Chap 5-6

Of Mice and Men
Chapters 5-6
Learning Target
• I can analyze how the decisions the author
made regarding the order of events impacted
the story.
• This means I can compare and contrast events
that occurred at the beginning and at the end
of the novel.
• What happens to Lennie’s puppy?
• How does Lennie feel about it?
• Is this the first time Lennie has accidentally
killed something? Explain.
• Why does Curley’s wife talk to Lennie in the
• How is the conversation similar to when
Crooks talked to him?
• Why does Curley’s wife let Lennie pat her hair?
• Why does she end up screaming?
• How is this like what happened to Lennie before?
• Who stays with Curley’s wife as the others go
off in pursuit of Lennie?
• When Candy is left the barn with Curley’s
wife, he cries. Explain why is he so upset.
• What scene of death does Steinbeck describe
in the beginning of Chapter Six?
• How is the description of the snake’s death
like the description of Lennie’s violence
against Curley and against his wife?
• What two imaginary visitors does Lennie have
while sitting on the river bank?
• What does his second visitor tell Lennie that
recalls an earlier conversation that Lennie had
with Crooks?
• How does George distract Lennie while he
takes out the gun? Where did the gun come
• How is the killing of Lennie like the killing of
Candy’s dog?
• What lie does George tell about the way Lennie
• What evidence is there that Slim understands
what had really happened on the riverbank?
• How can you tell that Slim understands how
George is feeling? How does he offer comfort to