COUNTRY REPORT AFGAHNISTAN Presented by Lutfullah “Amarkhail” Nationality : Afghan Name of the organization : Ministry of Energy& Water Kabul Afghanistan Department : General Planning & donors Coordination Department. Phone:+93(0)772848968 Email : GENERAL INFORMATION OF AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan is a mountainous country and locked in center of Asia, between Latitude 29. 35’ to 38.40’ Longitude 60.31’ to 75.5’ E The average elevation of the country varies from 200 to 7750 m from the mean sea level, its total area is 653000 Sq Km Afghanistan is bounded in the North by Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, the Northeast with republic of China, East with Islamic republic of Pakistan, and the West with Islamic republic of Iran. Out of the total area of Afghanistan, about 75% covered with mountains range, the highest of them located in eastern side are famous Hindu Kosh, Koh-e Baba, Tirband-e Turkistan, Feroz Koh, Koh-e Solaiman. Koh-e Chakabi and the high Pamir , whose peaks are mostly covered with snows all the time. And the rest 25% consist of large deserts. RIVER BASIN OF AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan is consist of five river basins - Kabul River Basin - Helmand River Basin - Northern River Basin - Western River Basin ( Harirud Murghab) - Panj-Amu River Basin RIVER BASIN MAP OFAFGHANISTAN Amu River Basin North River Basin Kabul River Basin Wester River Basin Helmand River Basin River-region.shp River-line.shp Major basins and main branch watersheds.shp Hari Rod Hilmand Kabul Northeastern Basin Northern Basin Sistan South Eastern Basin Southern Basin N W 400 0 400 E 800 Kilometers S SELECTION OF WADI BASIN OF AFGHANISTAN Based on the discussion of Eng. Sayed Sharif and Dr. Qunli Director of Tehran UNESCO in Tehran It has been agreed to select Kabul river Basin as WADI basin from Afghanistan Based on the available information I have prepared brief presentation on Kabul River basin. Due to Civil war and conflicts most of the data has been lost. Since coming of new government some data has been collected ,it is not enough Water & Development Information for arid lands Name of the basin, Kabul River Basin Country Name, Afghanistan Name of the Resource Persons Sayed Rasekhudin Nationality : Afghan Name of the organization : Ministry of Energy& Water Director of Water Resources Planning Unit (WRPU). Email : Chief Engineer Sayed Sharif Shobair Nationality: Afghan Name of the Organization: FAO Email: General information on Kabul River Basin KABUL RIVER BASIN The Kabul river basin lies in the northeast quarter of Afghanistan . The river flows west to east, joining the Indus river in Pakistan it encompasses just 12% of the area of Afghanistan it accounts for 35 % of the population, and has the fastest population growth rate in the country. The northern or left flank of the basin is extremely mountainous, while the southern portions drain mainly low mountain ranges, foothills and plains The eastern portion of the basin includes extensive but rapidly diminishing forests that comprise nearly 93 % of the country's forest area. Rangeland is limited to approximately 13% of the national total, as is rain fed agriculture, which accounts for only 3.55 of the country's total rain fed agricultural area. Irrigated land in the basin with intensive cultivation of one or two crops per year is currently estimated to be 150000 hectares, or nearly 20% of the estimated 1.56 million hectares of irrigated area in Afghanistan. The climate of the basin is characterized by cold winters with maximum precipitation from November to May, and warm to very hot summers with little or no precipitation or stream flow, except in rivers and streams fed by melting snow and glaciers. Rainfall is highly variable throughout the basin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Kabul River Basin is consist of nine provinces as follows: Kabul Parwan Kapisa Panjsher Logar Maidan Jalal abad Konar Laghman KABUL RIVER BASIN MAP Nuristan Ñ Parwan Ñ Kapisa Ñ Kunar Ñ Ñ Laghman Kabul Ñ Wardak Ñ Ñ Nangarhar Logar Ñ Ñ Theme69 .shp Kabul Riv er Basin KABUL KAPISA KUNAR LAGHMAN LOGAR NANGARHAR NURISTAN PARWAN WARDAK N E W S 200 0 200 400 Kilometers KABUL RIVER BASIN CONSIST MAJOR SUB BASIN Panjsher sub Basin Logar sub Basin Lower Kabul sub Basin OF THREE KABUL RIVER SUB BASINS HYDROLOGICAL AND WATER MANAGEMENT ISSUES Before 1980 , 142 hydrological stations were installed in all over Afghanistan, but due to war and conflict all station have been destroyed Before 1980 historical hydrology data is available for the period of 1965-1980 and the resolution is daily Since 2008 till now 106 hydrological stations have been installed and 26 are located in the Kabul river basin. The data is under compiling processing and developing the new rating curves. before 1980 water had good management and the peoples’ were irrigated their land by traditional irrigation canals , but most of them were destroyed. Right now most of the irrigation canals are repaired and water management is almost in good condition But in drought year farmers are encountering with lack of water problems, because lack of the reservoirs. The water management department is working on in order to have good water management. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 1. 2. In the Kabul River Basin we have two environmental issues The Environmental flow for the Kabul river basin especially through the Kabul city. The upper part of the basin is intermediate river, we need to ensure the environmental flow through the year. In the upper part of the basin we have a lake, before it was active but due to drought it has been dried. It need to consider it in the future. LIVELIHOODS ISSUES Most of Afghanistan population are living in the Kabul river basin and 65% of this population are living along the river. Major peoples’ are busy with the agriculture . POLICY AND LEGISLATION ISSUES Water policy has been prepared and based on that the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is implementing. River basin council and sub basin council have been structured and they are responsible for the river basin ligislations Water user associations have been made. GEOGRAPHICAL PROPERTIES Longitude(71o 02’) Latitude (34o 14’) at down stream river outlet. Topography most area of Kabul river is mountainous and elevation is from 550-6800msl. Size of the basin 67370Km2 Irrigated area of Kabul basin , almost 150000 Ha Current Per Capita water use 60 lpcd LONG TERM MONTHLY MEAN PRECIPITATION IN KABUL RIVER BASIN Monthly Mean Precipitation (mm) Kabul River Basin 90.00 80.00 70.00 Monthly 60.00 Mean 50.00 Precipitatio 40.00 n (mm) 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Jan Mar May Jul Sep Months of Year Nov Nov Precipitation distribution through the Kabul river basin Asmar 1200.00 Behsood 1000.00 800.00 Jabul Seraj Jalalabad 600.00 Kabul Karezmir 400.00 Laghman 200.00 Logar Sorubi oo d bu lS er aj Ja la la ba d K ab ul K ar ez La mir gh m an Lo ga r So So ru ut b h Sa i la Pa ng gh m an Ja eh s B sm ar 0.00 A Annual Precipitation (mm) Annual Precipitation of Kabul River Basin (mm) Name of the Station South Salang Paghman DEMOGRAPHIC PROPERTIES General Location of the Basin( Northeast Quarter of Afghanistan Total Population in the basin(8.9 Million) Population Below Poverty Line 60% of basin population are bellow poverty DEMOGRAPHICS LAND USE The KRB includes 23 % of the settlements in Afghanistan & approximately 35 % of the country’s population. The population density in the basin averages 93 % per sq. km. Provinces Constituting the Kabul River Basin: Total Population by Province including Refugees (000's) Province Males Females Total Refugee UNHCR Total Population % of Total Kabul 1729.1 1584.7 3313.8 656.4 3970.2 48.5 Logar 149.5 142 291.5 26.6 318.2 3.9 Wardak 211.8 201.2 413 12.3 425.3 5.2 Parwan 372.8 353.6 726.4 101.4 827.8 10.1 Kapisa 184.5 175.2 359.7 23 382.7 4.7 Nangarhar 559.6 529.5 1089.1 313.9 1403.0 17.1 Konar 164.7 156.5 321.2 11.0 332.2 4.0 Laghman 191.1 181.5 372.6 38.8 411.4 5.0 Nuristan 57.3 54.4 111.7 0.10 111.8 1.4 URBAN & RURAL POPULATION IN THE KABUL RIVER BASIN No Province Urban Rural Total Est. growth rate(%) (1979-2003) 1 Kabul 2,839,100 615,900 3445000 3.91 2 Parwan 7,800 307,600 315400 1.58 3 Kapisa 3,200 445,500 448700 1.87 4 Wardak 37200 700,000 337200 1.59 5 Logar 1,900 363,000 364.900 1.58 6 Kunar 101,700 1,004,000 1,105700 1.56 7 Nangarhar 3,300 324,800 328100 1.14 8 Laghman 6,200 371900 378100 0.82 9 Nuristan 0 111600 111600 0 30,000,400 4,244,300 7,244,700 Total LAND USES: PRINCIPAL LAND USES, AS PERCENTAGE OF BASIN AREA Mountains: Out of the total area of Afghanistan, about 75% Desert 25% Wetlands (1.90%) Agriculture (3.55) Irrigated area 150000 ha Urban area - three major cities are urban area in the Kabul Basin 1. Kabul 2. Jalalabad 3. Parwan ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTIES IN KABUL RIVER BASIN No Name of Province Wetlands Km2 Wetlands % 1 Parwan 0.6 0.00 2 Kabul 2.9 0.10 3 Kapisa - 0.00 4 Kunar 15.4 0.30 5 Laghman 19.8 0.50 6 Logar 1.5 0.00 7 Nangarhar 79.8 1.00 8 Nuristan 2.9 0.00 9 Wardak 2.5 0.00 125.4 1.90 Total METEOROLOGICAL AND SNOW GAUGING STATIONS Based on the location, representative importance and historical background selection has been done. 30 Automatic weather stations are proposed as Meteorological stations. 40 Snow gauging stations are proposed for snow survey The meteorological stations will have sensors for precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed & direction, solar radiation and evaporation. The snow stations will be located at or above elevation of about 2500m. HYDRO METEOROLOGICAL NETWORKS Present data collection in the new purposed hydrological station it is recording in every 15 minutes. Rainfall data is recording in every 15 minutes. Lack of telemetry service it is not send to MEW in real time. Since 1980 till now the update data is not available From 68 meteorological station data is available before 1980 years. it is tabulated in excel program Monthly mean precipitation data is tabulated in Excel program Relative humidity data it has been tabulated in Excel program RAINFALL FORECASTS All forecasting department for the hydrometeorological elements and among them precipitations due to war, are damaged for the present time we don’t have forecasting department in the country. Up to now we have not taken from other source We have made the maps of precipitation distribution in the territory of our country For this purpose we have used the observation material of 70 meteorological station having more then 10 years observations. FLOOD FORECAST Due to shortage of forecasters and observation materials , human and technical capacity we are not able to forecast. No soft ware is available Still no progress and development in the flood forecasting Thank you for your attention