Overview of Turkish Energy Market 10th Anniversary Policies – Projections - Targets 10th Anniversary Agenda Policy Aspects & Prospects Main Features of Electricity Market The Regulator - EMRA Market Model Market Indicators Conclusion www.epdk.org..tr 10th Anniversary Energy Policy Mission To ensure efficient, effective, safe and environmentally-friendly use of energy and natural resources in a way that reduces import dependency of our country and makes the greatest contribution to our country’s welfare. Vision To make our country the leader of its region in energy and natural resources. www.epdk.gov.tr Turkish Energy Sector 10th Anniversary 300 Rapid growth in demand: investment challenges and opportunities • Per capita consumption is 2 890 kWh/year which is well behind the EU average. • Despite the economic crises in 1994, 1998, 2001 and 2008, the installed electricity generation capacity has quadrupled in the last 25 years. 250 200 174,8 % Total Demand Increase Rate 2000 - 2009 262 150 120,6 Electricity 96,9 100 55,3 56,8 50 30,6 22 5,6 4,6 7,6 6,9 EU OECD 0 China Türkiye India World High level of import dependency: Gas Need for more domestic resources, in particular the renewables Need for diversification of resources Relatively high figures for energy intensity: Potential for improvement of energy efficiency (but also linked to the structural issues related to economy) Economic Growth vs. Electricity Demand 10th Anniversary GDP Growth Rate vs. Demand Growth Rate (Quarterly) 15,0% 12,1% 11,4% •GDP growth rate was 4.2% and electricity demand growth rate was 8.4% on average between 1970 and 2010 10,0% 11,9% 10,0% 5,0% 9,8% 9,7% 9,1% 8,6% 8,9% 7,1% 9,3% 7,0% 8,5% 8,1% 8,0% 7,7% 7,6% 8,0% 6,3% 6,2% 5,9% 8,1% 8,5% 9,7%10,1% 6,7% 0,0% -5,0% 6,5% 7,0% 4,0% 5,7% 3,8% 12,0% 8,5% 10,3% 6,3% 4,9% 5,9% 7,5% 9,2% 5,2% 4,2% 3,2% 2,6% -1,5% 0,9% 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV -3,4% I II -3,9% III IV I II III IV -5,0%-2,8% -6,3% 20,0% -7,0% -7,8% -10,0% 15,0% -15,0% -14,7% Electricity GDP -20,0% % 10,0% 5,0% 0,0% -5,0% GDP Growth Rate Demand Growth Rate -10,0% www.epdk.gov.tr 10th Anniversary Strategy On Electricity All non-residential consumers will be eligible by the end of 2011. Full market opening until 2015: All consumers will be eligible to choose their suppliers. Legal unbundling of distribution companies will be completed by the end of 2012. Completion of distribution privatization in 2011. Commencement of generation privatization in 2011. Source diversification. www.epdk.org..tr 10th Anniversary Ensure security of supply Keep the costs & prices at a level suitable to support economical growth Decrease the environmental effects to the lowest possible level 2023 Targets in Electricity Market Exploitation of known lignite and charcoal reserves Decreasing share of gas in generation mix Introduction of nuclear energy Achieving 30% share for renewables in generation mix Full utilization of economically and technically feasible hydroelectric potential Reaching 20.000 MW wind capacity Commissioning all of geothermal potential Introduction of solar power plants 10th Anniversary Agenda Policy Aspects & Prospects Main Features of Electricity Market The Regulator - EPDK Market Model Market Indicators Conclusion www.epdk.org..tr 10th Anniversary Goals in Electricity Market More private sector presence, Increase in foreign capital investments, Decrease in public sector investment, Increasing responsibility in the protection of environment, Formation of the energy prices in a competitive environment (Competition in the Market), Increase in efficiency, Increase in service quality, Improvement in availability, Decrease in technical & non-technical loss levels. www.epdk.gov.tr 10th Anniversary Fundamentals of Electricity Market Electricity Market Law: From a vertically integrated state monopoly to a liberal market environment EMRA: An autonomous regulator in charge of issuing secondary legislation, granting licensing, approving tariffs, monitoring, auditing, etc. Unbundling: Legal unbundling regime among market activities supplemented by privatization of distribution and generation assets. Third Party Access: Regulated TPA regime. Transmission and distribution companies should allow open, guaranteed, and non-discriminatory access to their networks, which is backed by Regulator’s oversight. Wholesale Market Design: Bilateral contracts market complemented by a residual balancing mechanism. Introduction of a day-ahead market and an exchange. Mitigating Market Power: Static precautions in terms of limiting market share. Generation 20 percent, wholesale market 10 percent. 10th Anniversary Agenda Policy Aspects & Prospects Main Features of Electricity Market The Regulator - EPDK Market Model Market Indicators Conclusion www.epdk.org..tr EPDK/EMRA 10th Anniversary Who is EPDK/EMRA? EMRA is the sole regulator of electricity, gas & petroleum markets What does EPDK/EMRA do? EMRA; • • • • Issues secondary legislation Grants licenses to market players Approves tariffs Monitors, supervises and audits markets and market players What are EPDK/EMRA’s objectives? EMRA’s main objective is to provide; • • • • Financially viable, stable and competitive energy market Sufficient energy at good quality Low cost Reliable and environmental friendly manner www.epdk.gov..tr 10th Anniversary Agenda Policy Aspects & Prospects Main Features of Electricity Market The Regulator - EMRA Market Model Market Indicators Conclusion www.epdk.org..tr Electricity Market Structure 10th Anniversary Regulated Activities Transmission Distribution Competitive Activities Retail Sale Generation Retail Market Wholesale Market Captive Consumers Eligible Consumers After Full Competition www.epdk.gov.tr Old Structure vs. New Market Model Subject Old Structure New Structure Structure Monopolistic Competitive Tariff structure Not cost-reflective Cost-reflective Market entrance Bidding / submission of feasibility studies Licensing Regulation By the Ministry and related By the independent organizations regulator - EMRA Role of state Investment & Operation & Auditing Auditing Market risks borne by The State Market participants Private participation BOO, BOT and TOOR with state guarantees Privatization and new companies Approach to Wholesale Markets 10th Anniversary VOB: Turkish Derivatives Exchange PMUM: Market Financial Settlement Centre Balancing Market Exchange Spot Market Ref: Challenges in Pricing of Electricity Risk, Juri Hinz Futures Market OTC Market 10th Anniversary Agenda Policy Aspects & Prospects Main Features of Electricity Market The Regulator - EPDK Market Model Market Indicators Conclusion www.epdk.org..tr Turkish Electricity Market 10th Anniversary Breakdown of Installed Capacity (as of Sept.30) 51,076 MW Wind 3,1% Others 0,4% Oil Products 3,4% Domestic Coal 16,9% Hydro 33,1% Breakdown of Electricity Generation (Last 12 Months - as of Sept.30) Imported Coal 6,4% Wind 1,9% Others 0,5% 222.1 TWh Oil Products 1,9% Domestic Coal 18,4% Hydro 22,9% Gas 36,6% Imported Coal 9,3% Gas 45,2% www.epdk.gov.tr Turkish Electricity Market 10th Anniversary kWh/person GDP per capita & Electricity consumption per capita $/person www.epdk.gov..tr www.epdk.gov.tr Transmission Network & Interconnections 10th Anniversary 2 500 MVA BULGARİSTAN DIMODICHEV 290 MVA BLACKSEA SİNOP HABİPLER ÇAYLI TES BABAES SAMSU TES AKFEN Kİ HAMİTAB N TES ALİBEYK AT CENGİZSANÖY A.ALANI İKİTEL BOYABAT ALTINKAY AMASR SEL SAMSU Lİ Y.TEP A A TES N DGKÇ D.PAŞA KARAB FILIPP BEYKOZPAŞAKÖ E KAPTAN EREĞLİ BORAS I ÜK Z.KÖY ÇARŞAMBA Y OSMANCA CO ÇANKIRI UNIMAR AMBAR ÜMRANİ X ADALI YE TEPEÖR İÇDAŞ GEBZE KARABİGA BAĞL EN ADAPAZA TİREBOLU ÇAYIRHAN RI UM H.UĞURLU KAYABAŞI ORDU-2 SİNCAN HİSAR GÖKÇEKAYA İÇDAŞ K.KALE BURS AKINCI DGKÇ GÖLB A BALIKESİR ÇAN KARGI TEMELLİ SİVAS TUNÇBİLEK AŞI İÇANADO DEÇEKO KANGAL LU DGKÇ SOMA SEYİTÖMER KAYSERİ GÜRSÖĞÜT BATU M HO PA 1 500 MVA Turkish power system was synchronized with the interconnected power systems of Continental Europe (ENTSO-E) GÜRCİSTAN 570 GUMRI MVA BORÇK A DERİNE ARTVİN R ARKUN KALKANDERE KARS İAKSU YUSUFE Lİ IĞD IR AĞRI ÖZLÜCE 790KHOY MVA TATVAN İRAN KARAKAYA HİLVAN KONYA DİYARBAKIR DENİZLİ AYDIN YENİKÖ Y BAZARGAN VAN YEŞİLHİSAR IŞIKLAR UZUNDERE BABEK D.BEYAZIT ERZURUM ELBİSTAN MANİSA YEDİGÖZE KAVŞAK SEYDİŞEHİR YATAĞAN KEMERKÖY ADANA OYMAPINAR ERZİN G.ANTEP BİRECİK AKS A VARSAK MERSİN ILISU SİLOPİ TESDOĞANLI HAKKARİ ÇUKURCA PS3 Ş.URFA ERMENEKKAYRAKTEPE ÇETİN BATMAN ATATÜRK ANDIRIN 260 MVA HORASAN KEBAN KOCATEPE ALİAĞA ERMENİST AN KIZILTEPE CİZRE ZAKHO KESEK İSDEMİR İSKENDERUN IRAK 410 MVA TEİAŞ-APK 2008 TS (PLANLANAN) HATAY HALEP 1 000 MVA MEDITERRANEAN SURİYE TS (MEVCUT) HES (PLANLANAN) HES (MEVCUT) TL (MEVCUT) TL (PLANLANAN) 220 kV EİH 154 kV EİH The parallel operation within the Continental European Synchronous Area will increase the quality and security of the electricity supply in Turkey, and is foreseen to eventually provide access to the European Electricity Market. www.epdk.gov.tr Growing Electricity Sector 10th Anniversary Capacity Build-up 60.000 D. Coal Imp.Coal Oil Gas Hydro Wind O. Renew 50.000 MW 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 2001 2002 2003 •Installed Capacity •28 332 MW in 2001 •49 523 MW in 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 •Breakdown of added capacity •27% renewables •35% renewables + domestic sources Growing Electricity Sector 10th Anniversary Electricity Generation 250.000 D. Coal Imp.Coal Oil Gas Hydro Wind O. Renew 200.000 GWh 150.000 100.000 50.000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 •Generation increased 71% between 2001 and 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Breakdown of generation increase •28% renewables •30% renewables + domestic sources www.epdk.gov.tr Developing Electricity Market 10th Anniversary •Market is functioning along its dynamics •Market is continuous ly enlarging Retail Market Opening 80 9.000 7.800 7.700 10000 6.000 3.000 70 75 1.200 60 1000 63 480 50 49 100 40 100 39 30 30 28 20 41 30 32 10 23 10 0 1 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Eligibility Threshold (MWh) 2008 2009 Market Opening Degree (%) 2010 2011 Pace of Liberalization 10th Anniversary Share of Producer Groups in Meeting Demand 60,0% July 2011 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% Public Contracted IPP - 24 - Sept.2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 0,0% Electricity Demand Growth 10th Anniversary 20,0% Demand Growth Rate High 15,0% Low Generic Actual % 10,0% 5,0% 0,0% 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2010 2015 2020 2025 706.279 735.291 529.544 548.474 622.910 378.013 405.515 433.809 294.357 295.953 299.768 209.891 886.885 GWh -5,0% 2030 www.epdk.gov.tr 10th Anniversary Agenda Policy Aspects & Prospects Main Features of Electricity Market The Regulator - EPDK Market Model Market Indicators Conclusion www.epdk.org..tr 10th Anniversary Why Shall Invest inTurkish Energy Market ? Sound legal framework (from constitutional level to secondary legislation level), Reliable member of international community, High and rapid growth in demand, Compliance with the European Acquis, Competitive, stable, financially reliable and transparent business environment, Non-discriminatory approach guaranteed by an independent regulator, Good governance principles, Cost-reflective tariff system. 10th Anniversary Conclusion Turkey pursues its goal of market liberalization in energy sector enthusiastically, Achievements made electricity sector is more than satisfactory vis-à-vis the EU directives. Regional cooperation and integration regards to the energy sector and participation in the energyrelated international institutions are among the highest-priority of Turkish policymakers. M&A is a key opportunity area in Turkish power market. Thank you… Q&A 10th Anniversary