寰宇一家中国地区票价产品Handbook 2012年12月 Introduction: Fare Products Comparison Round the World 环球行程票价 oneworld Star Alliance SkyTeam (‘Fare Products’) (‘Fares’) (‘Travel Passes’) • ‘Explorer’ • ‘Round the World’ • ‘Go round the World’ (大陆制Continent Zone) • ‘Global Explorer‘* (Distance Flown) Multi Continent 跨大洲环游套票 The largest choice of RTW & Multi Cont. fare products Single Continent/Region 单一大洲游览票 2 • ‘Circle Fares’ Pacific Asia & S.W. Pacific Europe Circle Trip Explorer (Distance Flown) (Distance Flown) * 除了寰宇一家成员之外, 参与的航空公司还包括 • ‘Circle Fares’ • Not offered Pacific Asia North Asia (大陆制Continent Zone) 8 in total ‘Visit Pass’ 11 in total ‘Regional Fares’ 6 in total ‘Go ----’ Africa / Asia / Australia & New Zealand / Europe / North America / South America / Japan / Malaysia Africa / Asia / Brazil / Europe / Japan / North America / South Pacific / Thailand / Micronesia / Middle East / China Europe / North America / Asia / China / Italy / Mexico oneworld Explorer RTW Fare Product Brief 事项 规定 • 票价性价比高(经济舱24,160元起,公务舱65,490元起) • 寰宇一家环球套票的优 点 → 与一般机票的比 较 人民币 3大陆 ※以下为2011年7月4日起适用的价格,环球套票价格变动频繁,需注意及时更新 4大陆 5大陆 6大陆 头等舱 (A) 96,290 111,320 120,770 133,480 公务舱 (D) 65,490 74,690 80,440 88,910 经济舱 (L) 24,160 27,600 32,310 37,600 • • • • 有效期长达一年,最多可以使用16个区间 一年中价格相同,不设置旺季价格 出发后可以自由变更 (更改路线需收取USD125) 可以累积航空里程,更轻松迅速地获得常旅客级别 • 与星空联盟的比较 • 最大限度地利用长距离航班访问更多的大陆及大陆内的目的地,完成周游全球 的梦幻之旅. • 大陆制的票价能够更容易累积航空里程且更轻松地获得常旅客的级别 • 没有特定航班与航线的附加费用 • 更大的节省 & 更多的里程积累 (特别是头等舱和公务舱的票价产品) 1)环球票的六个“大陆区 • 为寰宇一家环球行程套票定义了6大陆区. • 为F/C/Y舱设定了4种不同的票价(3/4/5/6大陆) 2)舱位预定代码 • 大部分情况为经济舱:L、公务舱:D、头等舱:A • 搭乘超级经济舱的追加费用:USD950/USD1450/区間,舱位预定代码 JL:W BA:T, QF:R, CX:R 3)预订与出票 3 舱位 经济舱 头等舱 公务舱 预定时间 出发日的22天之前 出发日之前的8-21天 出发日之前的7天之内 出发日的7天之前 出发日之前的7天之内 出票截止日 至少出发日的21天之前 至少出发日的7天之前 预定完成后3天之内 至少出发日的5天之前 预定完成后3天之内 oneworld Explorer RTW Fare Product Brief 事项 规定 4)行程中可以使用的航班 • 确认行程中所使用的航班均属于寰宇一家的成员航空公司 + 子公司 不包括由寰宇一家成员以外的航空公司承运的代码共享航班. 例外: QF*/JQ 适用寰宇一家环球套票 5)每个大陆可以使用的飞行 航段区间数 • 每个大陆可以使用的不用额外增加费用的飞行航段区间数 北美大陆: 最多 6个, 其他大陆: 最多 4个 乘客自行安排的1大陆中2城市之间的移动区间将不计入此大陆免费使用飞 行航段区间数内. 除出发大陆以外,其余的每个大陆都可以各增加2段最加付费的飞行航段 (头等舱:USD750;, 公务舱: USD500, 经济舱: USD200) 6)大陆内特定直飞航班限制 北美大陆:所指定的美国和加拿大城市之间只允许1个直飞或者单机经停航 班 北美大陆:北美其他地点和夏威夷之间只允许1个直飞航班 欧洲和中东大陆: 只允许2个直飞或者单机经停航班往返于英国与中东,俄 罗斯,东欧以及南欧(指定国家和地区)之间 俄罗斯: 只允许1个直飞航班往返于乌拉尔山脉以东城市和乌拉尔山脉以 西城市之间. 澳洲: 所指定的城市之间只允许1个直飞或者单机经停航班 2个城市之间只允许1次同方向的飞行 7)整个行程使用的区间数 • 整个行程适用的区间数:最少3个, 最多16 个 1)即使增加了额外付费航段,整个行程的区间总数也不能超过16个. 2)区间数包括使用地面移动的区间.同一城市的两个不同机场之间的移动也视 为一个地面移动区间. 4 oneworld Explorer RTW Fare Product Brief 事项 规定 8)所经过大陆的数量 • 以下的情况都被视为经过此大陆. 1)‘Stop over’= 停留 (超过24小时) 2)‘Transit (Transfer)’= 无停留(24小时以内) • 大陆数量界定的特例(Exceptions): 南西太平洋大陆=欧洲和中东大陆 直飞航班或非飞行航段移动区间 SYD=LON SYD=FRA MEL=LON BA.QF承运的经停SIN.BKK.HKG的单机航班 视为行程经过南西太平洋大陆,亚洲大陆和欧洲和中东大陆3个大陆. 9)出发大陆最多允许停留次数 • 出发大陆最多允许2次停留 10)折返飞行 • 同方向只能访问一个大洲一次 (不可折返) • 以下3种情况例外,但必须满足只有1个停留 其余2次均为24小时之内的转机 1)北美大陆 >> 南美大陆>> 北美大陆 2)亚洲 >> 南西太平洋 >> 亚洲 3)欧洲 >> 非洲大陆中指定的5个城市 >>欧洲 • 原则上允许在同一大陆内的折返行 例外情况: 不允许夏威夷与其他北美大陆内的城市之间的折返行程 11)整个行程中停留次数限制 • 行程中超过24小时的中途停留次数:最少2 12)行程有效期 • 最少停留天数:10天 -最长有效期:1年(出发日开始计算) • 香港出发的公务舱或头等舱没有最少停留天数的限制 5 • 寰宇一家环球套票的价格是由整个行程所经过的 大陆的数量来决定的 6 New Affiliate Airlines 成员的航空公司的子公司 寰宇一家联盟成员的航空公司的子公司也可以适用寰宇一家环球套票 Parent Airline Registered Affiliates airberlin (2) NIKI, Belair American Airlines (4) American Eagle, American-Connection, ExpressJet, SkyWest British Airways (4) BA CityFlyer (UK), Comair (South Africa), Sunair (Denmark), OpenSkies Cathay Pacific Airlines (1) Dragonair Finnair (1) Flybe Finland Iberia (2) Iberia Express, Air Nostrum Japan Airlines (3) JAL Express, J-AIR, Japan Transocean Air LAN (4) LAN Argentina, LAN Ecuador, LAN Peru, LAN Express (Chile) Qantas (4) JetConnect Jetstar(JQ) is not a registered affiliate QantasLink : Airlink (National Jet Systems), Eastern Australia Airlines, Sunstate Airlines) Royal Jordanian S7 (1) 7 Malaysia Globus 马来西亚航空将加入 超级经济舱 日本航空、英国航空、澳洲航空在部分航线设置超级经济舱 8 JL Premium Economy W-Class BA World Traveller Plus T-Class QF Premium Economy R-Class CX Premium Economy R-Class 搭乘超级经济舱的追加费用 适用路线 南西太平洋⇔非洲 追加费用 USD1450 南西太平洋⇔欧洲 南西太平洋⇔北美 南西太平洋⇔南美 其他路线 USD950 ※在中国地区出票以美金价格按照汇率折算成人民币收取 9 Baggage Allowance Round the World Economy Business/First oneworld Explorer 2 pcs (max 23kgs each) 2 pcs (max 32kgs each) Multi Continent Economy Business/First Circle Trip The Individual carrier’s allowance should be applied for each flight (e.g. MSC rule) Circle Asia/SWP Same but Weight System applies Circle Pacific Same but Piece System applies Global Explorer 10 Rule change for RTW fare products Product Name <Fare Calc> App Flights, Product Variation oneworld Explorer Flights operated <Continent zone> by Member 1)Asia carriers + their 2)Africa Affiliates Sectors / Validity A total of min 3 to [Continent of max 16 Sectors origin] : max 2 within 1 year [Other Continents]: No restrictions Within a Cont: N. America=6, Others=4 3)N. America 4)S. America 5)Europe & Mid East 6)SW Pacific (exception: QF*/JQ) Global Explorer <Distance Flown> Same as oneworld A total of min 3 to Explorer but plus max 16 Sectors 6 non ow carriers within 1 year (AS,GF,IE,FJ,IG, WS) and QF codeshare flights operated by TN, SA, VN and JQ Now Westjet (Canada) flights can be included! 3/4/5/6 continents 26,000/ 29,000/34,000/ 39,000 miles 11 *Only 34,000 mile product available for First/Business Class Stopovers in Continent or Region (Can purcase upto + 2 sectors/cont except for continent of origin) [Region of origin : max 2 *1 in each direction [Other Regions]: <26,000 miles> 2-5/entire trip (max 2/Region) <Other products> Min 2/entire trip (max 4/Region) Min length of travel & min stopover (total) Economy First/Business Minimum length of travel: Minimum length of travel: 10 days 10 days Minimum stopover: 2 Minimum stopover: 2 Minimum length of travel is still 10 days for: a) All class fares originating in TC1 travel b) Business/First class fares originating in Middle East travel Minimum length of travel: Minimum length of travel: 10 days 10 days Minimum stopover: 2 Minimum stopover: 2 = min length of travel: 3 days <34,000 miles product is the only product available> *Regions 1)Asia & SW Pacific 2)Africa 3)N. America 4)S. America 5)Europe & Mid East Rule change for Circle Trip Explorer Product Name <Fare Calc> App Flights, Product Variation Explorer Circle Trip Flights operated by <Continent zone> Member carriers + 1)Asia their oneworld 2)Africa* Affiliates 3)Europe & Mid East 4)SW Pacific (exception: QF*/JQ) 3/4 continents *Must visit Africa Circle Pacific <Distance Flown> Flights operated by AA/BA/CX/JL/ For circle trips via the KA/LA/LP/MX/ SW Pacific, Asia, N, NU/QF/XL/4M + their oneworld affiliates America and S, America (no travel in (exception: QF*/JQ) east of Thailand; India is not included) 22,000/26,000/ Circle Asia & S.W. Pacific <Distance Flown> For circle trips originating and terminating in designated countries in NE Asia, SE Asia 12SW Pac. (India is and not included) Sectors / Validity Stopovers in Continent or Region Min length of travel & stopover (total) Economy First/Business A max total of 16 Sectors within 1 year Within a Cont: 4 [Continent of origin]: Min length of travel: 10 Min length of travel: 10 max 2 Min stopover - 2 Min stopover - 2 [Others]: No restrictions Minimum length of travel is 10 days for: a) All class fares originating in TC1 travel (Can purcase upto + 2 b) Business/First class fares originating sectors/cont, except for in Middle East travel continent of origin) A max total of 16 Sectors within 1 year [Country of origin]: Min length of travel: 10 max 1 Min Stopover: 2 outside [Others]: max 2/region country of origin max 1/city Min length of travel: 5 Min Stopover: 2 outside country of origin (Can purcaseup to 2 *29,000 miles additional stopovers/region *29,000 miles fare must except for country of origin) <Total stopovers> itravel through or originate in S. America 22,000 miles: 2-4 26,000 miles: 2-5 29,000 miles: 2-6 Flights operated by A max total of 8 BA/CX/JL/KA/ NU/QF/RJ sectors within 1 + their oneworld affiliates year (exception: QF*/JQ) *No more than 3 transfers at any single 13,000/17,000 miles point *Must travel though all 3 regions <Regions> 1) Asia (India not included) 3) N. America 2) SW Pacific 4) S. America [Country of origin]: Min length of travel: 5 max 1 Min Stopover: 2 outside [Others]: max 1/city country of origin Min length of travel: 3 Min Stopover: 2 outside country of origin (Can purcase additional <Regions and designated countries> stopovers except for a) North East Asia: Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea country of origin) b) South East Asia: Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, <Total stopovers> Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia (India is not included) 13,000 miles: 2-4 c) South West Pacific: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea 17,000 miles: 2-5 寰宇一家以您为中心