The Gruffalo -

The Gruffalo
What is your favourite food?
What’s your favourite food? (repeat)
I was walking in the woods the other day
I saw a fox coming by my way
I meet in the Gruffalo by these rocks
And his favourite food is roasted fox.
What’s your favourite food? (repeat)
I was walking in the woods the other day
I saw an owl coming by my way
I meet in the Gruffalo by the stream
And his favourite food is owl ice-cream.
Ice-cream… Pizza… Spaguetti… cheese ….Banana … Maccarroni
Chicken …. Strawberries … Chocolate…. Fish… Bacon … Sandwiches … Chips!!
What’s your favourite food? (repeat)
I was walking in the woods the other day
I saw a snake coming by my way
I meet in the Gruffalo by the lake
And his favourite food is scramble snake.