
Day 1
The play Antigone was written by Sophocles.
The list of characters in the play include the following Antigone, Ismene,
Eurydice, Creon, and Haimon.
Subject and verb agreement
Use of underlining or italics with title of play
Correct use of colon before a list
Day 1
The play Antigone was written by Sophocles.
Use of underlining or italics with title of play
The list of characters in the play includes the following: Antigone, Ismene,
Eurydice, Creon, and Haimon.
Subject and verb agreement
Correct use of colon before a list
Day 2
Antigone gives readers alot of information about burial customs in ancient
What I want to say is that I have no doubt but that I will enjoy reading the
Elimination of unnecessary conjunction but
Revision of wordy sentence
Correction of commonly misused words
Day 2
Antigone gives readers a lot of information about burial customs in
ancient Greece.
Correction of commonly misused words
I want to say is that but___
I have no doubt that I will enjoy reading the play.
Revision of wordy sentence
Elimination of unnecessary conjunction but
Day 3
Creon is King of Thebes. He is Antigone's uncle. He is also Ismene's uncle.
Creon's first words in Antigone are, "Gentlemen: I have the honor to inform
you that"
Use of ellipsis points to signal an incomplete quotation
Revision of choppy sentences
Use of apostrophe to indicate join possession
Day 3
Creon is King of Thebes as well as Antigone and Ismene's uncle.
Revision of choppy sentences
Use of apostrophe to indicate join possession
Creon's first words in Antigone are, "Gentlemen: I have the honor to
inform you that...."
Use of ellipsis points to signal an incomplete quotation
Day 4
Yes Antigone broke the law when she buryed her brother.
I definitely think Antigone is simply the most courageous character in
Correction of spelling: base word with final y
Use of comma after mild interjection
Use of exclamation point to show strong emotion
Day 4
Yes, Antigone broke the law when she buried her brother.
Use of comma after mild interjection
Correction of spelling: base word with final y
I definitely think Antigone is simply the most courageous character in
Use of exclamation point to show strong emotion
Day 5
I finished reading Antigone at exactly 9:00 last night.
When I arrived at school I couldn't hardly wait to discuss the play.
Elimination of double negative
Use of comma to set off an introductory subordinate clause
Spelling out time expressed without the abbreviation A.M. or P.M.
Day 5
I finished reading Antigone at exactly nine o'clock last night.
Spelling out time expressed without the abbreviation A.M. or P.M.
When I arrived at school, I could hardly wait to discuss the play.
Use of comma to set off an introductory subordinate clause
Elimination of double negative