
What is & where is the north pole?
What animals live in the north pole?
Is the north pole the coldest place in the world?
Question time!!!!
What is /where is the North Pole?
• The north pole is in the northern hemisphere,
it is covered in snow in the winter but large
areas of ice thaw during spring and summer,
This is when grass and small flowers grow.
north pole
What animals live in the North
• Polar bears Ross’s gull, Harp seal, Musk ox,
walrus, snow owl, artic fox ringed seal, artic
hare, lemming etc.
Is the coldest place on earth the north
• No the coldest place on earth is the south
pole the north pole is not even the coldest
place in the southern hemisphere.
Question time
Q. do penguin live in the North pole
A. No they live in the south pole
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Thanks for watching
• Director James
• Art designer James
• Information collected by James
• A special thanks to James