Word-building elements free M=free root morpheme inf. A prefix affix der. A bound M root suffix Word-building elements Basic statistics Zeiger: Encyclopedia of English(1979) Total: 647 (roots, affixes) Roots: 359 (all from Latin and Greek except 15) Affixes: 288 (prefixes: 107,suffixes: 181) 123 from Latin and Greek, 43% 64% 59 from Anglo-Saxon, 21% 3. 1 Affixation What is affixation? affixes + bases = new words the process of making new words by adding affixes to bases affixes = prefix + suffix Characteristics: Prefixes change meaning Suffixes change part of speech Prefixation Definition: prefix + base = new word Process of making new words by adding prefixes to bases Classification: Prefixes are classified according to meaning. Prefixation Classes of prefixes: 9 1. Negative prefixes: 5 a-, dis- in-(il-,ir-,im-), non-, un- = 无,非,不,没 amoral ≠ immoral inability ≠ disability disinterested (公正无私)≠ uninterested illogical but disloyal Prefixation 2. Reversative prefixes: 3 de-, dis-, un- = reverse the action disunite unwrap decentralize Prefixation 3. Pejorative prefixes: 3 mal-, mis-, pseudo- = bad, badly, wrong maltreatment 虐待 misuse pseudo-science Prefixation 4. Prefixes of degree or size: 15 arch-, hyper-, ultra-: (unusual) Pair of synonym extra-, super-: extra-large, superman mini-, micro: mini-cinema, microscope out-, sur-: outlive, surpass Prefixation 4. Prefixes of degree or size: 15 arch-, hyper-, ultra-: (unusual) Pair of antonyms macro-, micro-: macrocosm, microcosm under-, over-: underestimate, overestimate super-, sub-: superstructure, sub-culture Prefixation 5. Prefixes of orientation and attitude:4 anti-, contra-, counter-, proanti-: anti-violence counter-: counter-violence contra-: contra-flow pro-: pro-democratic Prefixation 6. Locative prefixes: 6 extra-, fore-, inter-, intra-, tele-, transextra- = outside: extra-curriculum fore- = front: forehead inter- = between: intra- = within: intra-linguistic tele- = far trans- = over, across: trans-Atlantic Prefixation 7. Prefixes of time and order: 4 ex(former) post(after) pre(before) re(again) pre-, post-: pre-war, post-war (adj) ex-: ex-president re-: reorganize Prefixation 8. Number prefixes: 8 uni-(mono-): unicycle bi- : bicycle tri- : tricycle semi-(hemi-): hemisphere multi-(poly-) : multi-national Prefixation 9. Miscellaneous prefixes: 4 auto-: auto-biography neo-: neo-classicism pan-: pan-African vice-: vice-chair Prefixation Highly productive prefixes: 4 de-: negate, reverse, remove depenalize, defocus, depoliticize defrost, defog, defeather, depost, deschool (abolish traditional schools) devalue (lessen the value of), deplane, detrain (get off) Prefixation non-: (to nouns, adjectives, adverbs) not, not important, of little value, not traditional non-scientific, non-musician, non-additive non-book, non-novel non-friend, non-hero Prefixation anti-: 1. against, preventing anti-crime, anti-fat, anti-noise 2. against traditional characteristics anti-art, anti-music, anti-novelist, anti- theatre Prefixation Example: In my happier nightmare," he adds, "I see myself attending an anti-play with an anti-audience after a dinner prepared by an anti-cook." Prefixation mini-: very small mini-crisis mini-election mini-lecture mini-by-pass mini-war mini-boom mini-bikini minibus Suffixation Definition: suffix + base = new word Process of making new words by adding suffixes to basis Characteristics of suffix: Changing part of speech Classification according to part of speech Suffixation 1. Noun suffixes 1) De-nominal nouns = changing nouns into new nouns -eer, -ster, -er, -ess, -ette, -let, profiteer, gangster, trickster teenager, hostess, cigarette, booklet, concrete nouns Suffixation -age, -dom, -ery (-ry), -ful, -hood, -ing, -ism, -ship wastage, officialdom, slavery, mouthful, adulthood, farming, terrorism, sportsmanship He is working. working people farming abstract nouns Suffixation 2) Deverbal nouns = changing verbs into N Concrete: -ant, -ee, -ent, -er(-or) informant, trainee, respondent Abstract: -age, -al, -ance, -ation (-ition, -tion, -sion, -ion), -ence, -ing, -ment marriage, dismissal, attendance, protection, decision, existence, tubing, judgement Suffixation 3) De-adjective nouns: -ity, -ness - ive: produc`tivity, sensitivity -ar: popu`larity, familiarity - al: mo`rality, generality - able/-ible: ability, responsi`bility Suffixation 4) Noun and adjective suffixes = making new nouns and adjectives -ese, -an, -ist, Chinese; Australian, socialist Suffixation 2 Adjective suffixes 1) De-nominal suffixes= changing N into adj -ed, -ful, -ish, -less, -like, -ly, -y simple-minded, successful, childish, priceless -ly: (to) father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, man, woman -y: (to) cream, rain, sun, wind, winter, sand, hill, hair, water Suffixation -al (-ial, -ical): cultural, philosophical -ic -ous (-eous, -ious): famous, courageous -esque: picturesque Suffixation -ic classic 经典的 comic 喜剧性的 historic 历史性的 economic 经济上的 electric 电动的 -ical classical 古典的 comical 滑稽的 historical 历史上的 economical 节俭的 electrical 与电有关 Suffixation 2) De-verbal suffixes (added to verbs): -ive (-ative, -sive) active, decisive -able (-ible, -uble) Suffixation -uble solve, resolve soluble, resoluble -able educate, operate, penetrate, violate, cultivate, calculate, communicate, navigate educable, operable, penetrable, violable, cultivable, calculable, communicable, navigable -ible sense, corrupt, irresist, divide, defend sensible, corruptible, credible, irresistible, divisible, defensible Suffixation 3. Adverb suffixes -ly, -ward(s), -wise - ward(s): (to) in, out, up, down, back, fore, side, sky, earth, east, west, north, south - wise: (to) (as far as …is concerned) budget, time, money, security, economy, life, weather Suffixation 4. Verb suffixes -ate, -en, -(i)fy, -ize(-ise) originate, darken, strengthen, solidify, beautify, modernize, symbolize Suffixation Vogue suffixes: 3 -nik = a person who becomes a member of; devoted to folknik, peacenik, jazznik, protestnik, city-nik, good-willnik Suffixation -ese = style of; the characteristics of Afro-Americanese 非裔美语 Americanese 美国英语 cablese 电报用语 childrenese 儿童语言 computerese 电脑语言 educationese 教育行话 golfese 高尔夫球用语 Suffixation guide-bookese headlinese jargonese journalese newspaperese New Yorkese novelese 指南文体 标题风格 行业用语 新闻体 报刊文体 纽约风格 小说体 Suffixation officialese sociologese telegraphese Washingtonese officialese sociologese telegraphese 官方文体 社会学术语 电报文体 华盛顿特色 官方文体 社会学术语 电报文体 Suffixation Washingtonese Carlylese Johnsonese Macaulayese Meredithese Nabokovese Ruskinese 华盛顿特色 卡莱尔风格 约翰逊风格 麦考莱风格 麦芮狄士风格 纳波科夫风格 拉斯金风格 Suffixation -ee: (to) transitive verbs to make a noun which is the receiver of the action appointee, employee BUT flirtee, kickee, kissee, laughee, huggee, meetee, shavee, toastee, consultee, visitee, slanderee, rushee, curee absentee