The Names and pronunciation of Names in the Bible.


The Path of Truth to Life

Bible Translation Project

The Names and pronunciation of

Names in the Bible.

We hope this will shed a little light on a subject that causes totally unnecessary division.

Let us stay with what can be proven and which is written down, in stead of each one coming to his own conclusion.

There is only one way to reach unity and that is to use the same source. Let us accept the written

Word of God as our standard and stick to it . If it is written – accept and do it – if not, do not preach it.

At the moment, there are division over a few important issues. I ask again, let us test it with


The Names of God and His Son and the pronunciation of it.

This we will try to understand from Scripture.

Determining of times.

Determining of what is Scripture and what is added or taken away.

Then there are made-up lies to steal the peace of Father’s children. Some people just can’t stop dishing up falsehood as so called warnings.

Today we will address three aspects.

The Name of the Creator-God.

The Name of His Son.

The word “God” or “el”.

What is His Name and the Name of His Son? Surely you know!

Prov 30:4

efei Semitic early hihf hwhy hfhy

Semitic middle

Dead sea scroll scribal

Semitic late hwhy

Ashuri Script hwhy Aramaic estrangelo actually only written as


There is no doubt about how the

Name was written and developed.

There are enough evidence for that.

Please note: the writing developed…

It is therefor impossible to come to conclusions over the form of the letters. Even the oldest letters shown above, again comes from others !!!!

They have beautiful meanings and are uplifting, but no teaching must be based on it.

Our problem is the pronunciation

– as close as possible to the oldest known possibility.

The following are used:

Jahve – Yahweh

Jehovah – Yehowah


I do not believe that any person is going to hell over a wrong pronunciation. People must stop being judgmental about what

Father never intended.

In the Name we have 4 characters.

Vowels or consonant?

It only matters for the pronunciation of the third character – the waw. w

There are little doubt about the pronunciation of the first two characters.

As proof we look at Biblical names:

Aviyah (Abía)

Z'kharyah (Sagaría) and more than 110 others.

All these Names carry the

Name of Father in their meaning and is pronounced as ‘ja’. We do know that the ‘j’ did not exist and represent it with a ‘Y’ with the representation of the Hey h ‘h’ and it becomes Yah .

Through the pronunciation of the name it is clear that no

‘Yeh’ is possible and names like Jehovah fall away.

The names in the Bible are our explanation.

The next letter is the waw.

It is possible to be a consonant –

W or V or a vowel – O or U.

Also in Scripture, we find names ending with a more complete form of Father’s Name.

Y'kholyahu (Jególja)

Y'gizkiyahu (Jehiskía)

Yesha'yahu (Isaiah)

Yirmeyahu (Jeremía)

Eliyahu (Elíah) and many more

I looked at many gramatical options set out by many writers.

Logic looks at the pronunciation of the character as it is written down before us.

According to that, it is a vowel and given as “U” and the pronunciation so far is:


If it is presented as a consonant it would have been Yahw .

It is therefore possible if the U is read as a gramatical “is” at the end of the word. One problem with this, according to me:

Cuneiform inscriptions, known as the

Murashu Text, agree that Yahu is also used at the beginning of a name, thus without the vowel declension - Found in Nippur and dated between 464 en 404 before the Anointed One came.

Scholastic I must say that it is possible to pronounce His Name as

Yahweh or Yahuah.

The pronunciation of names in the

Bible convinced me that it is Yahuah.

I will not split hairs with you over the pronunciation which we did not hear.

What we can say is that these are the only 2 options we have.

My decision is further strengthened by the following:

1. Josephus, in his Wars of the Jews ,

Book 5, chapt. 5, 7, clearly states that His

Name "consists of four vowels."

2. Yahweh , has its origin, with a lack of any earlier evidence, in 1567.

Genebrardus, was the first to recommend

Jahve , largely on the strength of

Theodoret’s declaration that Samaritans used the, Iabe , pronunciation.

It is also possible to use the corrupted vowels of the

Masoretic texts and other changes as proof, but I do not think that it will serve any purpose.

His Name can not be replaced by normal nouns like Lord which means Master, and which is not a proper noun and also not with only God which we will discuss later.

What is His Name and the Name of His Son? Surely you know!

Prov 30:4

Secondly – let’s look at the Name of the Anointed One.

Again there are tremendous division – please – let us look at provable visual proof and evidence.

I myself believed and taught differently – until I have seen it with my own eyes and accepted it.

We look at the following options which are taught in earnest:






Yog 5:43 is applicable:

“I came in the Authority and

Character of My Father and you did not accept me. If another came in his own character and authority , him you will accept.” am`b

In the Name = in the

Character and Authority.


Does the ambassador to another country carry the name of his own country or president in his own name?

Luka 1:31 behold, you will become pregnant and bear a Son and you must call

Him Yeshua.

in Ashuri script.

@ylbqt ryg ah

[w`y hm` @yrqtw arb @ydlatw ansb

In Estrangelo Aramaic script

0n=b Nylbqt ryg 0h

.(w4y hm4 Nyrqtw 0rb


The same verse from the Khabouris.

Fourth century copy of the Aramaic

New Covenant - internally dated as

165 after Yeshua.

This is how His Name is written in the oldest document we have.

There are only 4 characters


Y sh u a

Y’shua pronounced as Yeshua with the ‘e’ sound effectively a fast ‘ei’

The wrong interpretation of Yog

5 resulted in people adding a

Yah or Yahuah which do not exist in any written material available!!

It is added to His Word.

For a name to be pronounced

"Yahshua," it would have to be spelled [wvhy and no such name exists anywhere in the

Hebrew Bible.

Dr. Daniel Botkin author of Fluent

Biblical Hebrew

Why then do some people refer to Jesus as

Yahshua? There is absolutely no support for this pronunciation—none at all—and I say this as someone holding a Ph.D. in Semitic languages. My educated guess is that some zealous but linguistically ignorant people thought that Yahweh’s name must have been a more overtpart of our Savior’s name, hence

YAHshua rather than Yeshua—but again, there is no support of any kind for this theory.

Dr. Michael Brown

- Ph.D in Semitic languages.

“of the Yahshua form that "there is no such name in Hebrew" and that

"people invented it to fit their theology.“

Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi - former head of

Hebrew programs at Arizona State

University and he designed and produced the "Living Israeli Hebrew" language-learning course.

Only one Name is left “Jesus.”

The teaching is that it comes from the name of Zeus and therefor is pagan.

Luckily we do have historical and linguistic proof as to the origin of the Name.

Personally I only use His proper and correct Name: Yeshua as is seen earlier, but it boggles my mind why people try to hurt and belittle other people through a lie. They put meanings and origins to words that do not exist and which is not true.

I hope to show it to you clearly.

It is also true of many other words

Please note 2 Tim 2:14

Remind them of these things and command them before our

Master not to strife over words which, having no advantage but to upset those hearing it.

This is one of the most rediculous but serious alligations I have ever heard, yet it gained more followers on the net than any other, through disinformation. There are even those that proclaim that those who use the Name ‘Jesus’ serve false gods and are pagan. I want to seriously warn against such blatant lies and any other way by which the peace of Father’s children is stolen.

Let us only look at facts.

According to our 3 wise men:

The English form Jesus is derived from the New Testament

Greek name Ἰησοῦς

, pronounced "Yesous."

Hebrew Yeshua to Greek Yesous

Greek Yesous to English Jesus

According to A. B. Traina in his

“Holy Name Bible,”:

“The name of the Son,

Yahshua, has been substituted by Jesus, Iesus, and Ea-Zeus

(Healing Zeus).”

Two big errors in one short sentence:

There is no such a Name as Yahshua as we have seen before and there is absolutely no connection between the Greek Name Ἰησοῦς

(or the English Jesus) and Zeus.

NONE! It is the same type of argument as to proof that the words Tiger Woods is referring to tiger infested woods????? It is ridiculous and based on serious linguistic ignorance. To sound the same (homophones) does not mean it has something to do with each other.

I read about people who do not use the word “raisin,” because it contains the word “sin”.

It is the same argument.

I will quote the following – can not put it clearer myself:

“Here is another, equally absurd statement:

"... according to the

ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, the name Ieusus (Jesus) is a combination of 2 mythical deities,

IEU and SUS (ZEUS, a Greek god)." - (

Although it is claimed that the

Encyclopedia Britannica says that

“the name Ieusus (Jesus) is a combination of 2 mythical deities,

IEU and SUS (ZEUS, a Greek god)” it actually says no such thing.

This is a complete fabrication, intentional or not. In short, as one

Jewish believer once stated, “Jesus is as much related to Zeus as

Moses is to mice.”

The response to this statement (which has as much support as the latest Elvis sightings) is quite simple: We know where the name I--esous came from: the Jewish Septuagint! In other words, this was not some later, pagan corruption of the Savior’s name; rather, it was the natural Greek way of rendering the

Hebrew/Aramaic name Yeshua at least two centuries before His birth, and it is the form of the name found in more than 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. This is saying something! The name Iesous is also found in

Greek writings outside the New Testament and dating to that same general time frame.

Dr. Michael Brown

Personally I only use Father’s and

His Son’s proven Names.


Will people not please stop to proclaim lies that a wrong pronunciation or spelling mistake makes a person lost. The judgment is on him that causes and proclaims division – because it is not for the truth.

We talk about the man-created problem between God and elohim or el in the same breath.

People preached their own conclusions from this that sounded good and right but just isn ’t the truth. As said before – words sounding the same not necessarily have something to do with each other.

Through this people are making something to be sin which is not.

It is the same that the Rabbis and Pharisees did by not pronouncing His Name and uphold man-made laws which

Yeshua spoke against.

Please think carefully!!

People forbid and reprove the use of normal nouns and distort it as if it is a proper noun of the

One True God.

Think carefully – elohim and el are used for both the true God and idols – nongods in the Bible.

The Ghaht – God language connection does not exist and has nothing to do with Afrikaans or names of pagan gods. It sounds alike (homophone).

I do not take this lightly. I looked from every possible angle, without preconceived ideas and expectations, to history and the origin of the words.

My conclusion is that there are no grounds for it. I understand that people can believe it, it is the background and teaching they receive, but it is not correct.

I will quote myself from a writing on this.

Elohim is the name of the pantheon of gods

(plural) in Kena’an when the Yisra’elites arrived there. In this way the word el is the singular form and what they called the main god also called Ba’al. Now I wonder which god is referred to by people? Linguistically the word is a normal noun which is referring in our present time and Language to an object that is worshipped. I also followed that narrow view and know today that it confuse people, are created to sell Bibles and caused a lot of rejection and pain.

Just as the Kena’anites took the word and apply it to god, it is the same with

Goht. In no moment of the history of our language, there is any reference to link it with an idol. In Afrikaans and English the word God, with a capital, is only referring to the only True Creator-God with the

Name He gave Himself. God as word is nothing else but a noun for what people worship. elohim, eloha and el are used in exactly the same way in Hebrew.

Only to those for whom Hebrew became a new god to worship there is a difference because linguistically there is none. I walked the same road. A deep study of Gen

11 will show you that not it nor any other existing language are the original language.

Why don’t people concentrate on the fullness of the truth of the Word in stead of looking for demons in words where it is not, instead of in attitudes. We also have the

Spirit of Set-Apartness and changes the words around many times to please people

– until we have learned to follow His voice only.

We do not have any “holy” language. By His grace we translated the NC and worked on the

Bible in 3 languages and in each there is the same kind of decisions and coupled words. In Tibetan for example, the word “holy” – though we do not use it – is a reference to the Dalai Lhama himself. Because it is a present reference and meaning in each person ’s heart, we can not use it.

It is one of the names of the Dalai

Lhama. With el and God we come against a changed meaning and history and motives. Sorry, I will not fall for those stories again – do research. Then people must ( and I only say it as a meganism to understanding), they must read their Bibles with Kena’anite gods in. Come on be serious !!??

Quote from "The Scriptures"

"English translations have traditionally rendered it as “God” or as “god(s)” in most instances. However, the Hebrew word

“elohim” is the plural form of “eloah”, which has the basic meaning of “mighty one”. This word is not only used for deity, but is used in

Scripture for judges, angels and idols

(Shemoth / Ex. 7:1; 9:28; 12:12; 22:8,9;

Tehillim / Ps. 8:5; 82:1,6) besides being used frequently for the Almighty. The shorter form,

“el” have the same basic meaning and similar usage."

Read it a few times and see what is really said. The word elohim does not only refer to The Living Creator-

God, but also to non-gods, etc. So what is the point in using it exclusively if you acknowledge that it also means gods, which you try to get away from? It is senseless. It is exactly the same word, just in another language.

Another quote from "The

Scriptures 1998"

Gad or God

Apart from Gad, the son of Yaʽqoḇ, there was another “Gad.” The astrologers of Baḇel called Jupiter

(Zeus) by the name “Gad.” He was also well known among the Canaanites where his name was often coupled with

Ba ’al, Ba’al Gad, which according to the Massoretic vowel pointing in the

Book of Yehoshua is pronounced: Ba ’al


This same name is discovered in the ancient Germanic languages as Gott,

Goda, Gode, God, Gud, Gade. And searching further back into its Indo-

Germanic (Indo-European) roots, we find that it traces back to the word GHODH, which means “union,” even “sexual union.” No wonder this meaning is still evident in the Dutch and German gade. It is also not difficult to see it in the

English “gadfly” and “gadding about.”

We worked in the East for many years. The Hindus have approx. 333 000 000 (333 Million) gods!!! If I use the spelling and rules and contractions as used above, you will not be able to use one

Afrikaans or English word!! This is not research, but rather look to me, and I hope I am wrong, as if a reason is sought for a decisions already made. A

Language functions with words in a certain frame of reference. The same people do not tell you that el and elohim are the words of reference in the ancient languages for their gods. I therefore rather do not use the words at all to refer to my God!!!!!

Hope you see the Sinicism in what I say. Look at what historians say about it:

Faith System of Gods and Goddesses (Canaanite Gods and Godesses)

The Phoenicians worshipped a triad of deities, each having different names and attributes depending upon the city in which they were worshipped, although their basic nature remained the same. The primary god was

El, protector of the universe, but often called Baal.....

Baal, also known as El. In 1978, Israeli archaeologists excavating at an eighth-century B.C. site in the eastern

Sinai desert found several Hebrew inscriptions mentioning Ba'al and El in the form of "Elohim," a name used to refer to God in the Hebrew Bible. Further, whenever the Jews refer to God or our God they use

"Eloha, Elohaino or Elohim."

The word, el and its plural is used by nations through the ages to refer to 'godliness' and the Yisra'elites used the same.

Let us look at the ISBE explanation:

One of the oldest and most widely distributed terms for Deity known to the human race is 'El, with its derivations 'Elim, 'Elohim, and

'Eloah. Like theos, Dens and God, it is a generic term, including every member of the class deity. It may even denote a position of honor and authority among men. Moses was 'Elohim to Pharaoh (Ex

7:1) and to Aaron (Ex 4:16; compare Judg 5:8; 1Sam 2:25; Exod

21:5; Exod 21:6; Exod 22:7 ff; Ps 58:11; Ps 82:1).

**It is, therefore, a general term expressing majesty and authority, and it only came to be used as a proper name for

Israel's God in the later period of abstract monotheism when the old proper name Yahweh was held to be too sacred to be uttered. The meaning of the root 'El, and the exact relation to it, and to one another, of 'Elohim and

'Eloah, lie in complete obscurity. ........ In the Old

Testament they signify only the general notion of Deity.

** It is therefor not acceptable to us as a name. It is one of the replacements that was used not to pronounce Father’s Name. Another reason for me not to accept it.

You speak Afrikaans or English and your Bible is translated into that language. I translate into Afrikaans and if I was convinced of anything else I would have used it. I do not have any reason to cling to a word

– I do not sell the Bible. I do not look for proof of what I have so that people can accept it. I only seek the truth.

I did a comprehensive test and asked

Afrikaans-speaking people what they understand under the word “God." 100% of the people had a reference to the True,

Only, Creator-God in different ways. If that is the reference people have of an innocent generic word – why use the Hebrew or

Aramaic word that people must guess what it means, but do not know. People came with a derived meaning and origin and caused much confusion.

In my research I also found that people think of "elohim" and "el" as

God’s names!? Which is not true – in this way confusion is caused by a derived meaning. However good the intentions, and I have good friends only using these words, it is not correct. Because of the fact that people see it as Father’s Name, it is even more confusing.

Ps 82:1 is a good example

"God stands in a god-meeting; He judges the gods." All these words are el or elohim – what to do now? Is your elohim not the same as the gods? It is about Spirit and attitude – not words.

'God' is a generic noun, like tree. There are many trees but one Olive tree. Now

I may not use the word tree because there is also a thorntree? Uhh? The word God with a capital is the noun that shows to all English speaking people towards the only True Creator-God and is not His Name which is only – and I quote:

Yes 42:8 “I am hwhy

, that is

My Name; I will not give My glory or honour to another, or My praise to idols." I will not call Him by another Name, also not el. He is the only Creator-God we acknowledge – but it is not His


The same is true for the words

Lord which means Master from


It is not another god – only a translation.

Adonai is another word

“Adonis is derived from the Canaanite title, Adon.

It is the Semitic word for master or ‘lord’ and i means ‘my’, therefore Adonai (Adonis is the

Greek version of the same) translates as ‘my lord’; similarly the meaning of Baal, with whom he shares traits, is also ‘lord’ or ‘master’.”

This statement is historically true but again they talk about a NOUN that is translated. It is a Noun – it can be translated – so what?

Let us stop judging and have a testimony to the world.
