Class Rules 1. Punctuality a. The last person to come into the class later than me will teach the class for 2 minutes on a selected topic by yours truly. b. Homework to be returned during the first Theory lesson of the week. 2. Cleanliness 3. Courtesy a. If you need to speak, raise your hands. b. If someone is speaking, open your ears, and not your mouth. 4. Consistency a. You must always have your notes with you. 5. Commitment a. If you are tasked to do something, I expect it to be done with all your effort. The Way Up • Watch Video (Growing, 11:00min) Topic Overview Transport in Plant Nutrition 6.1 Stem & Root Structure & Function 6.1.1 Vascular Bundle Structure & Function 6.1.2 Stem Internal Structure 6.1.3 Root Internal Structure 6.1.4 Leaf Internal Structure in Relation to Vascular Bundle Arrangements 6.2 Transport of Water & Minerals 6.3 Transports in Phloem 6.2.1 Water Potential 6.2.2 Overview of Water Movement 6.2.3 Water Movement in Roots 6.2.4 Mechanism of Water & Mineral Transport in Stems i) Root Pressure ii) Capillary Action iii) Transpiration & Transpiration Pull 6.2.5 Water Movement in Leaves 6.2.6 Factors Influencing Water Movement and Water Loss 6.2.7 Wilting 6.4 Water Relations & Leaf Adaptation 6.3.1 Pressure Flow Hypothesis 6.3.2 Evidence for Sucrose Translocation 6.4.1 Hydrophytic Leaves 6.4.2 Xerophytic Leaves The Xylem • Comprises of 2 types of substructure: (1) Vessel Elements (2) Tracheids The Xylem • 5 Main Characteristics (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dead, lack protoplasm Hollow, Lack Cross Walls Narrow Laid with Lignin Pits The Xylem Characteristics Function 1. Dead and lack Protoplasm Reduce resistance to water flow 2. Hollow, Lack Cross-walls Reduce resistance to water flow 3. Narrow ↑ Capillary Action 4. Lignin 5. Pits a) Impermeable to water Prevent escape of water en route b) Mechanically strong Mechanical support c) High tensile strength Withstand hydrostatic pressure Allow lateral transfer of water The Phloem • Comprises of 2 types of substructure: (1) Sieve Tube Elements (2) Companion Cells The Phloem Main Characteristics Sieve Tube Elements (1) Thin cytoplasm/ degenerate protoplasm (2) Pores in Sieve plate (3) Callose forms at sieve plates Companion Cells (1) Prominent Nucleus (2) Abundant Mitochondria The Phloem Characteristics Function 1. Degenerate protoplasm Reduce resistance to phloem sap flow 2. Sieve Plates with pores Reduce resistance to phloem sap flow 3. Callose formation Prevent wastage of organic compounds 4. Prominent nucleus in companion cells Coordinate activities in sieve tube elements 5. Abundant mitochondria in companion cells Provide energy for phloem loading in sieve tube elements Water Transport - An Overview 1. Pathways of Water Movement 2. Water Movement in Roots - Root Anatomy (Radial) Casparian Strip 3. Water Movement up Stems - Mechanisms of Water Transport 4. Water Movement in the Leaves Water Potential, Ψ • • A measure of the potential energy of water relative to pure water. Water’s interaction with other particles, gravity and air pressure attributes it with potential energy. Air Pressure Inter-molecular Forces GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL ENERGY Pure water has a water potential of 0 Pa. Water Potential, Ψ • Food-for-thought: • Why use Water Potential when you can use Water Concentration? Water Potential, Ψ • Differences in water potential creates a water potential gradient. • Water moves by osmosis down the water potential gradient, from a region of less negative water potential to a region of more negative water potential. • Solutes on the other hand, moves by diffusion from a region of more negative water potential to a region of less negative water potential. Pathways of Water Movement There are 3 ways where water may move in plant tissues (with the exception of the endodermis): 1) Apoplastic pathway (via cell wall) 2) Symplastic pathway (via cytoplasm) 3) Vacuolar pathway (via vacuoles) Plasmodesmata Water Movement in Roots • Watch Animation: hers/Holtschneider/media/36_09Trans portInRoots_A.swf s/transpiration.swf • What is the Casparian Strip? Radial Root Anatomy The Casparian Strip • The Casparian Strip is a thin band on the radial and lateral walls of endodermal cells, that contains a deposit of fatty material known as suberin. • It restricts the passage of water and solutes, forcing water and solutes to pass through the cell membrane of the endodermal cells. Water Transport - An Overview 1. Pathways of Water Movement MECHANISMS OF WATER TRANSPORT a. Transpiration Pull b. Root Pressure c. Capillary Action 2. Water Movement in Roots - Root Anatomy (Radial) Casparian Strip 3. Water Movement up Stems - Mechanisms of Water Transport 4. Water Movement in the Leaves Mechanisms of Water Transport How can water be moved up a plant as huge as the Sycamore Tree? TRANSPIRATION PULL 1. Driving Force Transpiration Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient Root Pressure 2. Medium for transmitting the force Cohesion and Surface tension of water Transpiration Where does water go after it ends up in the leaves? 1. Evaporate from thin film of water on mesophyll cells. 2. Small amount evaporate from the cuticle 3. Photosynthesis Transpiration is the process involving the loss of water from the aerial parts of a plant, especially via the stomata. Root Pressure Root Pressure is the osmotic pressure in the roots of vascular plants, which arises as a consequent of water undergoing osmosis into the xylem of the root. This results from mineral salts being actively pumped into the xylem of the roots. Watch Animation: • =apoplast_cambium_plasmodesmata_root_pressure_sym plast_transpiration_acceptors_donors_phloem_proton_pu mp_translocation_apoplast_symplast_hydathodes_osmosi s_xylem_transpiration_cohesion_vacuoles_epidermis_end odermis_t_page_17&from=search Root Pressure and Guttation Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient Transpiration LOW HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE in the LEAVES Root pressure HIGH HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE in the ROOTS. Difference in hydrostatic gradient provides the driving force to move water upwards. Cohesion-Tension Water moving from the roots, through the stem, and finally to the leaves, form a continuously flowing stream, known as TRANSPIRATION STREAM. Cohesion-Tension The TRANSPIRATION STREAM is critical in transmitting the upward pulling force arising from the hydrostatic pressure gradient. • Cohesion forces between water molecules. • As water evaporates from the leaves, cohesion causes water molecules to “pull” on each other. Cohesion-Tension Surface tension Water seeping into the minute pores in the cell wall has high surface tension. This pulls on more water to move into the cell wall, then to the thin film of water lining the mesophyll cells. Cohesion-Tension Transpiration Pull Driving force Means of mediating force Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient Transpiration Stream Transpiration in Leaves Root Pressure Cohesion Tension Factors Affecting Transpiration Factors Affecting Transpiration External 1. Light 2. Humidity 3. Wind Speed 4. Temperature 5. Water Availability Internal 1. Leaf Area 2. Thickness of Cuticle 3. Number of Stomata 4. Distribution of Stomata Factors Affecting Transpiration 1. Light Light affects size of stomata. More light causes guard cells to photosynthesize. Guard cells becomes turgid. Stomata opens and higher transpiration rates. Factors Affecting Transpiration 2. Humidity Increased water content in atmospheric air. Decreases water concentration gradient between intercellular air spaces and atmosphere. Lower rates of diffusion into atmospheric air, thus lower transpiration rates. Factors Affecting Transpiration 3. Wind Speed Increased in wind speed. Diffuses water vapour just external of the stomata, allowing . Lower rates of diffusion into atmospheric air, thus lower transpiration rates. External Factors Influecing Transpiration Factor Influence Light Stomata open in the presence of light and closes in the dark. Humidity Affects diffusion gradient between the air spaces in the leaf and the atmosphere. Wind Speed Changes the diffusion gradient by altering the rate at which most air is removed from around the leaf. Temperature Affects the kinetic energy of the water molecules and the humidity of the air. Water Availability Influences water potential gradient between soil and the leaf. Evaporation in Leaves Wilting