twelve QAMs, it saves another
eight to twelve QAMs. These QAMs would be used for next-generation DOCSIS.
Broadband Internet Access
• While DOCSIS 3.0 is no longer a new technology with its widespread deployment, higher Broadband speeds
have help contribute, but not entirely, to a HUGE growth in consumption. In this form consumption can be
though of more frequency to constant use of the Internet.
• A larger Broadband pipe to the home and elsewhere in the network is allowing simultaneous applications to be
run with excellent performance. This means you can surf the Web, download music, upload pictures, send huge
emails, and WATCH TELEVISION all at the same time.
Consumption Highlights
Average individual consumption has grown about 400% since the beginning of 2004
(range varies from 250% to 525% across operators)
Depends on system: Demographics, operations management and network
management are all factors
Composition analysis indicates big shift to real time entertainment
Major shift in individual symmetry to more downstream-centric behavior observed in
all North American markets
Big shift to real-time entertainment
Broadband Internet Access Update
Downstream Consumption
Total Consumption
Broadband Internet Access Update
Monthly Consumption Rates
Upstream Consumption
Broadband Internet Access Update
Broadband Traffic Composition Trends
Traffic Class
Real-time Entertainment
Web Surfing
P2P File Sharing
Real-time Communications
Not Available
Social Networking
Not Available
Not Available
Average taken across North American Cable, DSL, and FTTH operators
Real-time entertainment clearly dominates the downstream on North American
Broadband Networks.
During peak 21% of all downstream traffic is Netflix
P2P is still the major upstream traffic component
Broadband Internet Access Update
North American Downstream Traffic Profile
Broadband Internet Access Update
Top 10 Applications at Peak Times
Upstream Application %of Traffic
Downstream Application % of Traffic
Flash Video
Xbox Live
Broadband Internet Access Update
How Netflix Can Affect Consumption
 Assume an average download rate range of 1 Mbps (Netflix SD) to
4 Mbps (Netflix HD)
 Downstream usage of 100 hours in a month creates a load of 45 GB/mo to
180 GB/mo
 Assuming an application symmetry of 45:1, this implies an upstream load of
1 GB/mo to 4 GB/mo
 Total incremental consumption contribution of 46 GB/mo to 184 GB/mo
Conclusions & Critical Thinking
• There appears to be a transformation by consumers with watching television
• Tipping Point doesn’t appear to have occurred yet
• Watching television on multiple screens is happening because of the ease and
convenience. Viewing content on a HD Television continues to be choice.
• Over-the-Top video to the television is now simple to install and navigate
• TV Everywhere for viewing Anytime, Anywhere, on any Screen fits into our
portfolio quite nicely
• Forward-thinking MSOs like can make the transition to a solution coming
into focus. The end-game is still being defined.
• Video delivery will make the transition to IP over HFC/DOCSIS Networks
• Next Generation of CPE platform will enable new revenue streams through
advanced advertising and new in-home services such as security, monitoring,
and home automation
• Legacy installed base of Set-Top box investment secure for many
applications using EBIF and Remote User Interface on I-Pads, Tablets, and