Visual Representation powerpoint v2 - aiss-english-10

• This advertisement is of 3 men, running towards
the ocean with surfboards in one arm. In the
distance are the red and yellow lifeguard flags.
• No high-rise buildings in the distance, or any
buildings whatsoever.
• Only greenery, the sand and blue skies.
• The large text at the top says ‘Arrived in the
search of the ultimate break. Departed having
found paradise. The image represents Australian
beaches as relaxing, fun, safe and isolated.
• The people in the photo are relatively small in
relation to the background, especially in
comparison to the sky.
• The background (palm trees, red and yellow
flags) look as if they are in the distance.
• Although not the main subject of the image
are still represented, therefore having some
• The image is set on a beach in Australia. The
sky is blue, and there are hardly any clouds
thus setting the mood for the image, as bright
and happy.
• There are no buildings in the background,
possibly suggesting serenity and tranquility, a
getaway from the city life.
• The colours in the advertisement are bright,
and summery, suggesting the happy and
relaxed atmosphere of the beaches in Australia.
• Bright red and yellow flags in the distance also
help in emphasizing this.
• The colours used do not really denote a specific
gender role.
• The men in the photo have tanned skin, which
shows that they spend a lot of time in the sun
at the beach.
• Male surfer is positioned in the middle centre
(foregrounded), but another 2 male surfers are
in the background. This is the main centre of
• Palm trees behind the beach are also in the
background along with the red and yellow flags
• Text is positioned in the left hand corner as we
read from left to right
• There is no eye-contact in the advertisement
• Surfers are facing the beach as if about to go
for a surf
• Makes the viewer
want to join in with
• Although there is no eye-contact, the image is
shot pretty much at eye level, side on. Which
gives us a sense of equality which is a big
theme in Australian beach culture
• Although the sky is not that bright, the lighting
gives across the sense of a happy and free day.
• The golden sand shines quite brightly compared
to the other colours presented in the image.
• Gives the viewer a reminder of how it feels to
have “sand between their feet”
Body Language
• Cannot really see the facial expression of surfers
• The men are running towards the ocean, and
their body posture gives us a sense of excitement
and are ready for anything
• All male surfers have the body language of a
strong and fit Australian male which supports the
stereotype of male gender roles held in popular
culture today.
• Clothing worn is the typical beach clothing for
Australia, fitting in with what the
stereotypical Australian would wear at the
• Reflects the Australian beach culture and
Australian culture in general.
• Gives across the impression of the quite
chilled and easy-going ways of Australians