Jim Angell’s contributions to understanding the QBO Jim Angell’s contributions to understanding the QBO Jim Angell’s contributions to understanding the QBO QBO ! discovery of QBO discovery of QBO Angell and Korshover 1962, 1963 Meridional structure of QBO from Angell and Korshover, 1963 Equatorial QBO derived from radiosondes and rockets Baldwin et al., 2001 Schematic of global QBO Baldwin et al., 2001 Angell and Korshover (1964) coin the term ‘Quasi-Biennial Oscillation’ Naming the QBO was not easy... kind-of biennial oscillation almost biennial oscillation not quite biennial oscillation somewhat biennial oscillation quasi-biennial oscillation 50 hPa temps note out-of-phase between tropics and midlats QBO temperature signal in lower stratosphere derived from regression with MSU4 Snapshot of temperatures and meridional circulation associated with the QBO February 1994 out-of-phase vertical structure note extension into winter midlats Equatorial waves and the QBO midlats power spectra subtropics tropics strong peak at 10-15 days Idealized wave-mean flow interaction in QBO Kelvin waves only propagate in background easterly winds Kelvin waves observed during easterly QBO winds zonal wind eddy power spectra QBO effects on ‘centers of action’ Surface signal of QBO Baldwin et al., 2001 Holton-Tan effect Holton-Tan effect (composited QBO E-W) observations 1964-1996 SKYHI simulation (48 years) Meridional structure of QBO from Angell and Korshover, 1963 evidence of Holton-Tan effect Ozone QBO out of phase between tropics and midlats Column ozone from TOMS total interannual variability QBO component Vertical structure of ozone QBO at equator 2-cell structure QBO signal in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) QBO and stratospheric water vapor stratospheric water vapor tropical tropopause temperature QBO variations in stratospheric water vapor from HALOE satellite data, 1991-2003 Deseasonalized anomalies Vertical propagation of QBO anomalies (interannual ‘tape recorder’) Stratospheric H2O anomalies are consistent with tropical tropopause temperature changes HALOE H2O anomalies tropical tropopause temperature anomalies Jim Angell’s contributions span all aspects of the QBO. * * * * * global structure and propagation ozone equatorial waves coupling with troposphere tropopause and stratospheric H2O Much of this original research is still relevant today! QBO Happy Birthday Jim!