Middle East

The Middle East and North Africa
1) Location
Where is the Middle East?
The Middle East is at the crossroads of three
1. Asia
2. Africa
3. Europe
What is the Middle East Region?
• Areas west of Afghanistan/Pakistan including Iran
• Countries in Northern Africa along Mediterranean Sea
• Turkey
Why is Northern Africa included in the region?
• Islam and Arabs– same religion, similar cultures
Major Physical Features
Sahara Desert
Arabian Peninsula
Jordan River
Tigris River
Euphrates River
Nile River
Red Sea
Persian Gulf
Suez Canal
Strait of Hormuz
2) Human
Physical Geography - Middle East: Climate Regions
What climate type dominates the region?
What climate type is found around water?
Physical Geography - The Middle East: Natural Vegetation
What is the dominant vegetation zone in the region?
Why is there a different vegetation zone through
central Egypt?
What resources are in the Middle East?
Fresh Water
Limited supplies in most countries
Desalination plants – remove salt
from water
Dams - hydroelectricity
Irrigation - for farming
Most countries either have oil or make
money from it (refining it or pipeline
½ of world supply of petroleum is in
Middle East
How does this affect you?
Physical Geog - The Natural Resources of the Middle East
What is the dominant form of agriculture in the Middle
What mineral resource is most common in the Middle
Where are there Fresh Groundwater
What is Oil? Why is it Important?
Produced from microscopic marine plants and
animals, squeezed underground for millions
of years.
Oil is a “finite resource”
Once it is used up, it is gone forever.
Nobody is certain how much is left.
Oil is used for many things:
Fuel, (gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil)
All plastic is made from petroleum
Asphalt used in road construction
Synthetic rubber in tires
Fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides
Detergents, many drugs, and paints
Artificial fibers used in clothing (Nylon,
Global Oil Production
What is OPEC ?
• OPEC - “Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries”
• Controls the price, production and distribution of oil.
• 66% of world reserves of oil, 40% of world oil production
What are our alternative energy
Vegetable oil
Grain alcohol –
• Hydroelectric
• Ocean Currents
• Geo-Thermal
3) Movement
• Demographics, Immigration, Trade Routes, and Choke Points
Demographics and Immigration
In general, the MENA has fast
growing, very young
populations. 50% under the
age of 35 in most places.
Despite this, many countries
buck this trend, with rapidly
decreasing fertility rates.
The MENA is a primary source
of immigrants to Europe and
the West, mostly for
economic reasons.
Some countries in the Persian
Gulf, on the other hand, have
large populations of
immigrant workers from
South and Southeast Asia for
the same reasons.
Trade Routes and Choke Points
Suez Canal
• Primary trade route connecting
Europe and Asia
• Built in Egypt by the French in the
1850’s and 1860’s.
Straits of Hormuz
• The Persian Gulf is a vital part of
the world oil supply.
• It is in a very dangerous part of
the world.
• It can easily be closed off by
hostile countries.
4) Place
History of the Middle East
“Fertile Crescent” of river
valleys, was cradle of
civilization, around 4000 BC.
Nile River
Jordan River
Tigris River
Euphrates River
Mesopotamia - Area of earliest
towns, agriculture between
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Empires - Many different
empires ruled this region:
Alexander the Great
Islam – Dominated the region
almost immediately after it
appeared around 650AD, both
religiously and politically.
Middle East: Population Density
Why is the population density so high in central Egypt?
What other areas are most populated in the region? Why?
Cultures of the Middle East
• Majority speak Arabic (also Turkish, Farsi, Hebrew)
• Many different ethnic groups, such as Arabs, Persians, Turks, Kurds
• 90% follow Islam (Sunni and Shi’a)
Many Ethnic Groups in the Middle East
Middle Eastern Countries
• Related history, similar issues
and challenges
• Religious conflicts, social
• Limited natural resources
(especially water)
• Arid climate – hot and dry (136*
in the shade in Libya!)
• All countries border the ocean
(except Afghanistan which is
Islam and the Middle East
What three major religions began in
Middle East?
• Judaism, Christianity, Islam
• Called “Religions of the Book”, or
“Abrahamic Religions”, all related
• Major events of Old Testament,
New Testament, and Quran all
happened in Middle East and
North Africa.
• Islam is now the dominant
religion of the region, and has
been since around 700AD.
What is Islam?
Primary religion of the modern Middle East, about 1.5 billion followers.
Main idea: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Prophet.”
• Who – Muhammad
• When – circa 610AD
• Where – Arabian Peninsula
• Holy Books – Quran (main text) and the Hadith (commentaries)
Major Concepts of Islam
Islam means “submission to the will of God”.
Quran is considered the literal word of Allah,
given to Mohammed by the Archangel Gabriel.
Sharia is Islamic law, covering nearly all aspects
of life. Used by many Islamic countries as basis
for their own legal codes.
Mosques are where Muslims gather to worship.
Five Pillars of Islam are the things one must do
to be a practicing Muslim.
Jihad is “struggle”, whether internally for selfcontrol or externally for holy war.
“Five Pillars” of Islam:
Statement of Faith
Prayer five times daily
Fasting during holiday
of Ramadan
Alms to the poor
Visit holy city of Mecca
at least once.
‫أشهد أن ال إله إال هللا‬
‫أشهد أن محـمداً رسـول هللا‬
I declare that there is no deity except
I declare that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.
Difference between Sunni vs. Shia?
• Two major sects of Islam. In modern times,
Islam is split – about 85% Sunni, 15% Shi’a.
• Differences started long ago, due to a dispute
about who would lead the Muslim world
(Umma) after Muhammad died.
• Over time, the groups developed different
beliefs and practices. It is a little like the
differences between Catholics and
• Many modern conflicts in the Middle East
have these differences at their root. This is
called “sectarian violence”.
“Kaaba” in Mecca, site of pilgrimage.
Why are women covered up?
Islam encourages modest dress. Different cultures interpret this differently, and require
different things from women. Some women see it as subjugation, some see it as proper.
Not all countries follow the same customs, nor do all women in a country follow the same
customs. Some places it is a choice, others it is the law. In a few places, it is enforced with
violence against women.
Head covering is called Hijab. Only the eyes exposed is called Niqab. Head to toe is called
5 ) Region
• Issues, Crisis, and Conflicts
• There is a lot of stuff covered in this presentation, so strap in.
CONFLICT: Iran, Iraq,
and the Persian Gulf
Iraq and Iran – NOT THE SAME
20% SUNNI, 80% SHI’A
90% SHI’A
USA in the Persian Gulf
Why are we there?
• To protect the flow of oil to the world, mostly. We
need it, and that is where it comes from. There are
other reasons, but this is probably the most
What have we done there?
• The USA has supported dictators, overthrown
governments, sold weapons to both sides in a war,
and fought wars.
What resulted from this?
• USA is mistrusted in the region, involved in a long
war, and facing terrorism at home.
What it worth it?
• Maybe. Gotta have the oil, after all.
Why is there conflict with Iran?
• 1950’s-1970’s, USA supported the “Shah”
(Emperor) of Iran because he was antiCommunist. He was a harsh ruler.
• In 1979 an Islamic Revolution happened, led
by Ayatollah Khomeini, opposed to the USA.
They took 50+ American hostages, held them
for almost a year and a half.
• Iran has opposed the USA on Israel, Iraq, and
nuclear weapons. The Iranian government
calls the USA the “Great Satan”.
• Iran was once Persia, a great empire, and it
wishes to resume importance on the world
• They are currently threatening to close the
Strait of Hormuz/Persian Gulf, due to
international sanctions against them.
What are the Gulf Wars?
Conflicts between the USA, Iraq, and Iran to control
the Persian Gulf. Alliances shift – today’s ally is
tomorrow’s enemy!
1. IRAN-IRAQ WAR (1980-1988): Iran vs. Iraq; Chemical
weapons used by both sides, possibly a million people
died. US supported Iraq and Saddam Hussein, but covertly
sold weapons to Iran.
2. GULF WAR (1991): US vs. Iraq; Saddam Hussein invaded
Kuwait to take the oilfields. USA and coalition fought to
protect Saudi and Kuwaiti oilfields. War stopped by UN
with Saddam Hussein still in power.
3. IRAQ WAR (2003-2011): US vs. Iraq; USA and allies
invaded Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein. Sectarian
fighting between Shia vs. Sunni vs. Kurds. US withdrew in
Kurds and Kurdistan
• The Kurds are a people who live in
the Middle East, about 30,000,000 in
all. They have their own language
and culture, and a separate identity
as Kurdish people.
• They have no country of their own,
instead living scattered across a
dozen other countries, including
Turkey, Iraq, and Iran.
• They are in conflict with several
governments, as some wish to
create a separate Kurdish country,
called Kurdistan.
• Kurds often point to the Jews and
the creation of Israel as an example.
The Arab Spring
The “Arab Spring” Revolts
The Arab Spring is a wave of demonstrations and
protests occurring in the Arab world starting in late 2010.
• Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt
• Civil war in Libya resulted in fall of its government
• Civil uprisings in Bahrain, Syria, and Yemen, resulting
in resignation of Yemeni prime minister
• Major protests in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait,
Morocco, and Oman
• Minor protests in Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia,
Sudan, and Western Sahara.
• Clashes between Israel and Palestine along border
posts also inspired by Arab Spring.
Arab Spring Revolts
The protests have shared techniques of civil
resistance, as well as the use of social media
(Facebook and Twitter) to organize and coordinate.
Many demonstrations have met violent responses
from authorities, as well as from pro-government
militias and counter-demonstrators.
Improvised riot helmets in Tahrir Square (Egypt)!!!
Results of the Arab Spring
As of January, 2013, the following changes have resulted from the Arab Spring:
Crisis in Syria
Syria is a small country located between Iraq and
Turkey, with a powerful military. Before the Arab
Spring, Syria was ruled by the Assad family as a
In 2011, demonstrations against the Assad turned
violent. By 2012, a full civil war was on between the
Assad government and rebel factions, including
some Islamists and some supported by Iran… not
friends of the USA.
The USA supports some of the rebels in theory, but
many of them consider us enemies. Russia and China
support the Assad regime.
To make matters more complicated, the Syrian
military has a lot of chemical weapons, very
dangerous. Someone used chemical weapons in
August, 2013; evidence points to Assad, though this
is still in dispute.
CONFLICT: Israel and the
Arab World
Places to Know
Israel – Jewish state, founded in 1948.
“Occupied Territories”
West Bank – Palestinian area between
Jerusalem and Jordan River, run by
Gaza Strip – Palestinian area on
Mediterranean coast, run by HAMAS.
Golan Heights – Syrian territory,
occupied by Israel for military reasons
in 1967.
Sinai Peninsula – Part of Egypt,
captured by Israel in 1967, given back
to Egypt in 1979 as part of peace
Creation of Israel
• Zionism- Political movement for a Jewish
homeland. Jews to return to “Promised
• Organized by Theodore Herzl in 1897.
• Why? Jews faced persecution and
genocide throughout their history.
Worldwide sympathy for Jews after
• Jews started moving to Palestinian
region in 1890’s – 1930’s.
• Conflict with local Arabs over land, water,
How was modern Israel created?
United Nations settled on Palestine for a Jewish
• Why Palestine?
1. Ancient kingdom of Israel, “Promised Land”
2. Not very crowded in the 1940’s
3. Controlled by Britain, which was willing to give it
to Jews
4. Political movement by Zionists, already settling
1948 – UN Resolution 181 divided Palestine into 3
Israel – for Jews
Palestine – for Arabs
Jerusalem – run by UN for all groups
Immediately triggered the 1948 war, first of many
Arab-Israeli wars.
Arab-Israeli Wars
Israel believes it has a right to exist.
Arab nations feel that Israel was forced upon them by the West.
Both sides became part of the “Cold War”, aggravating the
issue. Arabs and Israelis fought several large wars and many
small ones. The three most important ones are:
1948 – “War of Independence”/Nakba: Arab armies invaded,
Arab refugees fled, hoping to return after war. Israel won.
These refugees became today’s Palestinians.
1967 – Six Day War: Egypt, Syria prepped for war, but Israel hit
first. Total win for Israel, occupied lots of territory, including
West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights, and captured Jerusalem.
1973 – Yom Kippur War: Arab militaries struck Israel during
holiday, when Israeli military was on leave. Close call for Israel,
which relied heavily on US support. Israel won.
Major wars ended after Camp David Agreements (1977-1978),
peace between Egypt and Israel, later Jordan. Other Arab
countries still officially hostile, but no large wars since.
Israel vs. Palestinians
• In the 1948 war, many Arabs left their homes,
living in refugee camps in the West Bank and
Gaza. After 1967 War, Israel expanded into this
captured land, and occupied it directly.
• Most Palestinians live in West Bank and Gaza,
area which are crowded and poor. Formed the
“Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)” to fight
• Peace negotiations have gone on since 1990, but
several uprisings, called “Intifadah” have
• Two main groups against Israel:
– Fatah – Once part of PLO, controls the West Bank, backed
by Arab countries.
– Hamas – Controls Gaza, backed by Iran.
Jerusalem is a holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
It has been fought over for thousands of years.
• In the 1967 “Six Day War”, Israel captured the entire
city, and made it the capital of Israel. Part had
previously been controlled by Jordan.
• The Palestinians see it as part of the West Bank, and
thus belonging to them.
• The “Western Wall”, part of the ruins of the main
temple of Judaism, is considered the holiest site by
• The “Dome of the Rock” is a mosque where Muslims
believe Muhammad ascended into heaven.
• Both sites are on the same hill, with constant
tensions between Jews and Muslims.
The Palestinian controlled territories
of West Bank and Gaza are both
crowded and poor.
Travel and business are difficult due to
the large number of security barriers
and checkpoints put into place by
Occupied territories are further
divided up by Israeli settlements and
roads only usable by Israelis, especially
the West Bank.
This builds resentment and leads to
frequent violence between Israel and
Palestinian militant groups, especially