Location My biome is located in the Arctic Tundra. The continents it lies on North America and Asia. Average Temperature The average temperature is 0 to -30 Celsius. Weather The weather in the Tundra is a lot of Snow and VERY little rain Plants • There are many types including moss, arctic tundra wildflower, and lichen just to name a few. Animals: Herbivores • There are very few herbivores in the tundra because not much grass grows. Animals: Omnivores • There are more Omnivores like bears beavers and weasels. Animals: Carnivores • There are many carnivores like the Wolf, White Fox, Polar bear, and Wolverine. Endangered Species • The list of endangered species are, Polar bear(pra.) , Panda (pra.), Rein Deer(pra.), Musk Ox , Red Wolf(pred.) , Alaskan Loon(pra.), and Bob Cat(pred.) and Sasquatch. Food Chain • Wolf, Polar bear, and Wolverine eatMoose, Elk, Musk Ox fox and owlweasel, mouse, squirrel-BirdsInsects. People • People have many ways to survive in the cold. They have adapted well to the harsh weather. Travel • To get to the Tundra is very hard. You have to take a snow mobile to get there and a plane.