Aconite Clinical applications 1. Croup 2. URT: Coryza 3. Shock 4. Panic, fear 5. Fever Differential diagnosis Bell Allium, Ars alb, Nux vom Arnica Arg nit, Ars alb, Gels Bell, Ferrum phos, Nux Aconite Clinical features • Sudden or violent onset. Intense fear (death). Restlessness, excitement, agitation. Fever. Thirst. Key characteristics • Acute conditions; Suddenness; Ailments from shock, fright, fear; • Ailments from exposure to cold, dry wind. • Modalities: < violent emotions, cold dry wind, night, especially around midnight; > open air. Apis Clinical applications 1. Arthritis, acute 2. 3. 4. 5. Differential diagnosis Bryonia, Kali bic, Ledum, Puls, Rhus, Ruta Arg nit, Euphrasia, Puls Cantharis, Puls, Staphys Conjunctivitis Cystitis Acute allergic reaction Skin eruptions/reactions Cantharis, Petrol, Rhus, Sulph Apis Clinical features • Hot, red, swollen, shiny, acutely painful joint(s). Red, swollen painful conjunctiva and/or lids; photophobia. Acute dysuria, frequency, painful urging. Oedema of face and/or eyes; swelling eruptions and reactions to bites and stings. Key characteristics • Swelling/oedema. Stinging and burning pains. Heat. Thirstless (in acute state). • Modalities: < heat, touch, pressure, afternoon; > cool air, cold applications. Argentum nitricum Clinical applications 1. Anxiety, fear 2. 3. Conjunctivitis GIT: Dyspepsia, diarrhoea Differential diagnosis Acon, Ars alb, Gels, Lyc, Sil Apis, Euphr, Puls Ars alb, Coloc, Gels, Lyc, Nux Argentum nitricum Clinical features • Outgoing personality. Impulsive and hurried. Anxiety, anticipatory; phobia – with restless agitation, GIT symptoms - diarrhoea, sweat, palpitation, flatulence. Flatulence. Purulent, acrid conjunctivitis. Key characteristics • Personality. Pain like splinter. • Modalities: < heat, stuffy, stress, sweets; > cool, open air, motion. • Food: Desires sweets AND salt, < sweets. • Temp and weather: Hot, craves fresh air, > cool air. Arnica Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1. Traumatic shock; Acon; 2. Trauma: pre-, post-op; dental; Hyp, Led, Rhus, Ruta, Symph post-partum; over-exertion (cramp); 3. Bleeding Ferrum phos, Phos; Arnica Clinical features • Bruising, soft tissue damage; capillary bleeding; soreness, stiffness. Key characteristics • Mental state: denies problem, resents interference - cf Bryonia; Aetiology. Modalities: < touch, avoids touch.; jarring, motion; > lying, rest. Arsenicum album Clinical applications 1. Anxiety; 2. Hay fever; 3. Coryza Differential diagnosis Acon, Arg nit, Gels, Lyc, Phos, Sil; Allium, Ambrosia, Arundo, Euphrasia, Sabadilla; Arg nit, Coloc, Gels Arsenicum album Clinical features • Anxiety: insecurity, health, trifles, worrier; agitated restless; fastidious. Burning pains > warmth. Acrid, scanty, watery (nasal) discharges; nasal discharge alt. obstruction; sneezing. Very chilly. Key characteristics • Constitutional type; Typical pain/temperature modality; Time modality. • Modalities: > warmth, hot applications, hot food, motion; < rest, midnight to 2 am; all cold, incl. cold food and drink, exertion. • Food: Thirst warm drinks, small amounts. Desires: sour things Adverse: fat < fruit Belladonna Clinical applications 1. Fever; Differential diagnosis Aconite, Ferrum phos, Nux; 2. Otitis, Pharyngitis; 3. Croup; 4. Headache; Cham, Ferr phos, Puls; Bell; Bry, Gels, Nat mur, Nux; Hepar; 5. Abscess; 6. Sunstroke Belladonna Clinical features • Irritability. Sudden. Red, hot and dry. Thirst +/-. High fever. Intense, throbbing, burning pain. Bright red face (flushed), ear drum or throat. Dilated pupils. Throbbing head. Febrile convulsion. Jerks and spasms. Oversensitiveness - all senses. Key characteristics • Acute condition. Character of fever. Suddenness, intensity; Redness, heat; • Mental state: Night terrors, hallucinations, delirium, confusion. • Modalities: < draught, light, noise, touch, jarring. • Food: Desires lemons. Bryonia Clinical applications 1. Arthritis, chronic or acute Differential diagnosis Apis, Kali bic, Ledum, Puls, Rhus, Ruta; 2. Bell, Nat mur, Nux; Headache Bryonia Clinical features • Irritable, wants to be left alone. Joints red, swollen, hot. Stitching or bursting pains. Splitting headache. Dry, thirsty. Key characteristics • Characteristic pain; Mental state - cf Arnica; Laterality. • Modalities: < least motion; touch; heat; eating > pressure; lying on painful side; cool, open air. • Food: Thirst for large amounts, cold drinks. < Fruit. Calc carb Clinical applications 1. URT: Recurrent, catarrhal; 2. ENT: Otitis Differential diagnosis Kali bic, Puls; Bell, Cham, Ferr phos, Puls; 3. Nux, Sil; Constipation; Calc carb Clinical features • Slow, sluggish – mind and body. Anxious. Overweight, chilly, sweaty. Constipation (feels better). Lymphadenopathy. Delayed development. Key characteristics • Constitutional type; Anxiety/depression: fearful, state of mind, being observed, duty. Family cares. Key generals, including foods. • Modalities: < cold, physical and mental exertion, pressure of clothes, milk, dentition; > rubbing, lying on back, dark. • Food: Desires eggs, ice cream, sweets, indigestible things; averse coffee, meat. < milk. Chamomilla Clinical applications 1. Teething; 2. ENT: Otitis Differential diagnosis Merc sol; Bell, Ferr phos, Puls; 3. Coloc; Colic; Chamomilla Clinical features • Frantic, angry, with intolerance of pain ; ugly, cross, uncivil and quarrelsome. Twitchings and convulsions during teething. Key characteristics • Modalities: < evening/night, anger; > warm wet weather, being carried. • Food: < Coffee. Colocynth Clinical applications 1. Colic: abdo, dysmen; 2. Diarrhoea Differential diagnosis Cham; Arg nit, Ars alb, Gels, Sulph; Colocynth Clinical features • Cramping pain - > pressure, doubling up, warmth. Diarrhoea: watery, < after eating/drinking. Key characteristics • Mental state: (ailments from) anger; Characteristic pain. Fruit: < Fruit. Euphrasia Clinical applications 1. Conjunctivitis; 2. Hay fever; Coryza; Differential diagnosis Apis, Arg nit, Puls; Allium, Ambrosia, Ars alb, Arundo, Nat mur, Puls, Sabad; Euphrasia Clinical features • Acrid tears, bland nasal discharge itching eyes, photophobia. Key characteristics • Modalities: < evening, indoors, warmth, light; > open air, dark. Ferrum phos Clinical applications 1. Fever; 2. ENT: Otitis; 3. Bleeding, epistaxis Differential diagnosis Bell, Nux; Bell, Cham, Puls; Phos; Ferrum phos Clinical features • Early stages of febrile illness and inflammation. Slow onset. Mild fever. Full, soft, flowing pulse. Flush/pallor. Dull red ear drum. Venous congestion with oozing haemorrhages. Thirsty, sweaty, shivery. Key characteristics • Character of fever. Appearance of ear drum cf Bell. • Modalities: < exertion, open air, jarring; > gentle motion, cold applications. Gelsemium Clinical applications 1. Anxiety; 2. 3. URT: Flu; Diarrhoea, nervous; 4. Headache; Differential diagnosis Arg nit, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Sil; Merc, Nux; Arg nit, Ars alb, Coloc, Sulph; Bell, Bry, Nat mur, Nux Gelsemium Clinical features • Weakness. Anxiety, anticipatory, stage fright; phobia; ‘paralysis’ of mind, voice or body; heaviness, tremor, incoordination. Flu: gradual, thirstless, shaky, listless, heavy, drowsy, dull, headache. Key characteristics • Paralysis,weakness, tremor; Thirstless. Character of fever. • Modalities: < damp weather, heat, thinking of symptoms; > sweating, urinating, open air, stimulants, motion. Ignatia Clinical applications 1. Emotional ailments; grief. Staphys; Differential diagnosis Nat mur, Phos, Puls, Ignatia Clinical features • Grief - silent, sighing. Volatile emotions. Disappointed love. Contradictory/paradoxical symptoms. Sensation of a lump. Spasm. Key characteristics • Food: Desires sour/acid things. < Coffee, sweets. Ipecac Clinical applications 1. URT: Cough; 2. GIT: Nausea, vomiting; (travel sickness), 3. Bleeding, Epistaxis; Differential diagnosis Phos; Cocculus, Nux, Petrol Phos, Tabacum Fer phos, Phos; Ipecac Clinical features • Nausea, constant; vomiting (doesn’t relieve) – nothing ameliorates; < smell of food, movement; salivation. Cough: wheezy, spasmodic, causing vomiting, < movement. Lachesis Clinical applications 1. PMT; 2. Menopause; 3. ENT: Pharyngitis; Differential diagnosis Nat mur, Puls, Sep; Sep; Bell, Lyc, Merc; Lachesis Clinical features • PMT: anger, jealousy, tirades, loquacity; bloating, < tight clothes. Flushes of heat (menopausal). Pharyngitis: L sided, < warm food/drinks, < liquids cf solids. Key characteristics • Mental state - jealousy, loquacity; laterality, temperature modalities, time modality. Intolerance of tight clothes. • Modalities: > free discharges, e.g. onset menstrual flow, cool air; < after sleep/waking, morning, heat (sun), alcohol. • Food: Desires alcohol. Lycopodium Clinical applications 1. Anxiety; 2. 3. 4. Stress reaction; GIT: Flatulence, Dyspepsia; ENT: Pharyngitis; Differential diagnosis Arg nit, Gels, Phos, Puls, Sil; Nux; Arg nit, Nux; Bell, Lach, Merc; Lycopodium Clinical features • Anxiety, anticipatory, lacks confidence, but performs well – conscientious, desire to be in control, irritable, hypochondriacal; GIT symptoms: heartburn, fullness, distension, flatulence (belching, farting; both >), onion. Pharyngitis: Rsided, >warm drinks. Key characteristics • Constitutional type. Laterality. Temperature modality, time modality. • Modalities: < 4pm - 8pm, heat (exc throat), eating; > after midnight, cool air, motion, urinating, belching. • Food: Desire sweets, alcohol. Aversion to coffee slimy food. <Onions. Merc sol Clinical applications 1. URT: Flu; 2. Teething; 3. ENT: Otitis media, Pharyngitis/tonsillitis. Differential diagnosis Gels, Nux; Cham; Bell, Calc, Cham, Ferr phos, Lach, Puls, Sil; Merc sol Clinical features • Fever: sweat ++, offensive, < heat and cold, tongue indented, metallic taste. Teething: sweaty, salivation ++. Offensive sweat, breath, discharges. Key characteristics • Temperature reaction. • Modalities: < night, sweating, lying on right side, when heated, drafts, damp cold; > moderate temperature, rest. Natrum mur Clinical applications 1. Emotional ailments; 2. PMT; 3. Headache; Differential diagnosis Ign, Staphys; Lach, Puls, Sep; Bell, Bryonia, Nux; Natrum mur Clinical features • Grief, ailments from grief – can’t cry or weeps alone, < consolation; hides feelings. • PMT: irritable, resentful, critical, dwells on upsets; selfdoubt/self-criticism. Headache, hammering, < sun. Key characteristics • Constitutional type. Aetiology. Greasy skin and hair. • Modalities: < sympathy, sea air, exertion, before menses, morning and forenoon; > fresh air, gentle exercise. • Food: Desires salt. Aversion to bread, fat slimy food. Thirsty. • Temp and weather: Desires fresh air; chilly but intolerant of heat Nux vom Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1. Stress reaction, irritability; Lyc; 2. GIT: Dyspepsia, constipation; Arg nit, Lyc; 3. Headache; Bell, Bry, Gels, Natmur; 4. Fever; Aconite, Bell, Ferr phos, Nux Nux vom Clinical features • Anger, irritability, impatience, hard working (workaholic), hard living, fastidious, desire stimulants. GIT symptoms: indigestion, nausea (> vomit), constipation. Headache in the morning (hangover). Key characteristics • Constitutional type: driving type A personality. Oversensitive: noise, smells, light. • Modalities: < early morning, dry cold, open air, uncovering, high living, slight causes; > warmth, damp (exc before rain), lying. • Food: Desires alcohol, coffee, fat, spices, coffee, tobacco. • Temp and weather: Chilly; intolerant of wind, < wind. Phosphorus Clinical applications 1. URT: Cough; 2. Anxiety; 3. Bleeding, epistaxis; Differential diagnosis Ipecac; Arg nit, Gels, Lyc, Puls, Sil; Ferr phos; Phosphorus Clinical features • Sympathetic, affectionate and very sensitive to others’ feelings. Fears - something will happen, imaginary things, dark, thunderstorms. Haemorrhages. Cough: tickling, < cold air, talking; painful laryngitis. Burning pains > cold. Key characteristics • Constitutional type; • Modalities: < lying on left side, emotions, cold, evening; > eating; sleep. • Food: Desires cold food, cheese, ice-(cream), salt, spices. Thirst for cold drinks. Pulsatilla Clinical applications 1. URT/ENT: Catarrh; recurrent infection, otitis med; 2. Conjunctivitis; 3. Styes; 4. Cystitis; 5. Arthritis; 6. PMT; 7. Anxiety Differential diagnosis Kali bic, Merc, Sil; Arg nit, Euph; Staphys; Apis,Cantharis, Staphys Apis, Bryonia, Rhus; Lach, Nat mur, Sep; Arg nit, Ars Alb, Gels, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Sil Pulsatilla Clinical features • Timid, weepy, desires company and consolation/affection; changeable, obstinate, flirtatious. Catarrh, snuffles – profuse, bland, yellow/green (and all discharges); Conjunctivitis. Styes - upper lid. UT symptoms: urethra syndrome; pain before, during and after urination. Wandering joint pains <warmth, > continued gentle motion. PMT - weepy, can't cope, wants company and consolation. Key characteristics • Constitutional type; Symptoms changeable; • Modalities: < warmth, rest, beginning of motion, twilight, rich foods, fat; > cold, continued gentle motion, open air; after crying, lying on back. • Food: Thirstless. Desires cold food. Averse fat, hot food. < bread, fat, fruit, pastry, rich food. • Temp and weather: >open air, < heat, and stuffy/warm rooms. Rhus tox Clinical applications 1. Arthritis; 2. Skin eruption; Differential diagnosis Apis, Puls, Kali bic, Ruta; Sulph; Petrol; Rhus tox Clinical features • Joint pain and stiffness: Any joints; Key modalities; Restlessness. • Eruptions: Urticaria, vesicles - itching > heat. Key characteristics • Essential modality cluster: temperature, weather, movement. • Food: Desires milk. Sepia Clinical applications 1. PMT; 2. Menopause; Differential diagnosis Lach, Nat mur, Puls; Lach; Sepia Clinical features • Depression/PMT: apathetic, irritable, put-upon, weary/worn out, averse loved-ones; < consolation. Pelvic bearing down pain Sweaty. Key characteristics • Constitutional type; Sallow complexion; • Modalities: < cold air, before menses, afternoon and/or evening, before storm; > dancing, strenuous exercise, warmth, thunderstorm. • Food: Desires vinegar, pickles and acids. Aversion to meat, fats and rich food which <. And < Milk Silica Clinical applications 1. ENT/URT: recurrent infection otitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis; adenopathy; 2. Abscess, suppuration; 3. Splinters and foreign bodies; Differential diagnosis Calc, Hepar, Merc, Puls; Belladonna, Hepar; Silica Clinical features • Anxious, timid; but can be resolute; refined, sensitive to all impressions; conscientious. Child small for age. Recurrent ENT/URT conditions; lymphadenopathy. Suppuration: aids resolution. Constipation. Anal fissure. Sweats: Foot sweat foul. Chilly but sweaty. Key characteristics • Constitutional type; • Modalities: < cold air, damp, change damp to dry, pressure; > warmth, warm wraps. • Food: Averse meat Staphysagria Clinical applications 1. Trauma - surgical, invasive, 'oscopies, 'otomies; 2. Cystitis - 'honeymoon' cystitis. 3. Styes; Differential diagnosis Arnica, Hypericum; 4. Ignatia, Nat mur; Emotional ailments; Apis, Cantharis, Puls; Puls, Sulph; Staphysagria Clinical features • Incised wounds, surgical trauma, invasive procedures; cystoscopy, shincterotomy, etc.; pre-/postop care. Cystitis after intercourse; Recurrent styes; Ailments from anger, grief and disappointed love, 'mortification' and humiliation, anger, suppressed anger/indignation. Sulphur Clinical applications 1. Skin eruption; 2. Conjunctivitis; 3. Blepharitis and styes; 4. Diarrhoea; Differential diagnosis Ars alb, Graphites, Petroleum, Rhus tox; Arg nit, Euph, Puls; Puls, Staphys; Arg nit, Ars alb, Coloc, Gels; Sulphur Clinical features • Eruptions: itchy (< scratching, washing, at night), hot, red, excoriated. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis and styes: burning, itching, hot, red. Diarrhoea - driving out of bed in the morning. Key characteristics • Constitutional type; Lazy, selfish, philosophical, opinionated, untidy. Redness of orifices. Hot feet - has to stick them out of bed. Faint sinking feeling (in abdomen) about 11am. • Modalities: < 11 am, bathing, becoming overheated, overexertion, standing, milk, >dry, warm weather, open air, motion.