1. To state habitual action).
You go to the market everyday
My father goes to the office from Monday until
2. To state general truth.
A dog has four legs
There are seven days in one week
3. To state frequency of an event
Characteristic: accompanied by adverb of
frequency (kata keterangan tentang
seberapa sering suatu tindakan dilakukan).
Tabel berikut ini menunjukkan seberapa
sering suatu kejadian terjadi mulai dari
tingkatan selalu dilakukan (always), biasanya
(usually), sering (often), kadang-kadang
(sometimes), jarang (rarely/seldom) sampai
tidak pernah (never).
Adverbs of frequency
Adverb of frequency harus diletakkan sebelum
kata kerja. Jika ada to be, maka adverb diletakkan
setelah to be.
 Contoh:
 I always take a pray five times a day (Saya selalu
sholat lima kali sehari)
 We never eat pork ( Kami tidak pernah makan
daging babi)
 My brother is usually kind to all people ( Kakakku
biasanya baik kepada semua orang) .
1. To state an event that is happening at the
moment. Usually marked by adverbial phrase : right
now, at the moment, currently dll.
 2. To state an event that is happening in certain
period .
 3. To state the arrangement in the future.
1. To state an event that happened in the
past. Contoh:
My boyfriend graduated from UI four years ago
My mother went to the ITC Mangga tiga two
days ago
2. To state two events that happened in the
past. The two events are joined by the word
when .
I opened the door when I heard someone
She did her homework when her father got
1. To state an event that happened in the
past but still related to the present and the
exact time is not mentioned.
He has sent a letter to me (Dia telah
mengirimkan sepucuk surat kepadaku).
2. To state recent events.
They’ve just (have just) finished playing basketball
3. To state experiences.
I’ve ever gone to Netherland
4. To state an event that has happened once or few times. It
can also used to state an event that never happens.
We’ve had (have had) three tests so far
1. suffers, tends
2. are currently investigating
3. is awarded
4. is fiercely opposed, is officially executed
5. causes, has, are
6. was suddenly attacked, were working, were
 7. has not yet been determined, blocks, resupply
 8. discovered, believed, existed, was formed,
was discovered, were identified, pushed,
previously thought.
Andre comes from Brazil and is a native speaker of
Portuguese. Currently, he is studying English at the
university of Colorado. He is taking two courses:
composition and American culture.
2. One of my most important in-groups is my church
group. Right now, we are providing lunches for
homeless people in the city park. Also, some of us are
tutoring junior high students in math and English for
the summer. Others in my group are spending part of
the summer doing volunteer work at senior citizen
centers. We all feel that we gain a great deal
ourselves by participating in these activities.
3. Next summer, our family is having a reunion during the July
4th holiday weekend. My uncle from Finland is trying to
come, but he is starting a new business this year so it is
difficult for him to get away. Another uncle is spending the
whole summer with us. He is working at my mother’s travel
agency from June through august.
4. For many immigrants to the United States, their ethnic
associations remain important in-groups long after they
have left their home countries. Even while they are learning
a new language, many are looking to speakers of their native
language as an in-group that understands their struggles to
adapt to a new way of life.
Alfredo joined the Friends of the Theatre in his community
five years ago and has been an active participant in this
group ever since. It remains one of his favourite spare time
activities eventhough he stopped trying out for roles in the
plays last year because he was too busy. As a member, he
helps promote the plays. At times, he looks for costumes for
the actors. For last month’s play, he worked with the props
crew to get furniture and other props for the stage sets. He
found an antique desk to use for one of the sets, and he also
made a fireplace. Most recently, he has tried to get more
business to advertise in the paybills.
Ines considers her neighbourhood in East Los Angeles to be one of her
most important in-groups. She has lived in this neighbourhood since
birth, and she knows almost everyone in it. Most of the people in the
neighbourhood are from Mexico , but some are from Central American
countries. Mr. Hernandez who lives nextdoor to Ines, always insists that
he has lived the longest time in the neighbourhood. However, Mrs.
Chavez, whom everyone calls “Tia” usually tells him to stop spreading
tales. Mrs. Chavez claims that she has been around longer than anyone.
Ines watches many of the children younger than herself grow up, and she
often thinks, that is. Just as her older neighbours have done for her, she
now is helping her younger neighbours keep out of trouble and giving
them advice.
S + BE + V3 + by + Agent
Simple Present Tense: S + is / am/ are + V3
Step to change active tense to passive:
1. Object becomes subject
2. After Subject, put to be
3. After to be, put V3.
4. Add by + agent
I ignore him
1. I becomes He
2. He + is
3. He + is + ignored
4. So, the passive sentence:
He is ignored by me.
S +V +O
I see her
S + to be + V3
She is seen (by me)
S + to be + Ving + O
I’m seeing her
S + to be + being + V3
She is being seen (by me)
S + aux + V3 + O
I have seen her
S + aux + been + V3
She has been seen (by me)
Perfect continous
S + aux + been +Ving + O
I have been seeing her
S + aux + been+ being + V3
She has been being seen (by
Trees are used by beavers to build dams.
The employees’ request for a raise in salary
was ignored by the supervisor.
Two quizzes have been taken by the students
since the beginning of this term.
An announcement about sick leave will be
made by the manager next week.
The medical insurance forms must be sent by
the patient to the insurance company.
6. The machinery is checked five times by the
people before it is put in a box for shipping.
7. The scholarships were given by the school to
many students from low-income families.
8. Hey! Your car is being towed by the police!
9. The old book was given by the museum to
the university.
10. The weeds on the hill are going to be cut
down down by someone tomorrow.
Alumunium is produced from bauxite.
The first locomotive were powered by steam.
Hundreds of people have been killed because
of storms this winter.
A lot of coffee is grown in South America.
The solar system was formed approximately
4.5 billion years ago.
The brain chemical that regulates growth has
been recently synthesized.
7. The next space module will be sent to Venus.
8. The pores in a leaf are called stomata.
9. Microcomputers will be used more and more
in the future.
10. A pound of potatoes is needed for the
The age of pyramid building in Egypt began about 2900 B.C.
The Great pyramids are intended to serve as burial places for
the Pharaohs, as the kings of Egypt are called. Construction
on the largest pyramid was started around 2800 B.C for
Khufu, the King of the Fourth Dynasty, or Cheops, as he is
referred to by Greek historians. It is 482 feet high and 755
feet long. The Pyramids as a group comprises one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The other Six Wonders
no longer stand, and modern archaelogists know of them
only through the descriptions that were written at the time
they still existed.
1. Easy loans are provided by the World Bank to
developing countries in need of funds for
economic development
2. The quality of goods for exports has to be
improved by the producers in order to penetrate
increasingly competitive world markets.
3. A larger parking site has to be provided by Bank
Prima for the growing number of customers.
4. The value of textile exports dropped
significantly last year because quota systems
had been implemented by certain buying
5. The project proposals are being examined by the
government officials before a particular
contractor is selected.
6. Companies need to be managed professionally
as big problems may be created by poor
7. A new, advanced reservation system has been
developed by the Indonesian Hotel Association
to accommodate the increasing number of
tourists, and it will be implemented by the hotel
early next year.
8. The quality control is being intensified by our
company to meet increasingly tough
competition in the global market.
9. Some rivers are badly polluted because strict
measures has not been takenn by the
government against factories dumping
unprocessed wastes into rivers.
10. Last year, a memorandum of cooperation was
signed by Australia and Indonesia after 59 cases
related to violations of air traffic regulation were
recorded by them.
11. A slight adjustment to the data has to be
made by the senior researcher before they
can be processed by the computer.
12. All of the data are being analyzed by the
managers before a proposal can be
submitted by them for business expansion.