English Grammar 第九章






Practice 3

3. a lake and an ocean

A lake isn’t (nearly) as big as an ocean


4. honey and sugar

Honey is just as sweet as sugar

5. good health and money

Money isn’t (nearly) as good health


important as


P.251 Practice 5

2. Did Bill really lift that heavy box all by himself?

He must be as strong as a bull / an ox


3. It was a lovely summer day. School was out, and there was nothing in particular that I had to do. I felt as free as a bird


4. Marco won’t change his mind. He’s as stubborn as a mule


5. How can anyone expect me to sleep in this bed? It’s as hard as a rock


P.252 Practice 7

1. Alaska is large than Texas.

Alaska is larger than Texas.

2. Alaska is largest state in the United States.

Alaska is the largest state in the United


3. Texas is the larger from France in land area.

Texas is larger than France in land area.

4. Old shoes are usually more comfortable to new shoes.

Old shoes are usually more comfortable than new shoes.

5. I like Chinese food more better than French food.

I like Chinese food better than French food.

6. A pillow is more soft from a rock.

A pillow is softer than a rock.

7. My brother is 22. I am 20. My sister is 18. I am the youngest than my brother. My sister is the younger person in our family.

My brother is 22. I am 20. My sister is 18.

I am younger than my brother. My sister is the youngest person in our family.

P.254 Practice 9

1. high

2. good

3. lazy

4. hot

5. neat

6. late

7. happy higher, the highest better, the best lazier, the laziest hotter, the hottest neater, the neatest later, the latest happier, the happiest

8. dangerous more dangerous, the most dangerous

9. slowly more slowly, the most slowly

10. common more common, the most common or commoner, the commonest

11. friendly more friendly, the most friendly or friendlier, the friendliest

12. careful more careful, the most careful

13. bad worse, the worst

14. far farther / further, the farthest / furthest

P.254 Practice 10

1. Oranges are sweeter than lemons.

2. I heard a little polite laughter when I told my jokes, but everyone laughed loudly when Janet told hers. Her jokes are always much funnier than mine.

3. Many more people die in car accidents than in plane accidents. Statistics show that driving your own car is more dangerous than flying in an airplane.

4. Professor Sato speaks clearly, but I have trouble understanding Professor Larson’s lectures. Her lectures are much more confusing than Proffer Sato’s.

5. Bobby! How did you get all covered with mud? Hurry and take a bath. Even the floor is cleaner than you are.

6.A: Why does wet sand look dry sand?

darker than

B: Because wet sand reflects less light.

7.A: The moon is full tonight. There’s not a cloud in the sky. Look at the moonlight on the lake. It makes the water sparkle. Have you ever seen a prettier sight than this?

8. If a cat and a duck are out in the rain, the cat will get much wetter than the duck.

The water will simply roll off the duck’s feathers but will soak into the cat’s hair.

P.257 Practice 14

1. My sister is only six. She’s much younger than

I am / me


2. Peggy is thirteen, and she feels sad. She thinks most of the other girls in school are far more popular than she is / her


3. The children can’t lift that heavy box, but Mr.

Ford can. He’s stronger than they are/them


4. Jim isn’t a very good speller. I can spell much better than he can / him


5. I was on time. Jack was late. I got there earlier than he did / him


6. Ted is out of shape. I can run a lot faster and farther than he can / him


7. Isabel’s classes are difficult, but my classes are easy. Isabel’s classes are more difficult than hers mine


. My classes are easier than

8. Our neighbor’s house is very large. Our house is much smaller than house is larger than ours

. theirs

. Their

P.259 Practice 17

1. My nephew is ambitious

A. less … than B. not as … as

2. My nephew is

B. not as … as old my niece.

my niece.

3. A bee is

B. not as … as big a bird.

4. My brother is interested in planning for the future I am.

A. less … than B. not as … as

5. I am good at repairing things Diane is.

B. not as … as

6. Some students are schoolwork others.

serious about their

A. less … than B. not as … as

P.261 Practice 21

4. There is more information about geography in an encyclopedia than (there is) in a dictionary.

5. I used to be sad, but now I’m a lot happier about my life (than I used to be).

6. Unhappy roommates or spouses can live together more happily if they learn to respect each other’s differences.

P.263 Practice 22

5. She sat there quietly, but during all that time she was getting

Finally she exploded.

angrier and angrier / more and more angry


8. The weather is getting with each passing day.

colder and colder / warmer and warmer

P.264 Practice 23

3. If a knife is sharp , it is easy to cut something with.

The sharper to cut something.

a knife (is), the easier it is

8. We ran fast to reach the house. The sky grew dark .

A storm was threatening.

The darker the sky grew, the faster we ran to reach the house.

P.265 Practice 24

1. Jack is lazy . He is in the class. the laziest student

2. Mike and Julie were nervous , but Amanda was the most nervous of all.

3. Costa Rico is beautiful . It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

4. Scott got a bad score on the test. It was one of the worst scores in the whole school.

5. Pluto is far from the sun. In fact, it is the farthest / furthest planet from the sun in our solar system.

6. There are a lot of good cooks in my family, but my mom is the best cook of all.

7. Alaska is big . It is the biggest

United States.

state in the

8. My grandfather is very old . He is the oldest person in the town where he lives.

9. That chair in the corner is comfortable .

It is in the most comfortable the room.


10. Everyone who ran in the race was exhausted , but I was the most exhausted of all.

P.269 Practice 31

1. Lead is a very heavy metal. It is ( heavy ) heavier than gold or silver. It is one of

( heavy ) the heaviest metals of all.

2. Dogs are usually ( friendly ) more friendly than cats.

friendlier /

3. One of ( famous ) volcanoes in the most famous the world is Mount Etna in Sicily.

4. A car has two ( wheels ) more wheels than a bicycle.

5. Mrs. Cook didn’t ask the children to clean up the kitchen. It was ( easy ) do it herself than easier for her to to nag the to do it.

P.272 Practice 32

1. Geese are similar to large water birds.

ducks. They are both

2. But geese are not the same as ducks.

Geese are usually larger and have longer necks.

3. Geese are different from ducks.

4. Geese are like

X ducks in some ways, but geese and ducks are not exactly alike



5. An orange is similar are both citrus fruits.

to a grapefruit. They

6. But an orange is not the same as a grapefruit. A grapefruit is usually larger and sourer.

7. An orange is different from a grapefruit.

8. An orange is like

X a grapefruit in some ways, but they are not exactly alike



9. Gold is similar to silver. They are both valuable metals that people use for jewelry.

But they aren’t the same X

. Gold is not the same color as silver. Gold is also different from silver in cost. Gold is more expensive than silver.

10. Look at the two zebras. Their names are

Zee and Bee. Zee looks like

Zee exactly the same as


Bee. Is

Bee? The pattern of the stripes on each zebra in the world is unique. No two zebras are exactly alike X . Even though Zee and Bee are similar to each other, they are different from each other in the exact pattern of their stripes.
