The Grey Zone Project Pier Siebesma Grey Zone committee: Andy Brown, Jeanette Onvlee, Martin Miller, Pier Siebesma 1. Introduction on the Grey Zone 2. A proposal 3. Discussion and Next Steps WGNE Boulder (from a parameterizational point of view) (thanks to Paul Field and Adrian Hill (Met Office)) The Grey Zone Project 1 Motivation • Increased use of (operational) models in the “grey zone” (Dx = 1 ~10km) •Models operating in this resolution range resolve some of the “aggregation of convective cells” but certainly no individual convective cells. •This leads to the “wrong” perception that these “grey-zone” models, when operating without (deep) convection parameterizations, can realistically represent turbulent fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum. •Hence there is a urgent need of a systematic analysis of the behavior of NWP models operating in the “grey-zone”: “The Grey Zone Project” WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 2 Some Background “Many of the parameterization issues (especially clouds and convection) evolve around finding the subgrid (co)variances of w, T and q” WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 3 “Many of the parameterization issues (especially clouds and convection) evolve around finding the subgrid (co)variances of w, T and q” Prime Example: Cloud schemes WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 4 “Many of the parameterization issues (especially clouds and convection) evolve around finding the subgrid (co)variances of w, T and q” Prime Example: Subgrid Cloud Fraction qsat qt WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 5 “Many of the parameterization issues (especially clouds and convection) evolve around finding the subgrid (co)variances of w, T and q” Prime Example: subgrid cloud fraction qsat(T) . (T,qt) qt T WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 6 “Many of the parameterization issues (especially clouds and convection) evolve around finding the subgrid (co)variances of w, T and q” Prime Example: subgrid cloud fraction qsat(T) . (T,qt) qt __________ ____ Cloud fraction: WGNE Boulder ac H qt qs H qt qs T The Grey Zone Project 7 “Many of the parameterization issues (especially clouds and convection) evolve around finding the subgrid (co)variances of w, T and q” Prime Example: subgrid cloud fraction qsat(T) . (T,qt) qt __________ ____ Cloud fraction: ac H qt qs H qt qs T ac H (qt qs ) P(qt , l )dqt d l WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 8 •This biased errors slowly go away if resolution increases: __________ ____ x 0 ac H qt qs D H qt qs •Typically allowed for Dx~100m, i.e. at the LES scale •So for all models operating at a coarser resolution additional information about the underlying Probability Density Function (pdf) is required of temperature, humidity (and vertical velocity). P(T , qt , w) •Or, as a good approximation, the variances and covariances: q2 , 2 , w2 , wq, w , q , As a function of the used resolution!! WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 9 Example:a posteriori coarse graining •Use a reference (LES) model that resolves the desired phenomenum ( Dx << lphen) •Has a domain size much larger than the desired phenomenum •Coarse grain the (co)variances across these scales L (l ) 2 2 l l L subgrid WGNE Boulder l Dx, L ( L >> lphen) L 2 L resolved The Grey Zone Project 10 Methodology: •Use a reference (LES) model that resolves the desired phenomenum ( Dx << lphen) •Has a domain size much larger than the desired phenomenum •Coarse grain the (co)variances across these scales 2 L 2 l l L 2 L L subgrid 2 L 2 l Dx, L ( L >> lphen) resolved L 0 l=L L 2 L 0 L 2 l = Dx L WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 11 Applied to shallow cumulus convection: l q (l ) 2 L Subgrid contribution Subgrid contribution starts to shrink if l~ 5 lphen~5km WGNE Boulder l The Grey Zone Project 12 Similar analysis for fluxes (heat flux) w l Grey zone sets in at smaller scales Due to the fact that the w-spectrum peaks at smaller scales WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 13 Not completely unrelated to stochastic physics……….. subgrid resolved l=1.6km l=6.4km l=12.8km Moisture turbulent flux WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 14 Stratocumulus generates larger horizontal scales……. How large is large enough? De Roode et al: JAS 61 p403 2004 WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 15 q 2 l L Subgrid contribution q 2 l L WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 16 q 2 l L Subgrid contribution Now the grey zone sets in at 10 km or more. WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 17 Schematics of the grey zone (including the stochastic arena) Remarks: 1) The grey zone depends on the size of the considered process (convection (shallow or deep) , clouds (stratocumulus, shallow or deep) 2) The stochastic arena is stretching out a factor of 5 to 10 further. Deterministic Stochastic Arena (statistical) Grey zone variance, resolved total Arena parametrized flux Lphen 10~50 Lphen Horizontal resolution (Dx) WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 18 Proposal (from WGNE 2010 meeting) • Project driven by a few expensive experiments (controls) on a large domain at a ultra-high resolution (Dx=100~500m) (~2000x2000x200 grid points). •Coarse grain the output and diagnostics (fluxes etc) at resolutions of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 km. (a posteriori coarse graining: COARSE) •Repeat CONTROLS with o.5 1km, 2km, 4km, 8km, etc without convective parametrizations etc (a priori coarse graining: NOPARAMS) •Run (coarse-grain) resolutions say 0.5, 1km, 2km, 4km and 8km with convection parametrizations (a priori coarse graining: PARAMS) •Preference especially from the mesoscale community for a cold air outbreak WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 19 Aims • Show how faithfully fluxes, variances, cloud structures, etc can be represented by comparing COARSE, NOPARAMS and PARAMS depending on all aspects of set-ups. • Guide improvements in current schemes especially at these resolutions - essential for future progress • Gain some insight and understanding of what can be achieved without parametrizations • Clarify what cannot/should not be done without parametrization also!! Strong Support from both the international NWP and Climate community WGNE Boulder The Grey Zone Project 20 CONSTRAIN – proposal for cold air outbreak case (thanks to Paul Field & Adrian Hill, Met Office) CONSTRAIN -flights over the North Atlantic from January 12 to 31 2010. - The proposed case is based in observations and NWP data from January 31st 2010. • Observations show that this day is characterised by northerly flow and stratocumulus clouds at 65N -10W. As air advects over warmer seas the Sc transitions to mixed-phase cumulus clouds at around 60N, prior to reaching land The Case (1) • The Mesoscale Community is interested to start with an extra-tropical case • Cold-air outbreaks are of general interest for various communities • Proposal: “Constrain” cold-air outbreak experiment 31 January 2010 • Participation of global models, mesoscale models but also from LES models !! •Domain of interest: 1500X1000 km •Quick Transition : ~ 12 hours The Case (2) 4 Different Flavours 1. Global Simulations (at the highest possible resolution up to 5 km) 2. Mesoscale Models (Eulerian) At various resolutions (up to ?) 3. Mesoscale Models (Lagrangian) Idealized with periodic BC highest resolution (~100m) 4. LES models (Lagrangian) (in the same set up as 3) LAM simulation Quasi-lagrangian trajectory Low cloud fraction Quasi-lagrangian timeseries start point 65 N -10 W, 0 UTC Initial Proposal for LES/Mesoscale Langrangian set-up • x,y domain = 250 X 250 km (how large is large enough? ) •dx, dy ~ 250 m • z domain = 5 km •dz = 20 m between surface up to 100m at 5000m • The case is initialised with total water, potential temperature based on output from the NWP simulation Forcing Surface forcing x hours spinup with fixed SST Subsidence Interest on participation on the Grey Zone Project global MetO Meso Meso Operational idealised MetO globa MetO meso MetO meso Model model model LES contacts MOLEM Paul Field Adrian Lock Andy Brown Meteo Arpege France AROME AROME MesoNH MesoNH (p) MesoNH Bouysel Eric Bazile Fleur Couvreux DWD ICON (MPI-H) COSMO-EU COSMO-EU COSMO-DE COSMO-DE UCLA-LES Martin Kohler Axel Seifert Verena Grutzun Met Service Canadian Canada LAM Canadian LES Vaillancourt Jason Milbrandt Aytron Zadra Stephan Belair NCAR ECMWF KNMI WRF WRF (p) IFS (p) WRF(p) Jim Dudhia Anton Beljaars HARMONIE HARMONIE (p) Wim de Rooy Discussion Points (1) • Global Model runs: – The cloud types under consideration are probably to small to be able to penetrate into the grey zone (at least for the turbulent fluxes) – So for these models it is more a classic parameterization excerise – Still relevant enough? – Look for (larger) cloud types for which the grey zone issues are more relevant? – MJO case , now? In a later phase? • Eulerian (operational) Mesoscale Model runs – Can some of these models reach the fully resolved mode “LES (~250m) implying a domain size of 1000X1500 km ? (4000X6000 grid points) – Will each mesoscale model run with the same lateral boundary conditions? Discussion Points (2) • Lagrangian runs (LES and Mesoscale) – How large is large enough? (250X250km) – How long do we need to spin up in order to let mesoscale structures form • How much do we constrain/simplify the case in the Lagrangian mode: – simplify subsidence fields? – Prescribe drag coefficients for the surface fluxes? – Nudge winds? Time Line and Organisation – october/december : testruns with at least 2 LES (MOLEM, DALES) – Release January 2012 Organisation: different case leaders for the 4 flavours ( a la TWP-ICE)? MPI has shown interest (Verena Grutzun) Meto? Others?