Effective Core Training Determine How to Effectively Train the Musculature of the Core - Define “Core” - Learn the musculature of core - Learn the movements that effectively train these muscles - Examples of effective exercises The Core Abdominal Region Lower Back Region Lower Back Region Functions of Core Stabilization Contraction of the Abdominal Wall Functions of Core Extension Lower Back Always Working for Posture Functions of Core Rotation and Pelvic Movement Functions of Core Hip Flexion Legs Lifted Functions of Core Trunk Flexion Trunk Moves Toward Knees Functions of Core Lateral Flexion Trunk moves away from the midline, shoulder moves towards the ground Stabilization Exercises Best achieved by engaging in other exercises Trunk Extension Exercises Lower Back Rotation Exercises Keys to success – Hands stay in front of sternum. Hips, Heels, and Pelvis all mobile. Hip Flexion Trunk Flexion Lateral Flexion Trunk Stabilization Effective exercises Gymball Taps Gymball Fight Twist Smart Board Leg Raise Plank Raise Trunk Extension Effective exercises Gymball Extension Roman Chair Extension Trunk Rotation Effective exercises Gymball medicine ball rotation Twist Smart Toner 3 position twist Gymball high plank rotation Staggered Stance medicine ball throws Hip Flexion Effective exercises Gymball pike Deadbug Incline Leg Raise Trunk Flexion Effective exercises Hollow Rock Over Head Gym Ball Crunch Lateral Flexion Effective exercises Over Head Reach Over Head Reach w/ Twist (Key to success: Lengthen Obliques) Overrated-Underrated-Improperly Done Overrated Underrated Plank Flutter Kick Side Bends Over Head Squat Jumping Side Bend Reach Improperly Done Seated Rotaion Gym Ball Crunch QL Side Plank Notes • How to get a six pack (Diet, Cardio, Genetics, Low Body Fat) • Locked Limb Position • Pelvic Tilt • Feel Does Not Determine Effectiveness • Crunches Don't Add Up Visit us at afeceu.com to check out our new online learning system! Or email us at info@afeceu.com for more information