Noun 1. a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction. “The architect of the high school needed to change his plans." Synonyms :designer, planner, draftsman 2. a person who is responsible for inventing or realizing a particular idea or project. “The chief architect of the plan to raise taxes received some criticism." Synonyms: originator, author, creator Verb 1. To adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, sometimes to avoid detection or to defend oneself. We crouched in the room, so no one could see us. Synonyms: squat, bend , stoop, kneel 2. To bend over and forward with knees bent so as to be close to (someone or something). She was crouching over a flower bed. Noun 1. a crouching stance or posture. Adjective 1. happening quickly or promptly. "a remarkably swift recovery" Synonyms: prompt, rapid, sudden, immediate Antonyms: unhurried 2. moving or capable of moving at high speed. "the water was very swift" Synonyms: fast, rapid, quick, speedy Noun 1. a swift-flying insectivorous bird with long slender wings and a superficial resemblance to a swallow. Noun 1. a homeless and helpless person, especially a neglected or abandoned child. The waif found help at the shelter Synonyms: urchin Verb 1. To walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall. He staggered to his feet, swaying a little Synonyms: walk unsteadily, sway, stumble, wobble 2. To astonish or deeply shock. I was staggered to find it was already six o'clock Synonyms: amaze, astound, astonish, surprise 3. arrange (events, payments, hours, etc.) so that they do not occur at the same time; spread over a period of time. Meetings are staggered throughout the day Synonyms: spread (out), space (out) Adjective 1. (of the sky or weather) marked by a covering of gray clouds; dull. "a chilly overcast day“ Synonyms: cloudy, sunless, darkened, dark, gray, dreary Antonyms: bright Verb 1. To cover with clouds or shade. "the pebbled beach, overcast with the shadows of the high cliffs" Noun 1. a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir. He was appointed principal conductor of the BerlinPhilharmonic Orchestra" 2. NORTH AMERICAN a person in charge of a train, streetcar, or other public conveyance, who collects fares and sells tickets. We gave our money to the conductor when we got on the train. Noun 3. PHYSICS a material or device that conducts or transmits heat, electricity, or sound, especially when regarded in terms of its capacity to do this. Graphite is a reasonably good conductor of electricity. Verb 1. (of an animal or bird of prey) to spring or swoop suddenly so as to catch prey. The wolf pounced on the rat. 2. (of a person) to spring forward suddenly so as to attack or seize someone or something. Synonyms: jump on, spring on, lunge at, fall on, 3. To notice and take swift and eager advantage of a mistake, remark, or sign of weakness. Reporters are just as eager to pounce on a mistake as on a significant news story. Adjective 1. of high quality. This was a fine piece of woodworking Synonyms: excellent, first-class, great, exceptional, Antonyms: poor (of a person) worthy of or eliciting admiration. What a fine human being he is Synonyms: worthy, admirable, respectable 2. (of a thread, filament, or person's hair) thin. I have always had fine and dry hair Synonyms: thin, light, delicate, wispy, Noun 1. a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority. My mom had to pay a parking fine for coming back to her car late Synonyms:(financial) penalty, fee, charge Noun 1. the main stem of a herbaceous plant. He chewed a stalk of grass. Synonyms: stem, shoot, trunk 2. The slender attachment or support of a leaf, flower, or fruit. The acorns grow on stalks. Synonyms: stem, trunk Verb 1. pursue or approach stealthily. A cat stalking a bird is very quiet. Synonyms: creep up on, trail, follow, track down, Noun 1. a deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it. Synonyms: ravine, gorge, gully Adjective 1 . having a small and dainty build. Because they lived in a small apartment, they wanted a petite dog. Synonyms: small, dainty, slight, tiny, delicate, small-boned Verb 1. throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction. He cast the stone into the stream. Synonyms: throw, toss, fling, pitch 2.throw (something) so as to cause it to spread over an area. The fishermen cast a large net around a school of tuna. Synonyms: spread, throw 3. To direct (one's eyes or a look) at something. She cast a fearful glance over her shoulder. 4.To register (a vote). Residents turned out in record numbers to cast their votes. Verb 5. To cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface. The moon cast a pale light on the beach. Synonyms: emit, give off, send 6. To cause (a magic spell) to take effect. The witch cast a spell on her to turn her into a beast. Synonyms: bewitch, enchant, 7. To shape (metal or other material) by pouring it into a mold while molten. A bell was cast for the church. Noun 1. an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold. Bronze casts of the sculpture were on display. Synonyms: mold 2. a bandage stiffened with plaster of Paris, molded to the shape of a limb that is broken, and used to support and protect it. After I broke my elbow, I needed to have a cast for several weeks. 3. the actors taking part in a play, movie, or other production. Synonyms: actors, performers Verb 1. to move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place. I strayed a few blocks in the wrong direction. Synonyms: wander off, get separated, get lost Adjective 1. not in the right place; separated from the group or target. He pushed a few stray hairs from her face. Synonyms: random, chance, isolated, lone, 2. (of a domestic animal) having no home or having wandered away from home. Stray dogs wandered the streets. Synonyms: homeless, lost Adjective 1. of very great extent or quantity; immense. I looked out on a vast plain of buffalo grass. Synonyms: huge, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, sweeping Antonym: tiny Noun 1. narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall. Lizards and snakes were able to come through the crevices of the rock wall. Synonyms: crack, fissure, nook, slit, Verb 1. (of a plant, leaf, or flower) to become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop. The orchids became wilted as the water evaporated. Synonyms: droop, sag, become limp, Antonyms: flourish, thrive (of a person) lose one's energy or vigor. My friend wilted as the temperature increased. Synonyms: languish, droop, tire Antonym: perk up Adjective 1. deliberately cruel or violent. The police officer avoided a vicious assault. Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, dangerous,, cruel, harsh, Antonyms: gentle, kindly (of an animal) wild and dangerous to people. Tigers need to be vicious in the wild in order to survive. serious or dangerous. There was a vicious flu bug keeping everyone from coming to school. Noun 1. an outdoor overgarment, typically sleeveless, that hangs loosely from the shoulders. Red Riding Hood wore a cloak when she went to her grandmother’s house. Synonyms: cape, poncho, serape, shawl, 2. something serving to hide or disguise something. “Lifting the cloak of secrecy on the deal” Synonyms: cover, veil, screen Verb 1. To dress in a cloak. She cloaked herself in black. Verb 1. To move with a smooth continuous motion, typically with little noise. A few gondolas glided past Synonyms: sail, float cause to move with a smooth continuous motion. synonyms: slide, slip, sail, float, drift, flow; More 2. To make an unpowered flight, either in a glider or in an aircraft with engine failure. The airplane glided into a landing 3. (of a bird)To fly through the air with very little movement of the wings. Synonyms: soar, fly Seagulls gliding over the wave Adjective 1. (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers. A cautious driver Synonyms: careful, alert Antonyms: reckless, careless Noun 1. a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs. She was standing in a corner of the lawn, trimming the hedge. Synonyms: bushes Verb 1. surround or bound with a hedge. There was garden hedged with yews outside the building. Synonyms: surround, border, edge, bound Verb 1. To keep from sight; hide. A line of sand dunes concealed the distant sea. Synonyms: hide, screen, cover Antonym: reveal 2. keep (something) secret; prevent from being known or noticed. They kept their secret hidden from their friends. Synonyms : hide, disguise Antonyms:: reveal, confess Adjective 1. looking or feeling dejected; morose. They looked glum but later cheered up. Synonyms: gloomy, downcast Antonyms: cheerful Verb 1. To give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity. He disguised himself as a girl to avoid detection. Synonyms: dress up as, pretend 2. make (something) unrecognizable by altering its appearance, sound, taste, or smell. Does holding a handkerchief over the mouthpiece really disguise your voice? Synonyms: camouflage, conceal, hide, cover up, Antonyms: expose Noun 1. a means of altering one's appearance or concealing one's identity. His bizarre disguise drew stares from fellow shoppers.