Of Mice and Men Question B Lang and C Eng

Page 19 ‘The bunk house…like rushing
‘The bunk house was a long rectangular
Page 66 ‘Crooks, the negro stable
buck…meagre yellow light’
‘a little shed that leaned off the wall of
the barn.’
‘the walls were whitwashed and the floors
‘a long box filled with straw.’
‘eight bunks, five of them made up’
‘curved knives and needles and balls of
linen thread’
‘these shelves were loaded with little
‘medicine bottles, both for himself and for
the horses’
‘the sun threw a bright dust laden bar
through one of the side windows’
‘Crooks could leave his things about’
‘in and out of the beam flies shot like
rushing stars’
‘a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy
of the California civil code for 1905’
‘The room was swept and fairly neat’
Page 16 ‘he laughed delightedly…passed
one of them to Lennie. ‘
‘ He laughed delightedly’
Page 59 ‘he leaned forward eagerly…in
one month‘
‘He leaned forward eagerly’
‘”you got it by heart. You can do it
‘”Spose I went in with you guys”’
‘”Someday – we’re gonna get the jack
together and we’re gonna get a little
‘”but I could cook and tend the chickens”’
‘”and how thick the cream is on the milk
like you can hardly cut it”’
‘The thing they had never really believed in
was coming true.’
‘”you tell it. It aint the same if I tell it.”
‘all sat still, all bemused by the beauty of
the thing. ‘
‘”We was always gonna do it by ourselves”’
‘ “We’ll have a big vegetable patch”’
‘ “I aint got time for no more.” He drove
his knife through the top of one of the
bean cans.”
‘”When we gon’ta do it, George?”’
Page 5 ‘Lennie he sais sharply…hat was’
‘” Lennie,” he said sharply. “Lennie for
god’s sake don’t drink so much”’
‘Lennie dipped his whole head under,
hat and all’
‘Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water
and wriggled his fingers’
Page 40 ‘Slim sat down on a
box…Goldlike eyes fastened on him’
‘Slim sat down on a box and George
took his place opposite’
‘ “Funny how you an’ him string along
‘He wanted to talk. Slim neither
encouraged nor discouraged him’
‘”you never oughta drink water when it
aint running, Lennie”, he said
‘Got kinda used to each other after a
little while’
‘Lennie, who had been watching,
imitated George exactly.’
‘Saw the calm, Godlike eyes fastened on
‘looked over to George to see if he had
it just right’
Page 15 ‘George said …but not us’
‘I want you to stay with me Lennie. Jesus
Christ, somebody’d shoot you for a
“He repeated his words rhythmically as
though he had said them many times
‘ “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are
the loneliest guys in the world.”’
‘ “They got no family. They don’t belong
no place.”
‘ “We got somebody to talk to that gives a
damn about us”’
‘ “But not us.” ‘
Page 59 ‘he leaned forward eagerly…in
one month‘
‘He leaned forward eagerly’
‘”Spose I went in with you guys”’
‘”but I could cook and tend the chickens”’
‘”We was always gonna do it by ourselves”’
‘The thing they had never really believed in
was coming true.’
‘all sat still, all bemused by the beauty of
the thing. ‘
‘”When we gon’ta do it, George?”’
Page 66 ‘Crooks, the negro stable
buck…meagre yellow light’
‘a little shed that leaned off the wall of
the barn.’
Page 80 ‘Crooks stood up…at last to the
other two’
‘Crooks stood up from his bunk and faced
‘a long box filled with straw.’
‘ “You got no rights messing around in her
at all”’
‘curved knives and needles and balls of
linen thread’
‘She turned on him in scorn. “Listen,
‘medicine bottles, both for himself and for
the horses’
‘Crooks stared hopelessly at her’
‘Crooks could leave his things about’
‘”Well you keep your place”’
‘a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy
of the California civil code for 1905’
‘For a moment she stood over him’
‘everything that might be hurt drawn in’
‘The room was swept and fairly neat’
Page 33 ‘Both men glanced up…You leave
her be’
‘the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway
was cut off’
‘she had full, rouged lips…heavily made
Page 80 ‘Crooks stood up…at last to the
other two’
‘Crooks stood up from his bunk and faced
‘ “You got no rights messing around in her
at all”’
‘She put her hands behind her back and
leaned against the doorframe so that her
body was thrown forward’
‘She turned on him in scorn. “Listen,
‘Lennie’s eyes move down over her body.’
‘Crooks stared hopelessly at her’
‘Lennie watched her, fascinated.’
‘”Well you keep your place”’
‘”Hey good looking”’
‘For a moment she stood over him’
‘”What a tramp”’
‘everything that might be hurt drawn in’
‘Lennie still stared at the doorway’
‘Don’t you even take a look at that bitch.
Page 27 ‘He glanced coldly…around with
‘His arms gradually bent at the elbows
and his hands closed into a fist’
‘Lennie squirmed under the look’
‘Curley lashed his body around.’
‘George was tense and motionless’
‘Curley stared levelly at him….you answer
when you’re spoke to.”’
‘ “He hates big guys”’
Page 63 ‘Lennie looked blankly…at his
crushed hand’
‘Curley stepped over to Lennie like a terrier’
‘Then Curley’s rage exploded’
‘Lennie looked helplessly at George, and
then he got up and tried to retreat.’
‘Curley was balanced and poised’
‘He slashed at Lennie with his left, and then
smashed down his nose with a right.
‘Lennie gave a cry of terror…Lennie’s hands
remained at his sides’
‘ The big face was covered with blood’
‘Lennie reached for it…Curley was flopping
like fish on a line…lost in Lennie’s big hand.