French Colonialism in North Africa: Preliminary Results of the Afristory project Denis Cogneau (PSE-IRD) with Hédi Brahimi (PSE) Work in progress Please do not quote From colonial to present Preemptive colonization in Africa end-19th century (competition between European nations) Little ‘development’, or capitalist exploitation Minimal administration + economic extraction Legacy of ‘gatekeeper states’ today (Cooper) However settlement colonies were different More capital, more wage labor, larger States Racial separatism more salient / violent ‘Enclave’ economy What was left when settlers were ousted? Questions Comparing Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco also Indochina, AOF, AEF, Madagascar Algeria : colony governed by settlers, at least after 1870 or 1900 Tunisia & Morocco: protectorates metropolitan govt had more say Others: non-settler 1) How the size of the State varied across colonies? 2) Was there ‘development’ outside of the ‘settler enclave’ and in which dimensions? 3) Political economy: Who paid? / Who benefitted? Incidence analysis of taxation and expenditures + international transfers Missing data Very few works in quantitative economic history of colonized areas in Africa or Asia, and even fewer of the comparative kind British Empire: Davis & Huttenback (1986) for 18601912, Booth (2007) for E/SE Asia 1900-1960 French North Africa: - Nouschi (1961) on Constantine area 1830-1919 - Amin (1966) on economic accounts of colonization and decolonization (Maghreb) - Marseille (1984) on the costs-benefits of Empire « Afristory » project (1st part) Exhaustive Pub. Fin. data for the 19th c. French Empire: Algeria (1830), Indochina (1871, GG: 1899), Tunisia (1881), Madagascar (1898), Western Africa (1865, GG: 1905), Equatorial Africa (1899, GG: 1910), Morocco (1913), Togo & Cameroon (1920) Federal governments, territories, provinces, municipalities + Metropolitan ministerial budgets + Appendix budgets for public loans + Data on population, health, schooling, production… *: Dates of first budget, not necesarily for the whole territory, due to the conquest. GG: date of « General Government » first budget. Syria-Lebannon (1920-45) is still to be included. Top-incomes in former colonies with Alvaredo, Atkinson and Piketty Income tax was introduced in British and French colonies after WW1 Measurement of inequality at the top - Alvaredo & Atkinson (2011) on South Africa - Atkinson (2013) on other British colonies of Africa - Alvaredo, Cogneau & Piketty (ongoing) on French colonies (Algeria, Tunisia, Indochina, Cameroon) Caution Data are difficult: Demography Prices and incomes Changes in administrative layers Categorization of expenditure & revenue … A few preliminary results 1. Colonial State not too different in size in Algeria compared to Tunisia, Morocco lagging 2. Development outcomes not too ≠ either, as of 1937 or 1955 - Income level and income inequality - Health and infrastructure 3. However higher dualism in Algeria? Repression of indigenous education, visible after WW2 (see also Kateb 2004, Sraieb 1993) French Empire: Population 1936 2,608,313 6,296,000 Indochine 23,250,000 7,234,684 AOF + Togo Madagascar Cameroun AEF 3,421,749 Algérie Maroc 2,341,000 Tunisie 3,797,900 15,463,000 Syria-Lebanon and earlier colonies (West Indies, Indian Ocean, Pacific) not included Metropolis: 41,905,968. Total French Empire: 64,412,646. Europeans and French (1936) Européens (%) Dont Français (%) Israélites non français (%) Algérie 13.6 10.4 - Tunisie 8.2 4.1 2.3 Maroc 3.8 2.4 2.6 Indochine 0.2 - - Madagascar 1.0 - - A.O.F. + Togo 0.2 - - A.E.F. 0.1 - - Source: Cogneau et al. (2014) Wage levels Purchasing power of unskilled workers' wages around 1938 (A) Daily wage (francs) (B) Price of 1600 kcal per day in rice or wheat (francs) (C)= (A)/(B) Wage ratio Algérie 16.4 1.6 10.4 Tunisie 20.0 1.5 13.1 Maroc 6.8 1.1 6.1 Indochine 2.5 0.7 3.4 - 0.9 - A.O.F. (capitales) 4.5 - - A.E.F. (Brazzaville) 3.8 1.2 3.0 Madagascar (A): Salaire minimum du manoeuvre non spécialisé (sauf Indochine: salaire moyen) (B): Retail price of 441g of rice (Indochine, Madagascar, AEF), or 472 g of wheat flour (Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc) Source: Cogneau et al. (2014) Size of the colonial State (1) Non-military public expenditures per capita, 1937 francs 1870 1913 1937 1955 194 390 1,052 3,490 With social security transfers (b) 194 390 1,125 5,218 72 201 282 741 With social security transfers (c) 72 201 282 930 Tunisie Maroc(c) - 169 25 213 107 625 370 Indochine(d) Madagascar(d) A.O.F. (avec Togo)(d) A.E.F. (hors Cameroun)(d) - 47 49 30 30 40 65 44 52 195 128 193(e) France métropolitaine(a) Algérie (a): Including counties and municipalities, excluding debt service, and social security. Source: André, Delorme, Terny (1973). (b): Gouvernement général, départements et communes (c): Budget du gouvernement (d): Gouvernement général, territoires, et budgets annexes d'emprunts (y.c. FIDES) (e): 1952. Source: Cogneau et al. (2014) Size of the colonial state (2): Share of State expenditures in GDP France Algérie Tunisie Maroc 1871 5% 5% 1913 6% 9% 11% 1937 13% 10% 9% 5% Non-military. Debt service and Social security transfers not included France: André, Delorme, Terny (1973) GDP figures for Algérie, Tunisie, M aroc: Amin (1966) 1955 29% 26% 23% 15% Enclave State? Counterfactual exercise: Public spending per capita among indigenous people if Europeans "receive" the metropolitan figure 1913 1937 1955 Europeans 390 1050 3,800 Algerians 173 160 424 Tunisians 152 138 425 Moroccans 16 70 216 Indochinese 46 39 - Malagasy 48 58 153 A.O.F. (avec Togo) 29 42 116 A.E.F. (hors Cameroun) 30 51 177 Top-income shares 1955 Top 0.1% 2,9% 2,9% Top 0.01% 0,7% 0,8% South Rhodesia 7,4% 1,8% North Rhodesia 4,9% 1,2% Algérie Tunisie South Africa France Top 1% 10,8% 10,5% 14,4% 3,6% 9,3% 2,5% 0,7% Algérie & Tunisie: Alvaredo, Cogneau & Piketty (2014) British colonies: Atkinson (2013) and Alvaredo & Atkinson (2011); France: Piketty (2009) Caution: preliminary estimates, subject to changes Tunisie: 1) Europeans made 80% of top 1%, 0.1% or 0.01% 2) Around 20% Europeans (resp. 1.2% Tunisians) paid the tax 3) Top 0.1%: 50% of Europeans are salaried, 25% of Tunisians 4) More equal distributions within groups: Top 1% around 7% Infrastructure Public spending infrastructure per capita 1937 (1937 francs) Kwh per capita Kwh per capita 1937 1955 - 433.4 1,158.7 Algérie 89.9 35.3 92.2 Tunisie 42.1 19.4 58.2 Maroc 26.6 21.2 85.9 Indochine 8.3 5.9 - Madagascar 13.1 3.4 11.5 A.O.F. + Togo 11.9 0.5 6.0 A.E.F. 18.7 0.3 8.9 Métropole Source: Cogneau et al. (2014) Health Public spending in health per capita 1937 (1937 francs) Medical staff per 100,000 inhabitants 1937 Medical staff per 100,000 inhabitants 1955 - 143.7(a) - Algérie 12.0 28.4 28.4 Tunisie 22.7 30.9 28.8 Maroc 6.3 7.2 12.0 Indochine 3.1 3.3 - Madagascar 6.7 - - A.O.F. + Togo 4.5 5.2 - A.E.F. 6.0 - - Métropole (a) : 1934 Source: Cogneau et al. (2014) Education Algérie Gross primary Public spending Gross primary Public spending enrollment ratio in education enrollment ratio in education 1936 per capita 1956 per capita Indigenous 1937 Indigenous 1955 (%) (1937 francs) (%) (1937 francs) (a) (e) 7.4 26.6 13.3 Tunisie 8.2 26.1 24.0(a) - 18,178(c) Maroc 1.4 13.0 11.6 65.5 12,220(c) 11.9 3.1 (1943: 14.9) - (1943: 19,754) 5.3 26.7 13.7 15,317 (a) 2.0 9.0 9.2 14,948 (a) 2.2 23.5 (a) 9.3 1,357 (a) 0.8 17.0 (a) 5.1 3,640 Indochine (b) (c) Madagascar 16.1 A.O.F. 2.1 Togo 5.2 A.E.F. 3.0 (a) 70.2 Enrollment in secondary 1956 Indigenous (N) (c) 3,888 (d) (d) d) Traditional koranic schools not counted. (a) : Estimates, assuming 100% enrollment of European children (b) : Enrollment in indigenous schools. (c): Public only (d): Europeans & Indigenous (e): General government only Source: Cogneau et al. (2014) d) Political economy of public finance: more questions than answers Enclave economy The scale of the State expanded with the size of settler economy - After WW1, European settlers most likely paid a large share of direct and indirect taxes collected on trade, urban sector, or high incomes (e.g. Nicolaï 1962 on Tunisia) - Also first beneficiaries from the bulk of public expenditures Yet the exact balance is difficult to compute… - (Non-indemnized expropriation at independence: extent?) Metropolitan taxpayer: subsidiziation of the enclave economy? - Trade deficits w.r.t. metropolis (also rest of the world), with exceptions in 1930s, and especially in 1950s (Marseille 1984) - Partly compensated by budget surpluses until 1950s - End-of-period public loans and private capital losses? - Paid for military expenditures (Bobrie 1976 for 1850-1913) Trade and Public Finance Trade deficits, and budget surpluses (millions 1937 francs) 1913 1937 1955 Trade Budget Trade Budget Trade Budget Algérie -975 +133 +250 +114 -4,433 +33 Tunisie +202 +459 -183 +371 -972 - Maroc -829 -34 -621 +28 -2,241 -24 Indochine +220 +109 +1,010 +76 - - Madagascar +71 +41 +125 +14 -510 -17 A.O.F. -147 +41 -164 +59 -454 +177 A.E.F. +64 +10 +33 +29 -700 +29 Total -1,393 +750 +449 +669 -9,310 +198 Budget surplus / deficit: Including loans received and debt payments (capital and interest). Source: Cogneau et al. (2014) Thank you شكرا Merci 谢谢