Film4 Quarterly Update Q3 2014 Film4 Highlights In terms of share, Q3 2014 was the best ever quarter for Film4 among 16-34s Film4 is the biggest film channel, attracting more than double the viewers of the Sky Movies channels combined Film4 had an average monthly reach of 23.7m for individuals in Q3, beating Sky Movies average monthly reach of 10.7m Daytime share improved, with the 3pm slot seeing a +15% uplift thanks to the likes of Avatar and Ice Age 3 In terms of share, Film4 is the 7th biggest digital channel for ABC1 Men, up two places since last quarter. It is also the 3rd biggest for Men. Red was the highest ranking film, with an average audience of 1.2m Film4 viewers are commercially receptive. They find ads interesting to talk about (index=137) and often notice products/brands in TV programmes/films (index=138) Film4 reaches more ABC1 Men on a monthly basis than competing media (cinema, National Geographic, Empire & FHM) Sources: BARB/Advantedge Q3 2014/GB TGI 2014 Q4 (July 2013 – June 2014) base = adults, viewers defined as all adults who state Film4 as 1 st favourite channel Our Programming Film4 continues to achieve more than double the combined reach of all Sky Movies ABC1 men Average monthly reach (%) 39 .7 18.6 10.1 9 .1 6 .6 6 .6 Source: BARB/Advantedge. Q3 2014, reach condition = 3 consecutive mins. 6 .6 6 .2 6 .2 5.9 5.3 4.7 4.4 3.9 3.8 2.3 2.3 …and has a higher monthly reach than competing media ABC1 Men Average Monthly Reach (000s) Q3 2014 Film 4, 5,19 2,000 Cinema, 2,6 13,000 National Geographic, 827,000 Em pire, 355,000 FHM, 257,000 Source: BARB/Advantedge Q3 2014. GB TGI 2014 Q4 (July 2013 – June 2014) base = ABC1 Men (cinema reach defined as ABC1 men who state they visit the cinema once a month or more) Top Rating Films Adults Rank Programme Title Date TVR '000 (AVG) 1 RED 02/07/2014 2.4 1,184 2 TAKEN 05/08/2014 1.9 924 3 X-MEN: FIRST CLASS 27/08/2014 1.8 910 4 ZOMBIELAND 22/08/2014 1.7 844 5 SOLOMON KANE 27/07/2014 1.7 828 6 COLOMBIANA 10/08/2014 1.5 733 7 SALT 21/08/2014 1.4 674 8 THE MECHANIC 22/07/2014 1.3 657 9 THE GUARD 21/07/2014 1.2 607 10 GHOST 30/08/2014 1.2 585 Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q3 2014, Highest Occurrence, Adults 16+ Film4 viewers are commercially receptive & career minded Film4 Viewers… • Are commercially receptive and enjoy TV ads as much as programmes (index=137), find ads interesting to talk about (index=138) and often notice products/brands in TV programmes/films (index=138) • They also agree that they have a keen sense of adventure (index=121) and influential amongst peers, definitely agreeing that they are the first to know what’s going on (index=115) • They are also image conscious. Film 4 viewers like to stand out in a crowd (index=128), have a very good sense of style (index=121) and agree that they take great pleasure in looking after their appearance (index=113). Source: GB TGI 2014 Q4 (July 2013 – June 2014) base = adults, viewers defined as all adults who state Film4 as 1st favourite channel Other Research A clear, distinctive brand image “Film4 feels more highbrow. Rather than watching a blockbuster on ITV, it feels a but more credible watching a film on Film4. It’s got a bit of a stamp of approval on it already” (Female18-29 London) “Subtle, quirky, cerebral, intelligent” Film4 brand values Expertise Passion Creativity British (Male 30-54 London) • Film4 films are more accessible than often expected • Credibility of the brand elevates the status of the channel • Intelligent but not elitist • Enables a relationship of trust • It stretches experience – new discoveries with Flim4 Source: TW Research ‘A qualitative performance and brand review of Film4’ 2012 Consumers are spending more on in-home leisure ‘We see no reason why film TV watching at home will decline. Indeed the quality and appeal of film watching in the comfort of our living spaces is only set to rise as ownership of high quality screens that ever more impressively rival the cinema increase and as access to films at home multiply.’ Source: Future Foundation ‘Film and Cinema – Consumer engagement with films at home and in the cinema (May 2013) Film4 has a strong male profile Film4 Commercial TV average 62 56 58 55 45 44 43 44 42 38 22 9 9 Men Women Source: BARB/Techedge, Q2 2014 12 13 19 14 14 16 -2 4 25 -3 4 35 -4 4 45 -5 4 55 + ABC1 C2 DE Adult s Adult s What’s coming up Q4 2014 Halloween The Pact Zombieland Van Helsing The Evil Dead Sleepy Hollow A spooky celebration of Halloween starting on Friday 31st Big Hits! The Hunger Games Shame End of Watch The Sitter Safe House The Descendants Something for everyone all under one roof, with a host of first plays and premieres. Channing Tatum December brings a season of films starring Hollywood’s hottest leading man Channing Tatum, kicking off with first play of Magic Mike The Eagle Haywire GI Joe: Rise of Cobra Step Up Dear John The Dilemma