Quote of the Day • “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” -Les Brown 1 S1: Battalion Strength Report Contracted MS 1 MS 2 MS 3 MS 4 MS 5 Totals 11 20 26 36 3 96 Grand Totals Non-Contracted MS 1 MS 2 MS 3 Totals 33 13 0 46 Contract: 96 NC: 46 Total: 142 2 S1 - Projects Task Last Update Project “Finish” Notes Basic Lab Rosters 1 FEB 2013 Complete Update When Needed. Company Rosters 5 MAR 2013 Complete Update When Needed. Master Accountability Spreadsheet 12 April 2013 Always In Progress Updated Daily 3 S2 Current Events • Two explosions at Boston Marathon Finish Line Multiple deaths, casualties, and amputees Shrapnel found in victims • More explosives found on scene by police • No news on yet who was responsible Jihadists? Domestic Terrorists? Single Lone Actor? As of 1600 15 April 13 4 Weather Warm weather all week with small chance of precipitation. Key Weather: 40% chance of Thunderstorms on Friday. 5 T 15APR13-19APR13 Monday, 15 April Tuesday, 16 April Wednesday, 17 April JFTX RECOVERY PT: A Co: 0550 Memorial TBD B Co: 0550 Memorial TBD PT: A Co: 0550 Godwin Core/Upper B Co: 0550 UREC Run, Upper PT: A Co: 0550 UREC Run, Upper B Co: 0530 Godwin Ruck March Ranger Group: Joins BN PT Ranger Group: 0530 Memorial KB Circuit Ranger Group: 0530 Memorial Run circuit Choices 0915-1030 1030-1130 l l l \/ 1330-1430 Co Meetings: 2000 IVs: Supply Turn-In 0530 Memorial Thursday, 18 April Friday, 19 April GUTS Competition: 1535 Elliott/Roessel Maisel/Betourne Squad Competition 6 T-1 22APR13-26APR13 Monday, 22 April Tuesday, 23 April Wednesday, 24 April PT: A Co: 0550 Godwin Core/Upper/Run B Co: 0550 UREC Core/Upper/Run PT: A Co: 0550 Memorial TBD B Co: 0550 Memorial TBD PT: A and B Co: 0550 Godwin APFT Standards, Prep Ranger Group: 0530 Godwin Sprints Ranger Group: Joins BN PT Thursday, 25 April Friday, 26 April APFT: All Units: 0520 Bridgeforth Co Meetings: 2000 7 8 Basic Lab (10APR13) AAR • Issue • Discussion • Teach class earlier Discussion • Pitch an OPORD to the class following the block of instruction IOT assess their comprehension and understanding of subparagraph location and meaning Issue • The Cadets wanted an opportunity to apply their freshly learned tips Recommendation • No OPORD practical exercise Cadets felt it would have been more useful to hold this lab earlier in the semester Recommendation Hold the OPORD lab practical IAW the OPORD class 9 8 Step Training Plan the Training Certify Leaders Recon the Site Issue the Plan Rehearse Execute Conduct an AAR Retrain Date 17 APR 2013: SQUAD Competition 04 APR 13 05 APR 13 05 APR 13 08 APR 13 17 APR 13 17 APR 13 17 APR 13 TBD Concept of the Operation: Cadets and BCC’s will conduct a squad competition Phase 1- Preparation: Cadets will form up in the parking lot under the baseball fields for FF. Cadets will be split into 9 squads with an assigned MSIII as squad leader. An assigned MSIV will move with each squad in order to evaluate Phase 2- Movement: Each squad will move out to assigned starting lane where two MSIV’s will be stationed Phase 3- Execution: Each lane will begin at the sound of the horn. Squads will have 5 minutes to complete task. Each lane will be timed/graded for speed, accuracy, and quantity by assigned MSIV’s. After 5 min squads will have 2 min to rotate to next lane, in numerical order. Phase 4- Exfil: Cadets will regroup at FF cite, turn in weapons, and conduct a final AAR (Elliot, Roessel). Winners will be awarded Risk Assessment TRAINING EVENT: Squad Competition OIC: Maisel NCOIC: Betourne 8 MISSION: Cadets will compete in squads at multiple training exercises IOT demonstrate what they have learned throughout the year, apply skills in a variety of situations and to build camaraderie through competition. 9 7 1 6 2 1PLT 32 PLT End state: Cadets and BCCs will be scored on performances at each station and winning squad will be rewarded 4 5 LOW COORDINATION Location: Chestnut Ridge Resources: Dummy M16s, Water Jugs, CLS bag, litter, cones, pull up bar, maps, Claymores Req Soldier Equip: Cadets- ACUs. BCCs-civilians. All-water source, notebook, pen or pencil. LBV Key Personnel: Cadets and Lab participants with MSIVs as graders Administrative Control: Attendance will be taken IOT track Accountability. Check on learning and retraining will be conducted following training. Lab AAR will be conducted with class immediately following Completion of Training. References FM 7-92 Key Tasks: •Cadets perform LANDNAV skills •Cadets perform first aid , create and report a 9-line •Cadets perform a push and pull up contest •Cadets perform a Lane Tactics test •Cadets perform a claymore set up practical •Cadets conduct movement relays (low/ high crawl and buddy carries) •Conduct a final lab AAR for overall improved retraining in the future TIMELINE 13 FEB 13 •1530 First Formation •1535-1600 Designation of squads and movement to lane •1600-1705 Competition •1705-1710 Movement back to parking lot •1710-1720 AAR/ Grading and determination of winners •1720-1730 Award ceremony (winner for each lane and overall winner) T.M.U: Squad 1: Crisler Lane 1: Riscassi, Roessel Squad 2: Triplett Lane 2:Terry, Zero Squad 3: Elliot Lane 3: Gregorio, Florio Squad 4: Mueller Lane 4: Engle, Karski Squad 5: Baxter Lane 5: Gio, Fanning Squad 6: Bracero Lane 6: Cary, Pisano Squad 7: Pardue Lane 7: Fida, Anzalone Squad 8: Langan Inclement WeatherLane Plan8: Mraw, Wolfe Squad 9: Rankin Lane 9: Henderson Bruc competition will take place in the rain or Injured Soldier: Park Squad shine. The only change that will be made is that cadets will not run in between lanes, they will RANGE walk. Also, if there is lightening there will not be a pull up lane. This lane will be turned into sit-ups instead. 10 SQUAD COMPETITION BREAK DOWN 17 APR 2013 11 GENERAL • ALL MS4’s should have pencil on them • • • • • • Must keep track of grades for each squad KNOLL- you will be taking pictures Everything else will be provided Uniform FOR SENIORS: ACUs (no LBE) Deductions: 10 seconds added on to total time for each penalty, look for obvious penalties Each lane is 5 minutes, 2 minutes allotted in between lanes for movement Time starts when air horn blows 12 Lane 1: First Aid, Evaluate Casualty • • Graders: Riscassi and Roessel Casualty: Park Cadets will evaluate Park’s injuries, treat them and then carry her on a litter for a certain distance and then back Cadets should switch after they get to the first cone Park– be a good actor to make it seem realistic Fake wounds, CLS bag, litter, stopwatch and cones will be provided Grading based on time, look for obvious penalties 13 Lane 2: Push-ups • Graders: Terry/Zero Based on how many pushups in 5 minutes 2 Cadets at a time Pushups must be correct in order for them to count 14 Lane 3: 9-Line • Graders: Gregorio/Florio Cadets will be reminded to bring their own 9 lines You will read off a scenario and they will have a copy to look at as well You will be provided with scenario and answer key for grading purposes Grading is based on how fast they complete the 9line and call it up to higher via walkie talkie Maisel and Betourne will have walkie talkie and call signs Time stops when we say “OUT” You will be provided with 9-lines for the cadets to use 15 Lane 4: Pull-ups • Graders: Engle/Karski One pull up bar Females: 30 seconds is equivalent to 5 pull ups, but they can do pull ups if they want Males: pull-ups only Grading is based on how many pull ups in 5 minutes Stopwatch will be provided for female arm hang 16 Lane 5: Land Navigation • Graders: Gio/Fanning 45 maps and 15 protractors 5 maps per squad MAPS MUST BE SWITCHED OUT AFTER EACH SQUAD Land navigation test will be provided Grading is based on how many questions they get right – not based on total number of questions You will be provided with answer key 17 Lane 6: Low/High Crawl • Graders: Cary/Pisano Water balloons/water guns Can you provide these? Two cadets at a time Cadets will low crawl under wire Cadets will high crawl back Each cadet will have a rubber duck Grading is based on amount of time it takes to complete 18 Lane 7: OPORD and Tactics • Graders: Fida OPORD/Tactics test will be provided What are the 5 paragraphs? Who goes in the R&S team? How would you use a challenge and password? Grading is based on how many questions they get right You will be provided with answer key 19 Lane 8: Buddy Carries • Graders: Mraw/Wolfe Water balloons/water guns Three lanes Can you provide these? Fireman’s Neck Drag Underarm Pull 1 pair at each lane a time, cadets will switch when they get to the cone and come back MUST DO AT LEAST TWO FOR EACH LANE Everyone must go at least once Grading is based on the amount of time it take to complete all carries 20 Lane 9: Claymore • Graders: Henderson/Bruc 5 claymores will be provided Cadets will set up one claymore at a time Cadets will have to high crawl to and from claymore set up site (will be designated by cones) No one can set up a claymore twice unless everyone has already gone As soon as one group reaches the second cone, the next group can start prepping their claymore Grading is based on how many claymores cadets can set up correctly 21 TACs/Evaluators: • • • You will be attached to a squad You do NOT have to participate in the challenges, just observe the SL Positive spot reports • SL’s will not know that positive spot reports are possible Ensure SL has his/her cadets double time in between stations 22 Graders: • • • • • • • • • Squad 1: Crisler Berry Squad 2: Triplett Gragg Squad 3: Elliot Johnson Squad 4: Mueller Munoz Squad 5: Baxter Pickett Squad 6: Bracero Sager Squad 7: Pardue Strunck Squad 8: Langan Tyner Squad 9: Rankin Whitticar 23 S3: TAC OIC • Highlights Lab this week: SQD Competition Squad Leader final blue cards due 22 April (Next Monday) Counseling statements will be given out after lab Any missing blue cards need to be turned in to CPT Lingle or MSG Wilcox ASAP 24 MSIII Eval Matrix Training Week # 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1SG Berry (CR) Gragg (BR) Brosnan (BX) Caron (EL) Hoen (TR) Pickett (PS) Chuckney(MU) Knowles (RO) 1 PL Knowles (CR) Arnold (EL) Berry (BX) Gragg (BR) Chuckney (TR) Knowles (RO) Caron (MU) Arnold (PS) 1 PSG Caron (BR) Hoen (CR) Arnold (EL) Pickett (BX) Berry (PS) Brosnan (TR) Gragg (RO) Brosnan (MU) 2 PL Chuckney (BX) Parker (BR) Cox (CR) Sager (EL) Fitch (MU) Sager (PS) Fitch (TR) Pickett (RO) 2 PSG Munoz (EL) Sager (BX) Fitch (BR) Parker (CR) Munoz (RO) Parker (MU) Hoen (PS) Sager (TR) Training Week# 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1SG Brown (TR) Johnson (PS) McCue (MU) McBride (RO) Wilson (CR) Fost (BR) Tyner (BX) Whitticar (EL) 1 PL Pieper (TR) Strunk (RO) Snellings (MU) Johnson (PS) Pieper (CR) Lucas (EL) McBride (BX) Johnson (BR) 1 PSG Lucas (PS) McBride (TR) Pieper (RO) Lucas (MU) Strunk (BR) Johnson (CR) Snellings (EL) Pieper (BX) 2 PL McCue (MU) Fost (PS) McCormick (TR) Wilson (RO) Tyner (BX) Whitticar (BR) Brown (CR) McCue (EL) 2 PSG Wilson (RO) Whitticar (MU) Tyner (PS) Brown (TR) McCormick (EL) McCue (BX) Wilson (BR) Fost (CR) 25 MSIII Squad and Team Leaders Alpha 1-1 Alpha 1-2 Alpha 1-3 Alpha 1-4 Alpha 2-1 (MU) (MU) (PS) (PS) (TR) Alpha 2-2 Alpha 2-3 Alpha 2(TR) (RO) 4 (RO) SL Arnold Gragg Brosnan Hoen Sager Cox Fitch Parker A TL Berry Knowles Britton Caron Chuckney Cogdell Meek Munoz B TL Ambrosich Brymer Wells Pace Lyon Lee Formica Mery Bravo 1-1 Bravo 1-2 Bravo 1-3 Bravo 1-4 Bravo 2-1 Bravo 2-2 Bravo 2-3 Bravo 2(CR) (CR) (BX) (BX) (BR) (BR) (EL) 4 (EL) SL Johnson Snellings Strunck McBride Tyner Fost Brown Whitticar A TL Pieper Lucas Engle Evans McCue Wilson McCormick Gaertner B TL Miller Peebles Pastino Place Plumley Francis Reed Lee 26 JPSC Name Position TAC MB PF CF RS MA SJ IN IP DK LD EI LE CO CP PS DO GR NET Pickett 1SG Pisano S S S S S S E S S S X S S S S E S S Knowles PL Roessel S E S S S S E E S E E S E S S E S S Brosnan PSG Triplett E S S X E X S S S E S E E X S S E S Sager PL Pisano S S S E S E X S E S X S S S S E E S Parker PSG Mueller S S S S E S E E E E S E S E E E S E Fost 1SG Bruc S S S S S S S S E S E S E S S E E S Lucas PL Elliott Johnson PSG Crisler S S E X S S X E S S X S S E S S S S Whitticar PL Bruc McCue PSG Baxter N S E X S S X N S S X N N S S S S S 27 JFTX AAR 3 Sustains.. 3 Improves.. 28 S4 • Highlights: • SMP equipment turn-in next Wednesday following lab (Memorial NLT 1815) PT belt, pants, jacket- Prior and after class on 27Apr13 I will collect them and have you re-sign (bring tan belt too!) Missing equipment must be in NLT 1800 next Wednesday Must pay for lost equipment IOT commission Cadet Assoc. Fund 29 Mentorship • • • • • Finish up monthly counseling forms Talk to any mentees who may be doing summer training and give them tips and advice on how to succeed, especially MS III’s going to LDAC Make sure your binders are organized so the upcoming MS IVs can make the transition of becoming mentors more easily Any questions feel free to ask Mentorship.JMU.ROTC@gmail.com 30 JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY S-6 Cadet Lab Current status is BLUE (LABCON 3.5) Misc. News S-6 popularity is at an all time high. US Army Cadet Command JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY • SharePoint – CONOPS (Basic and Advanced), Staff Calls, Dinning Out information, Morning Medical Massacre (Whatever it was called), Guides / Points of Contact, etc. - Continuity uploaded MUST make sense and be organized so that anyone could read it and understand it. Think about what you can do / upload to help future cadets. Please don’t just check the block. US Army Cadet Command JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY JMUAD\[user name] [Password] EXAMPLE JMUAD\Rankinam ***************** JMU US Army Cadet Command JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY S-6 FALL FTX We only have the PCI. SPRING FTX Disorganized and scattered. JFTX Land Nav files uploaded. A Co. PT Plans uploaded B Co. PT Plans uploaded, Staff call example uploaded. Dining Out / In IPR’s, Dining Out Concept brief Ranger FTX Spring FTX conop uploaded, Missing Fall Ranger FTX US Army Cadet Command JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY S-6 PAO No continuity added. Upload a Newsletter example, and a guide of how to create a newsletter one. CULP No continuity. Basic Lab No conops added, no explanation of the 3 week training process. Patrolling Conops Currently None. STX Conops Currently None. S4 Disorganized. Mentorship No continuity added. Upload Riscassi’s forms he created. US Army Cadet Command JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY S-6 MISC. Operation Duke Dog Fury, BN Run Route Staff Call Folder is disorganized. S2 No continuity present. S3 No continuity present. Kator – Get the excess slides out of the staff call folder. Anzalone - Get the excess slides out of the staff call folder. Zero – Find the Basic lab Conops, Explain the training process, Fall FTX, STX Conops, 8 step training model. Bruccoleri – Fix the folder you dropped all of your files in. US Army Cadet Command JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY S-6 • SharePoint - CONOPS (Basic and Advanced), Staff Calls, Dinning Out information, Morning Medical Massacre (Whatever it was called), Guides / Points of Contact, etc. - Continuity uploaded MUST make sense, that anyone could read it and understand it. You have until FRIDAY (26 APR 2013) to upload continuity before we do a “Saturday Morning SharePoint party”. US Army Cadet Command Alpha Company C/CPT Kator, CDR C/1LT Wolfe, XO C/1SG Chuckney, 1SG “Y'all Gon Learn Today” 38 Alpha Company •Key Highlights -APFT Next Week 39 Alpha Company Unexcused Absences Lee (Brian), MS2, non-contracted, 8APR2013 Mery, MS2, non-contracted, 8APR2013 Britton, Acacia, MS2, non-contracted, 8APR2013, 10APR2013 St. Pierre, Matthew, MS1, non-contracted, 8APR2013 Schruz, Kelly, MS1, non-contracted, 8 APR2013 Cox, Brandon, MS3, 8APR2013 40 Alpha Company Monday 15 April Su Tuesday 16 April Wednesday 17 April Thursday 18 April Friday 19 April N/A 0550-0700 0550-0700 N/A 0550-0700 N/A AO Memorial AO Godwin N/A AO Memorial N/A Modified Summer IPFU Modified Summer IPFU N/A Modified Summer IPFU N/A MS III/IV/V (MSIV Supply) Core/Upper Body N/A Upper Body/Run 41 B CO Major Training APFT – 26 0515 APR 13 Motto “Suns out, Guns out” 42 Unexcused Absences Miller, Austin MSI, Noncontracted 08APR13, 10APR13 Rotte, Helena MSI, Noncontracted 10APR13 Racanelli, Andre MSI, Noncontracted 08APR13, 10APR13 Lee, Kirsten MSI, Nonncontracted 10APR13 Cowen, Joseph MSI, Noncontracted 10APR13 Evans, Joseph MSI, Noncontracted 10APR13 Johnson, Channeta MSIII, Contracted 10APR13 Hunter, R MSI, Noncontracted 08APR13, 10APR13 Whitticar, Maxwell MSIII, Contracted 08APR13 43 PT Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 15APR13 16APR13 17APR13 18APR13 19APR13 0550-0700 No PT 0515-0700 AO ISAT Track AO Godwin Modified IPFU ACU’s, LBV, Ruck Sprints 6 Mile Ruck 44 Ranger PT Plan MON – 15 APR WED – 17 APR THU – 18 APR FRI – 19 APR Event Circuit LDAC PCI Run/Circuit Workout Reporting Location Memorial Memorial Memorial Show Time 0520 0550 0520 Start / SP Time 0530 0600 0530 Uniform IPFU IPFU IPFU Event Details TUE – 16 APR PD Movement drills 20 Pushups 20 leg lifts 20 thruster 20 KB swings 20 air squats 20 situps 20 rows Decrease by 1reps each round all the way until 0 Recovery stretching MS3’s and MS4 TAC’s PD Movement drills 1 min PU SU x2 30 Sec PU SU X3 15 Sec PU SU X4 Run Route Straight onto Cantrell Left onto paul Left onto south main Right onto Maryland Right onto south High Finish at memorial. 3.5 miles Recovery stretching 45 Command Staff CSM XO CO 46