Account Program Execution On-site inventory adjustments Ensures proper inventory levels and one week turnaround Account Program Execution The Apex Employee Report Tracks the specific garment usage for each employee Employee Usage Reports Account Program Execution Apex Activity Report Tracks our weekly pick-up and delivery Keeps you informed of any changes to your account (i.e. repairs, upgrades, etc.) Employee Activity Reports Inventory Management Each MD Anderson delivery location will be designated a separate customer number, route and service day. This information, along with the individual man numbers will be transposed onto our Individual Garment Check Sheet and weekly invoice. (See attached). The individual Garment Check Sheet will provide an on-premise count and documentation of what each employee receives each week separate from the invoice. The individual garment check sheet is a standard system that Cintas utilizes for every customer. Thus, Cintas does not have to make any special adjustments in MD Anderson’s uniform program. Cintas pioneered this system. This is a proven system that is exclusive to Cintas. The benefits of this system are: 1. Helps eliminate shortages. 2. Helps eliminate charges for lost uniforms when an employee terminates. 3. Provides a quick review of employees who are using or not using the cleaning service. Requirement 3: Inventory Management The Cintas service sales representative will count all garments, marking the number of items that were picked up for each employee. Upon delivery, the number of per person items delivered will be indicated. Each employee will have a weekly delivery bundled together and on hangers. A receipt of both pick-up and delivery is left for each delivery location each week. Any shortage created by Cintas will allow one week free service for that individual on his/her pant/shirt inventory. Any exchange, shortage, repair, upgrade or size change will be returned to Shell within 48 hours of notification to Cintas about the non-conformance. Control Process – Pickup Count Document & Left with Customer – Pre-Delivery Count – Comparison & Reconciliation – Final Count Given to Customer IGCS Individual Garment Check Sheet 1 A Documented Count is Left with the Customer at Pickup 2 After Uniforms are Washed, Inspected, & Sorted, They are Recounted to Ensure Complete Delivery SHORTAGES ELIMINATED 3 Final Counts are Verified Before Loading 4 The Customer is Presented with a Documented Inventory Sheet at Delivery INDIVIDUAL GARMENT CHECK SHEET CHECK SHEET NO. 250000 NATIONAL CO. 5875 WINDWOOD MASON, OH 45040 SC I H A ZN G EE LOC. ROUTE DAY CUST NO. 4 00089 001 ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. CUST. EMPLOYEE’S NAME NO. 08 DEPARTMENT 89 ITEM 1 ITEM NUMBER CO R PK INV CL SL/SIZE LOWELL MURPHY 1 905 H 11 20 RG00XL DEAN CORDELL 2 905 H 11 20 RG00XL RON TAYLOR 3 H 11 20 905 5875 WINDWOOD RG000L PETER BLAIR 4 905 S PICK UP DELIVER 5 905 BRIAN ROGERS 6 905 JOE GIESSLER 7 905 PAM VIER 8 DEBBIE WEBB 9 COMMENTS 538 538 H 11 20 H 11 20 001 2/15/96 INV CL SL/SIZE 11 20 3632 DELIVER DATE 2/22/96 OTHER PICK UP DELIVER PICK UPDELIVER CHECK SHEET NO. 11 20 3834 001 08 11 20 4 4032 LOC. RG00XL ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. CUST. EMPLOYEE’S NAME NO. PICK UP DATE INDIVIDUAL GARMENT CHECK SHEET 11 20 3430 MASON, OH 45040 C I H A ZN G EE STOP SEQ. ITEM 2 NATIONAL CO. JOSE FERNANDO CONTRACT ITEM NUMBER CO R PK RG000M 1 905 LOWELL MURPHY H 11 20 RG00XL 905 DEAN CORDELL 2 INV ROUTE DAY 1 CL 250000 CUST NO. CONTRACT 00089 89 ITEM 1 SL/SIZE H 20 2830 11 1 20 RG00XL 11 20 3832 11 20 RG00XL H 11 20 3432 RG000L 11 20 H DEPARTMENT PICK UP STOP SEQ. 001 2/15/96 DELIVER INV CL SL/SIZE 11 20 3632 11 20 3430 11 20 3834 11 20 4032 11 20 2830 H 11 20 0006 11 20 RG00XL 11 20 0006 11 20 RG000M BRIAN ROGERS 6 905 H 11 20 RG00XL 11 20 3832 JOE GIESSLER 7 905 H 11 20 RG00XL 11 20 3432 PAM VIER 8 538 H 11 20 RG000S 11 20 0006 DEBBIE WEBB 9 538 H 11 20 11 20 RG000S CUSTOMER DELIVERY COPY 0006 DELIVER DATE 2/22/96 OTHER ITEM 2 H 11 20 RG00XL 3 905 RON TAYLOR H 11 20 RG000S 4 905 PETER BLAIR RG000S H 11 20 5 905 JOSE FERNANDO H PICK UP DATE PICK UP DELIVER PICK UPDELIVER COMMENTS CUSTOMER DELIVERY COPY Requirement 4: Tagging Each garment will have a Cintas I.D. Tag attached to it containing the following information: Route Number 12 Day of Delivery 1 - Monday 2 - Tuesday 3 - Wednesday 4 - Thursday 5 - Friday Dept # 100 Man Number 1 Matches up to employee name documented on invoice and individual garment check sheet 12 - 4 - 100 - 1 M8A