The Diary of a Young Girl Reading 4 PowerPoint

The Diary of a Young Girl
By Anne Frank
Reading 4
15 June 1943 –
29 December 1943
Tuesday, 15 June, 1943
 Mr.
Vossen has stomach cancer; he is forced to
retire to take care of his health
He will die in November 1945 from cancer; Otto will
attend his funeral on December 1.
 The
office is forced to turn in their radio
Though it was illegal to listen to British radio, many
Dutch began to listen to the BBC and radio
broadcasts from the Dutch government in exile.
In 1943, in response to these acts of resistance, over
one million radio sets were confiscated by the Nazis
The radio has become their “source of courage” (84).
They are using a clandestine radio
The Dutch Resistance during World War II
Sunday, 11 July, 1943
 Anne
has decided to keep her
opinions to herself to keep the
 Anne
needs eyeglasses badly
and Edith suggests sending her to
the oculist with Mrs. Koophuis
Anne is petrified to go outside
Anne does not believe the plan
will happen because the British
have invaded Sicily, and
everyone hopes the war will be
over soon.
13 July, 1943
 Anne
reports her attempts
at negotiation with Mr.
Dussel over the use of the
table in their shared room.
Do you think she is being
fair? Why or why not?
What is Mr. Dussel’s
argument why he should not
share the desk?
How is the argument
Anne Frank’s desk
Friday, 16 July, 1943
 At
7 am, Peter notices the warehouse door and the
door to the street were open.
Otto and Peter turn the radio to a German station
The people in the Secret Annexe stay extremely quiet
 Mr.
Koophuis tells them that the burglars pried the
doors open with a crowbar.
They stole two cashboxes, postal orders, checkbooks,
and the coupons for 150 kilos of sugar.
The money and typewriters were upstairs and safe.
Friday, 23 July, 1943
Anne tells us what the group wants when they get out of
Margot & Mr. Van Daan– a long, hot bath.
Mrs. Van Daan– ice cream cakes
Dussell- wants to see his wife
Otto– wants to visit Mr. Vossen
Peter– wants to visit town and the cinema
Anne- wants a home of their own, to be able to move
freely, and to go to school.
Elli wants to buy fruit
Grapes f.5.00 per kilo ($1.40 for 2.2 lbs)
Gooseberries f.0.70 per pound($0.21)
Peaches f.0.50 each ($0.14)
Melon f.1.50 per kilo ($0.42)
Monday, 26 July, 1943
 Anne
discusses how the Allies have begun to bomb
Amsterdam, including two critical targets:
Fokker aircraft plant
Schiphol, Amsterdam’s airport
 Why
do you think Anne
prepares an “escape
bag” when she admits
the streets are “just as
dangerous as an air
raid” (91)?
Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator,
stepped down as head of the armed
forces and the government
 Since Mussolini was Hitler’s junior
partner, this is a blow to the Axis
powers, especially after Sicily was
invaded by the Allies a few days prior.
 The Italian king Victor Emmanuel takes
control and wishes to disassociate his
regime from the Fascist Party, the
movement founded by Mussolini in
1919 as Fasci di Combattimento.
Many observers believe the removal of Mussolini is a
first step towards Italy pulling out of the war altogether
and declaring neutrality - but it seems clear the Allies
are not prepared to accept anything less than
unconditional surrender.
BBC radio announcement
Thursday, 29 July, 1943
 While
they are washing dishes, Dussell and Mrs. Van
Daan criticize Anne for having been brought up
knowing too much about “grown-up” subjects.
They agree that she will not be able to get a husband
or fall in love
What does their reaction tell you about society’s
expectations for women at this time?
 Anne
goes on to criticize Mrs. Van Daan for not
setting a good example for what a woman should
be (94)
 Anne adds a postscript that reminds the reader that
she was very angry when writing this entry– it’s not
necessarily how she feels
Another sign that Anne is thinking about publishing the
Tuesday, 3 August, 1943
 The
air raids continue to get worse
 Anne mentions how Mr. & Mrs. Van Daan frequently
“An Unusual Couple” video
Wednesday, 4 August, 1943
Thursday, 5 August, 1943
Monday, 9 August, 1943
Friday, 20 August, 1943
Monday, 23 August, 1943
 Anne
describes the complicated daily schedule of
the annex, pointing out that it is very different from
the routine that ordinary people would follow
during ordinary times.
Her hour-by-hour account is filled with humorous and
not very complimentary descriptions of the other
people in the annex.
A sign that Anne intends for the diary to be published;
her personal diary does not need this amount of
Tuesday, 10 August, 1943
 Anne
tries to use what her mother calls “the Art of
Living” to make life in the Secret Annexe better
Tries to stay positive
Example: Instead of feeling upset when she gets out
of bed in the morning, she tells herself, “You’ll be
back in a second.”
 Anne
receives new shoes
 Mr. Dussel almost causes trouble by asking Miep to
bring him a banned book.
Miep is run into by an S.S. car
Luckily, they do not make her go back to
headquarters with them
Westertoren Church
 Westerkerk
The bells ring every 15 minutes
Anne comes to love the bells, like
a faithful friend.
During World War II, the bells
were removed to prevent them
from being melted down to make
Rembrandt van Rijn, the artist, is
buried here in an unmarked
Friday, 10 September, 1943
 The
group hears on the BBC that Italy has signed an
unconditional armistice to the Allies
 Afterwards, in a personal message to the Italian
people, Italian Prime Minister Pietro Badoglio
confirmed the surrender and even hinted his
people should turn against their former allies, the
 BBC news broadcast
 President FDR reminded the American people
that the war was not yet over:
 “The time has not yet come for celebration.”
 Anne is worried about Mr. Koophuis because he
has to have a serious abdominal surgery
Thursday, 16 September, 1943
 Anne
tells the reader she has been taking
medication each night for depression.
In each entry in this section, her anxiety grows.
She’s just a young girl and can no longer be strong.
 Anne
worries that “VM” will find out about the
hiding place.
VM is Willem van Maaren, the warehouse manager
He’s the inquisitive type and becomes suspicious.
He sets “traps” in the warehouse (papers on the edge
of tables so they fall off as you walk past)
The group wonders how they can get rid of him
without him going to the police with his suspicions.
Wednesday, 29 September, 1943
 Elli
becomes exasperated with
the number of errands the
people in the Secret Annexe
ask her to run
 She is also responsible for
doing her work in the office,
Sunday, 17 October, 1943
Friday, 29 October, 1943
 Koophuis
returns to work from surgery, but his
stomach continues to upset him.
 The Van Daans have run out of money
Mr. Van Daan sells Mrs. Van Daan’s fur coat
 Mrs.
Van Daan wants to save the money to use to buy
new clothes after the war.
 Mr. Van Daan convinces her they need the money now.
 There
has been a lot of quarrelling in the Annexe
 Anne compares herself to a bird with broken wings,
longing for fresh air and sunshine
uses comparisons to nature to express her feelings and
desires that are too difficult to describe in literal terms.
Wednesday, 3 November, 1943
 Mr.
Frank asks Mr. Kleiman for a children’s Bible so
that Anne can learn about the New Testament
 The Franks and Van Daans identify themselves as
Germans first and Jews second.
 This identity became unclear when Hitler
revoked their citizenship.
 Mr. Frank demonstrates his open-mindedness
when he decides to buy Anne a Bible.
 The Franks and Van Daans celebrate both
Christian and Jewish holidays
 They do not keep kosher
Monday, 8 November, 1943
Anne has nightmares
Miep tells Anne that she envies the peace and quiet of
the annex.
describes more of Miep’s role in keeping the annex running
and gives us a sense of the amount of work Miep has to do
to keep them supplied in secret.
Anne understands Miep’s envy of the people in the annex,
since the situation outside is not favorable for any of the
Dutch people, even non-Jews.
The people who protect the annex are under just as much
stress as those inside.
Anne knows that Miep is unaware of the difficulties of their
life in hiding, such as the constant quarreling and frustration
at being in such close quarters.
Miep does not understand what it is like to be a young girl,
trapped in a small attic with a whole world just out of reach.
 Anne,
who is constantly
afraid of being discovered,
compares the eight residents
to a patch of blue sky
surrounded by dark clouds.
 The clouds are coming in,
and they can see both the
destruction below them
and the peace above
 Another example of her
using the natural world to
explain her feelings
 The natural world is what
she misses most in hiding.
Thursday, 11 November, 1943
 Anne
writes about her most
prized possession, her
fountain pen, sent to her by
her grandmother
 She describes her history with
the pen
 The pen was left on the table
while the group rubbed the
beans free of mold before
It is accidentally swept into
the fire with the rubbish and
Wednesday, 17 November, 1943
 Elli
is forced to stay away from the annex for six
weeks because of an outbreak of diphtheria at her
 Margot takes a correspondence class in Latin, in
Elli’s name
 November 16 marked one year of Mr. Dussell living
in the Annexe.
 Mrs. Van Daan makes it clear she feels he should
give them a thank you present.
 He gives Edith a plant and does not give
anything to Mrs. Van Daan.
 Anne notes that Mr. Dussel has not once
thanked them for taking him into the annex
Saturday, 27 November, 1943
 Anne
dreams that she sees Lies
Goosen, her best friend, who
asks Anne to rescue her.
Lies (left) and Anne in
school before the war
Lies is a pseudonym for Hanneli
Anne regrets not treating Lies
better and feels guilty that she is
still relatively safe while Lies is
 Lies
and Anne later reunite in
 Lies survives the war, moves to
Israel, and becomes a nurse. She
has three children and ten
Monday, 6 December, 1943
 St.
Nicholas Day comes again
Anne decorates a laundry
basket with colorful paper and
fills it with shoes.
She and her father write verses
and put one in each shoe
Friday, 24 December, 1943
 Anne
is still grateful that her situation is better than
that of other Jewish children
However, she cannot help feeling jealous of Mrs.
Koophuis’s children.
Her children can go outside and play with friends,
while Anne’s family and friends are trapped in the
annex like “lepers.”
 She
misses having a mother that understands her
She often thinks about the “Mumsie” she will be to her
own children.
Saturday, 25 December, 1943
 Cryptic
entry about Otto discussing the love of his
youth with Anne
“I believe that Pim talked about it because he who
‘knows the secrets of so many other hearts’ had to
express his own feelings for once; because otherwise
Pim never says a word about himself, and I don’t think
Margo has any idea of all Pim has had to go through”.
 The
Hidden Life of Otto Frank by Carol Ann Lee
Otto’s marriage to Edith may have been "a business
arrangement" to rid himself of growing debt with his
wife's dowry and to have the children that he so
desperately longed for.
In an entry on February 8, 1944, Anne wrote about her
parents’ marriage:
"I have the impression that Daddy married Mummy because he
felt she would be a suitable wife. I have to admit I admire
Mummy for the way she assumed the role of his wife and has
never, as far as I know, complained or been jealous. . . . Daddy
certainly admired Mummy's attitude and thought she had an
excellent character. . . . What kind of marriage has it turned out
to be? No quarrels or differences of opinion-but hardly an ideal
marriage. Daddy respects Mummy and loves her, but not with
the kind of love I envision for a marriage. . . . Daddy's not in love.
He kisses her the way he kisses us. . . . One day Daddy is bound
to realize that while, on the outside, she has never demanded
his total love, on the inside, she has slowly but surely been
crumbling away. She loves him more than anyone, and it's hard
to see this kind of love not being returned"
How do you view the marriage of Otto and Edith
Is it any less of a marriage because Edith was not the great love
of Otto's life?
Wednesday, 29 December, 1943
 Anne
dreams about Lies again and her own
 Thinks about how her grandmother kept her internal
disease a secret the whole time.
“A person can be lonely even if he is loved by many
people, because he is still not the “One and Only” to
The appearance of Anne’s grandmother in her dream
emphasizes Anne’s longing for security.
Anne’s dreams reflect the profound feelings of
sadness and loneliness that she feels she must put
aside for the good of the group.