ROBERTS LAKE PROPERTY UNGAAVA BAY, QUEBEC BULLRUN PROSPECTING – KAL MALHI LAND POSITION SURROUNDED BY 43101 FE RESERVES KAL MALHI = 50 claims, 2123 ha, 21.23 km² OCEANIC = 50 claims, 2128 ha, 21.28 km² CLAIMS COVER IRON FORMATION FEO’S ROBERTS LAKE 43101 FOUND 1.2 BILLION TONNES IRON BASED ON HISTORICAL DRILLING - BULL RUN OWNS 50% OF GROUND SURROUNDED BY FEO BULL RUN ROBERTS LAKE GROUND HAS POTENTIAL TO DOUBLE THESE RESERVES! FROM FEO 43101 - ``The Roberts Lake area includes historically identified iron deposits at Kayak Bay, Payne River (the northern extension of the Payne Range deposit north of Payne Bay), Igloo Lake, Hump Zone, Synclinal Zone, and Yvon Lake. The historical estimated resource is 439 million metric tonnes at a grade of 36.8% Fe soluble and was based on very limited exploration `` BULL RUN CLAIMS = MISSING LINK ALONG LABRADOR TROUGH IRON FORMATION Oceanic owns the rest of the iron belt, but they missed this ground! Maps from FEO 43101 Orange = FEO property Red Circle = Area of Kal Malhi claims tracing iron formation in blue IRON LEVELS (LAKE SEDIMENT ANALYSIS) RED OUTLINE = KAL MALHI CLAIMS STRATEGIC VALUE OF BULLRUN ROBERTS LAKE PROPERTY - Claims cover the remaining 50% of the iron formation in Roberts Lake not already staked by Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. - The Bull Run Roberts Lake property is likely to host similar reserves (1 billion ton FE 35% grade) as Oceanic’s Robert’s Lake Ground ground based on fact Bull Run’s claims cover the same amount of the same Ungaava / Labrador Trough iron formation (21sq km of claims completely covering formation). - Geological, magnetic, and lake sediment data indicates Bull Run’s Roberts Lake claims are in the right spot to find iron reserves comparable or better than those found in Oceanic’s 43101 report which was based on old historical data that can likely be improved upon today! - Claims fill a strategic missing link between Oceanic's claims in the Hump Zone and north of Lyon Lake area. Oceanic may want this ground as they drill the rest of their property. CONTACT INFORMATION: Kal Malhi | Bull Run Group 170 - 422 Richards Street Vancouver, BC | V6B 2Z4 T. 604.805.4602 | F. 604.696.3745 Email: