Aligning Our Kingdom Perception

Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Luke 4:18-19/Isaiah 61:1-2
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Failure to understand the concept, purpose,
principles and message of the Kingdom leads
to a skewed perception of GOD’s Kingdom
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
I. “Misperception of the KINGDOM?”
This is our inability to apprehend the true
nature of the Kingdom’s existence
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
- The Kingdom is a present reality
…and yet it implies a future hope
(Matt. 12:28)
(Luke 11:2)
- The Kingdom can only be accessed by way of a new birth (John 3:3)
…and yet it is also accessed by way of tribulation
(Acts 14:22)
- The Kingdom is a realm into which men enter now (Matt. 21:31)
…and yet it is a realm into which they will enter tomorrow
(Matt. 8:11)
- The Kingdom is a gift of God which will be bestowed on man in the
(Luke 12:32)
…and yet men must receive it in the present (Luke 17:21)
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
• A kingdom is primarily a realm over which a king
exercises his authority.
• A state or monarchy the head of which is a king;
dominion; realm.
• A political or territorial unit ruled by a sovereign.
It is also
• A REALM –is the domain, including the subjects,
over which the king has jurisdiction; figuratively, a
sphere of power or influence
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
• “The Kingdom of GOD”:
• The Old Testament word for Kingdom is:
Malkuth (mal·kooth)
• The New Testament word for Kingdom is:
Basileia (bas·il·i·ah)
• Both words refer primarily to the
sovereign authority, rule or reign of a king
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Is the Kingdom here or
are we still waiting on it?
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
The kingdom of God is
present, and yet futuristic.
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Kingdom of GOD has a dual objective
A.The Present Kingdom has come with the
objective of
- Restoration & Grace
B. The Future Kingdom is coming with the
objective of - Consummation & Judgment
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Erroneous Responses
to the Kingdom Message
1. John the Baptist became disheartened (Luke 7:19-23)
o because the present kingdom did not meet his expectation John
became disheartened
2. The Pharisees were unreceptive (John 11:45-54)
o because the “Good News” of the Present Kingdom stood in
opposition to their traditions the Pharisees became unreceptive
3. Hymenaeus and Philetus were irresponsible (2 Tim 2:17)
o due to their misperception of the Future Kingdom they became
irresponsible in their message of the resurrection
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
•(Lk 4:18-19).
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because He
has anointed me
To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me
to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery
of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed; to
proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.”
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
»(Lk 4:18-19).
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because He
has anointed me
To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me
to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery
of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed; to
proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.”
….And the day of vengeance of our God;
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Within this passage of Luke the elements of
the Kingdom’s concept, purpose principles
and message can be gleaned.
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Jubilee: “The acceptable year of the Lord”
Every 50th year everyone had a chance to start their life over
- People could return to the property the Lord had allotted to
- If they were in debt, their debts were canceled.
- Anyone sold into slavery was now freed, redeemed by the
- Anyone forced to sell property because they could not pay
their debts received the property back in the year of Jubilee
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception
Aligning Our Kingdom Perception