
Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you
and your family
Presented by
Neil Cooper
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Why would you want to sell funeral plans?
• To substantially increase your earnings
• Everybody’s guaranteed to need one, the paperwork’s simple and
they’re easily added into a single existing appointment
To ensure your clients receive the best advice
Having a funeral plan guarantees your client’s funeral wishes will be
respectfully carried out
Paying for it now, at today’s prices, guarantees the funeral director’s
costs will be covered at the time of need
Having one shows great thoughtfulness and kindness and spares the
bereaved family emotional and financial trauma at a very sad time
Funeral plans are currently the fastest selling financial products
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
..... in partnership with Golden Leaves
• Golden Leaves Ltd was established in 1985 as a provider of funeral plans
• Instrumental in developing the National Association for Pre-paid Funeral
Plans (NAPFP) and continues to be at the forefront of the development
of regulation in the UK
Registered with the Funeral Planning Authority (FPA)
Golden Leaves Pre-Paid Funeral Plans conform to the Financial Services
& Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) Order 2001
The only funeral planning service to offer repatriation into and out of UK
The only company offering totally “green” funeral plans in the UK today
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
The benefits of Countrywide Pre-Paid Funeral Plans
Peace of mind
No age or health restrictions
Easy payment options
Environmentally friendly
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
The benefits of selling Countrywide Pre-Paid Funeral Plans
• You’re in the appointment... you’ve got their confidence... and all their
financial details... you’ve taken their will instructions...
• Now earn an extra £300 per person simply by adding funeral plans to
your chat.
It’s good advice, plain common sense and a win – win situation
• Simply by adding a few easy questions to your conversation you could
earn on average an extra £600 every time you sit in front of a couple!
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Alternatives to Funeral Planning
• Savings in bank and building society accounts
• Insurance policies
Term insurance
Whole of life cover
Over 50s plans
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
The sales process
• Introduction - build rapport, people buy people
• Client Instruction Sheet Section 7 Funeral Wishes:
Many of your clients will never have discussed their funeral wishes, but
when taking their will instructions, simply by asking open questions in a
caring, compassionate way, it’s easy to introduce it into the conversation:
• Establish your client’s emotional and financial needs:
 What kind of funeral would you like?
 Have you ever organised a funeral for a loved one?
 How much do you think a funeral costs these days?
 How are you going to pay for it?
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
The sales process
Develop empathy in your conversation with questions like:
 How did you feel about that?
 What problems did that cause?
 How could this have been made easier for you?
Tell your clients: The cost of funerals has risen over 61% in the last 7 years!
If you’ve already established that money has been set aside explain the
benefits of a funeral plan as compared to their existing arrangements
Questions and objections.....
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Some possible questions and objections:
 I don’t want to talk about funeral plans; I’m not looking to go anywhere yet
 I can’t afford it
 I’ll shop around when the time comes
 I don’t care what happens when I’ve gone
 I’ve already got my funeral wishes in my will
 Superstition
 How safe is my money?
 What if we move or want to change our plans?
 Can I take out a plan for a friend or relative?
 I’m young and healthy, will I end up paying a lot more?
 What do my family do when the time comes?
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Completing the sales process
• Sell and agree the needs:
sell the concept of funeral planning back to your clients based on their needs
• Present the solution:
Countrywide Pre-Paid Funeral Plans!
• Close and consolidation:
Sort out the appropriate plan for your clients, complete the paperwork, restate the plan benefits, explain what happens next
• Referral:
Who wants more clients?
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Countrywide Pre-Paid Funeral Plans made easy
Most of our clients prefer to purchase one of the following plans:
Silver Plan – a very basic funeral, straight to crematorium, basic coffin
 Commission £276 per plan sold
Gold Plan – standard funeral, 1 limousine, standard coffin
 Commission £301 per plan sold
Platinum Plan – an all inclusive funeral, 2 limousines and a high quality coffin
 Commission £331 per plan sold
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Countrywide Pre-Paid Funeral Plans made easy
Keep it simple
Stick to the off-the-shelf plans and advise your clients that the plans will be
linked to local, independent funeral directors
Note: We do NOT use any Co-op or Dignity funeral services
If funds are limited talk about the Family Option and increase your sales
More sales means more appointments ........ and more sales!
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Golden Leaves Green Pre-Paid Funeral Plans made easy
... the only “totally green” funeral plan, including eco coffins, tree planting,
carbon offsetting and investment in ethical and environmental stocks!
Glade Plan – a very basic funeral, no viewing or limousine, veneer coffin
 Commission £152 per plan sold
Meadow Plan – standard funeral, 1 limousine, bamboo coffin
 Commission £189 per plan sold
Woodland Plan – an all inclusive funeral, 2 limousines and a choice of coffins
 Commission £229 per plan sold
(Disbursements are not included in the plan price)
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Paperwork and payment
• It’s so simple – the application and payment forms are REALLY brief
• Just remember to ensure your clients sign and date the forms and you enter
your own name in BLOCK CAPITALS
• Cheques should be made payable to Golden Leaves Trust
• If paying by instalments a deposit of £200 is collected as the first payment,
with the remaining costs spread over the selected period. First 12 months is
interest free, remaining years charged at 6% interest
• Alternatively, should your clients wish, they can pay an initial lump sum and
then spread the balance over instalments
• All paperwork and payment should be sent to Countrywide Head Office
Countrywide Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you and your family
Sales hints and tips
 Think Funeral Plans - they’re the easiest commission you’ll earn!!
 Know Countrywide Pre-Paid Funeral Plans inside out
 Rehearse - practise makes perfect
 Keep the Simple Sales Process inside your folder – just in case
 Know your clients – the driver and the decision maker, and listen to them
 Be confident, offer enthusiastic advice, instil the need, and substantially
increase your earnings
Funeral Plans
Peace of mind for you
and your family
Any questions?