Riddle me this... Riddle No. 1 What becomes wetter the more it dries? Click answer A for towel Riddle No. 2 What is so fragile even saying its name may break it? ClickSilence for answer Riddle No. 3 Anyone can hold me, even without their hands, yet no one can do it for long? What am I? ClickBreath for answer Riddle No. 4 I am invisible, weigh nothing, and if you put me in a barrel it becomes lighter. What am I? ClickAfor answer hole Riddle No. 5 What has four fingers and a thumb, but is not made of flesh, fish, bone or fowl? ClickAfor answer glove Riddle No. 6 What goes around the world, yet stays in the corner? Click answer A for stamp Riddle No. 7 I am not alive, but yet I grow; I have no lungs, yet I need air; I have no mouth, yet I can drown. What am I? Click for answer Fire Riddle No. 8 If you have me you want to share me. If you share me, I no longer exist. What am I? Click answer A for secret Riddle No. 9 Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain in the world? Mount Click for answer Everest Riddle No. 10 A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed three days and then left on Friday. How? His horse was Click for answer called Friday Riddle No. 11 Here there is no north, west or east, it is fitting for no man, bird or beast. The North Click for answer Pole Riddle No. 12 What goes up but never comes down? Click for answer Age Riddle No. 13 The more there is, the less you see. What is it? Click for answer Darkness Riddle No. 14 The more you take of me, the more you leave behind. What am I? Click for answer Footsteps Riddle No. 15 A word I know, six letters it contains. Subtract one, and twelve remain. What is the word? ClickDozens for answer Riddle No. 16 What type of building has the most stories? Click answer A for library Riddle No. 17 What is always coming but never arrives? Click for answer Tomorrow Riddle No. 18 Where is the only place today comes before yesterday? The Click for answer dictionary Riddle No. 19 What type of coat can only be put on when wet? A coat of Click for answer paint Riddle No. 20 What is a five letter word that becomes shorter when you add two letters on? ClickShort for answer