“The Answer to the Ultimate Question to the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything!” ©2012 Mark Pitrone and Fulfilling Torah Ministries The Number 42 in Scripture as it deals with the Exodus and Matthew’s genealogy of Messiah Yeshua Copyright Notice Read and Heed • This Copyright is under the Common Law. You may use this presentation in whole or in part without receiving special permission from either Mark Pitrone or Fulfilling Torah Ministries under only 3 conditions: • • • 1) give proper attribution; 2) provide us notice as to where the use may be seen; and 3) the medium; article, publication or statement in which it is used is free; neither for sale nor requiring any donation of any kind. • If these conditions are not met, prior permission MUST be received and may require a substantial fee for each use. • You are responsible before the Creator of the Universe to act honourably. HE is your judge. My advice is to act accordingly. He can inflict a LOT more sorrow than some shyster lawyer. 42! • What brought the idea of this teaching to mind was the fact that the 14th camp of the 42 camps of Israel in the Exodus was at Kadesh Barnea, whence Moshe sent the spies into the land. This brought to mind that Yeshua’s genealogy in Matthew is broken into 3 sets of 14, or 42 generations. 42! • Is there a connection? • Were there 3 sets of 14 camps in the Wilderness Adventure that can be illustrated by the 3 sets of 14 generations in Moshiach’s genealogy? • Or do the 42 camps provide an illustration of the ancestry of Yeshua as seen in the 42 generations mentioned in Matthew 1? • Or both? • Or something else entirely? • Or nothing at all? 42! Come with me as I explore what to me, at least, is an interesting concept. 42! • We’ll just use the meanings of the names of the places where Israel camped and the names of Yeshua’s progenitors, and see if we can find a connection. If I am able to see connections, they may seem a stretch into the mystical, but let’s face it; the idea that we hold the very Word of Y’hovah in our hands might seem a stretch into the mystical, don’t you think? 42! • As I share what I find, it will not be an exhaustive revelation. YOU may see a connection I don’t. PLEASE record it somehow or if you think it is salient, get my attention and share it. • I do not have a lock on all Truth. Be Bereans; check me out. First Stop • The first stop was at Succoth to retrieve Yoseph’s bones for burial in Shechem, where Ya’acov’s well is. The word Succoth means ‘booths’ or ‘temporary shelters”. Some say this was the site of the treasure city of Egypt, where men came from all over the world to do business with Egypt. First Stop • It makes sense that Yoseph, who had been the main businessman for Paroh, would be embalmed and buried there. This corresponds well with the 1st generation mentioned in Matt.1, Avraham, who dwelt in Sukkoth all his Ivrit life. We never see Avraham living in a city or even a house in Canaan (he did visit briefly in Abimelech’s house a couple of times). First Stop • Hebrews 11 tells us • 8 By faith Avraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. First Stop 9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles [sukkoth] with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: 10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is Eloha. (Heb.11.8-10) • So we can see a correspondence there. Avi would not live in any permanent dwelling in his flesh. Second Stop • The 2nd stop was Etham, which is at the head of the Wadi Watir that leads through a sheer valley to the beach at Pi-Hahiroth (the 3rd stop), modern Nuweiba. Etham is possibly another form of Khetam, an Egyptian word meaning ‘fortress’, which makes sense. Second Stop • If an invading force came ashore at PiHahiroth (the only place on the Egyptian Aqaba littoral where an invader could hope to put an army ashore) and traveled up the Wadi to attack Egypt, this would be the way they’d HAVE to come. There were only 2 ways in or out; here or at Pi-Hahiroth. Second Stop • The valley’s walls were almost sheer 90° cuts, punctuated by smaller wadis entering along its route. This stop would correspond in Matt.1 to Yitzhak, who was the entryway to the fulfillment of the promise Y’hovah had made to Avraham in Gen.15. Etham was the only way to Egypt’s flanks. Third Stop • 3rd stop was Pi-Hahiroth (H6367), mouth of the gorges. Looking at satellite images of Wadi Watir one can see at LEAST a dozen ‘tributary’ wadis emptying into it, so it is quite literally ‘the mouth of the gorges’. These smaller wadis were inaccessible to the body of Israel. Third Stop • This stop corresponds in Yeshua’s genealogy to Ya’acov, who had been named Yisrael by the Angel of Y’hovah (a postresurrection appearance of Y’hovah Yeshua in Tanakh) while they wrestled in the night before Ya’acov returned to the Land with his wives and children. Third Stop • Ya’acov/Yisrael, from whom came the 12 tribes and with whom the 70 nations went into the world (Egypt) in figure (Gen.46), now receives back from all of them, not just his children and theirs, but also from the 70 nations that his Son, Yeshua, has redeemed from their sins and grafted into Yisrael. Fourth Stop • The 4th stop was Marah, on the Saudi side of Aqaba and about a 3-day journey inland. Marah means bitter, which refers to both the water that was there and the spirit that came over Israel when they discovered its nature (and, by extension, their own). The water started out bitter, but was made sweet by Moshe’s obedience to Y’hovah. Fourth Stop • This connects very well with Yehudah, who is the 4th ancestor of Yeshua named in Matt.1. Yehudah started out as a selfserving, opportunist. But when Tamar showed him his own nature when he condemned her to burning (which sentence was according to Torah at least 150 years before it was codified by Moshe), Fourth Stop • he changed completely and became a Tzadik (Gen.44.16, 18-34) – so much so that Yoseph was amazed to see the extent of the transformation, which was quite possibly what precipitated his nearly uncontrollable weeping in Gen.45.1-2. I am persuaded that he wept tears of joy because Yehudah was so changed. Fifth Stop • The 5th stop was at Elim, which I think was only a few more hours further, where they found 12 wells and 70 palm trees. Elim is plural of H193, uwl which means strength. This stop coincides with ancestor of Yeshua, Phares in Matt.1. Phares means breech. Fifth Stop • This could signify the breech between Yehudah (2 Israel) and Ephraim (10 Israel; 2+10 = 12 tribes) and the almost genetic disdain of Yehudah toward any gentile (70 nations) wishing to follow Y’hovah and his Torah. Fifth Stop • Of course, the 12 wells (Yisrael) are what sustains the 70 palm trees (the goyim). But the meaning of Elim signifies the strength to be had by the 2 sticks of Ezek.37 made one in Y’hovah Yeshua’s hands. Sixth Stop • The 6th stop is ‘by the Yam Suf’. Nothing is said of this stop in Ex.15 or 16, and it is only mentioned in Num.33 without any specifics. Could it be because 6 is the number of man in scripture? The corresponding ancestor of Yeshua in Matt.1 is Hezron. Sixth Stop • His name means ‘courtyard’, an enclosed place like behind a fence or wall. Perhaps this camp was in a basin surrounded by hills. This is the first stop that was not mentioned in the narrative, but was recorded by Moshe at the command of Y’hovah and reported in Num.33. Perhaps this was where they prepared for … Seventh Stop • The 7th stop, which is REALLY interesting to me, because this is the place where Y’hovah trained Israel in … that’s right, you guessed it … Shabbat. Israel had been in hard bondage, working all day, 7 days a week for over 100 years. They had forgotten which day was the Shabbat, just from disuse. Seventh Stop • In Matt.1, the 7th ancestor of Yeshua is Ram (as seen in the Davidic genealogy in Ruth 4), though it says Aram in Matt.1. Ram means ‘high, lofty’, which is a good description of the 7th day Shabbat that the nation was to be trained for in the Wilderness of Sin. Seventh Stop • Sin (seen), in this case does not mean transgression of Torah, but was the name for the moon-eloha of the Araba. It also happens to be the outskirts of the mountains in which Sinai (Seen-eye) is found. Seventh Stop • They stayed in the Wilderness of Sin for at least a week, probably 2, to go through Shabbat Basic Training. Shabbat Basic Training via the manna is another PowerPoint teaching. Eighth Stop • The 8th stop is Dophkah. Dophkah means ‘a knock’ from the root H1849 daphak ‘to knock’. They were knocking at the revelation of Y’hovah’s word. The ancestor of Yeshua that corresponds to Dophkah is Aminadab, whose name means ‘people offering freely’. Eighth Stop • After they gained the understanding that Y’hovah would provide all their needs; water, nutrition, and even flesh food; they offered themselves freely to him … • at least until they ran out of water again. Ninth Stop • The 9th stop was Alush. There is no Hebrew definition and no indication of any important things happening here, so Alush is not mentioned in Exodus. The ancestor of Yeshua in Matt.1 is Nachshon. He was the Yehudi elder of the Exodus who was succeeded by Kalev, the Kenite dog of a gentile. Ninth Stop • 9 is the number that signifies confusion by diminishing from the Word of Y’hovah; 101=9. Nachshon’s name means ‘enchanter’ and is derived from the root nachash, to hiss, to whisper a magic spell. The fiery nachash was a source of evil in the Israelite camp in Numbers 21. Nachshon voted with the 10 tourists at Kadesh. Tenth Stop • Stop #10 was at Rephidim, where they had no water, but after they kvetched about it enough, Y’hovah had Moshe tap the Rock at Rephidim and had water gush out from it. In Matt.1, the corresponding ancestor is Salmon, whose name means ‘garment’ or investiture. • This was NOT a fish swimming in the water from the Rock. Tenth Stop • Investiture is the act of conferring title or office on a person, clothing him with authority. When Moshe struck the Rock and the water gushed forth, Y’hovah clothed him with authority like never before. Eleventh Stop • Stop #11 is in the Wilderness of Sinai. This is where Israel received the 10 Commandments and the rest of the Covenant, sent elders into the very throneroom of Y’hovah, transgressed in the golden calf and built the Mishkan. Eleventh Stop • The ancestor of Yeshua that corresponds is Boaz, husband of Ruth and Tanakh’s best illustration of the kinsman redeemer - a fitting person to match to the giving of Torah, as he was a tzadik and lived it out in his own life. Twelfth Stop • Stop 12 is Kibrothhataavah, where Israel murmured about their need for flesh to eat. Kibrothhataavah means ‘graves of longing or lusting’. The patriarch that corresponds is Obed, which means serving. Twelfth Stop • The reason for the graves of lust is that the Israelites served themselves of the quail without pouring out the quail’s blood on the ground, offering it to Y’hovah first, or cooking it. I think they died with the raw sinews of quail stuck in their teeth and the blood dripping down their chins. Thirteenth Stop • Stop 13 was Chatzeroth, which means a fence or a yard. It was at Chatzeroth where Miriam and Aharon murmured against Moshe because of his Ethiopian wife, and Miriam was afflicted with tzaraath, which KJV translates as leprosy. Thirteenth Stop • She was cleansed of the tzaraath as soon as Moshe interceded for her, but she still had to stay without the camp until her mikvah on the 7th day after she was declared clean of the plague. Even the leadership had to abide by Torah. This had to be a new experience for them. Egyptian authorities, as American anymore, were above the law. Thirteenth Stop • Israel could not enter the land with an unclean leader, so the whole camp had to stay encamped at Chatzeroth for a week because of Miriam’s lashon hara. The corresponding ancestor is Yishai, whose name means to be or stand out. This particular stop would certainly ‘stand out’ in everyone’s mind. Fourteenth Stop • Stop #14 was Rithmah, which was named Kadesh Barnea in the narrative, and whence they sent the 12 spies into the land to scope it out. 10 of the spies decided to be tourists instead and brought back some impressive souvenirs, while 2 of the spies acquitted themselves as mighty men of valor. Fourteenth Stop • Rithmah means to yoke to a pole. I think they call this Rithmah here to intimate that they were here for a LO-O-ONG time. Because the spies turned Israel away from trusting Y’hovah, they were made to stay there, according to some rabbis for ½ of their remaining time in the Wilderness – 19+ years. Fourteenth Stop • The ancestor corresponding to Rithmah is David, the King. He most definitely was the one king who yoked the 2 houses of Israel together. In this way, he was a wonderful type of Moshiach ben David. Also, the gematria of David’s name = 14 (daleth + vav + daleth = yud daleth). This was the zenith of Israel’s righteousness as a nation. Stop 28 will match Israel’s nadir of national righteousness. Fifteenth Stop • Stop #15 was Rimmon Paretz. The name means “pomegranate breach”, and it only appears in this chapter, so nothing of any importance occurred here. But the name of Yeshua’s ancestor that corresponds to the 15th wilderness ‘station’ is Shlomo, who began the rift between the 2 houses of Ya’acov in 2 ways; Fifteenth Stop • 1) he breached Torah by multiplying pagan wives and worshipping their elohim, not to mention multiplying horses and chariots, and 2) by treating the men of the northern 10 tribes differently (1Ki.12) than he treated those of the southern tribes of Yehudah and BenYamin. Fifteenth Stop • And Yerovoam and all the congregation of Israel came, and spake unto Rehovoam, saying, 4 Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee. (1Ki.12.3b-4) Fifteenth Stop • Rehovoam made the wrong decision, of course, by not heeding the counsel of his father’s chief advisors. But the seeds of secession, the breach in the United Kingdom, were sown by Shlomo. Sixteenth Stop • Stop #16 was Libnah, which was also not mentioned in the narrative. Yeshua’s ancestor corresponding to the 16th camp was Rehoboam (a people has enlarged). His mother, Na’amah was an Ammonitess. Libnah means whiteness or transparency. Sixteenth Stop • After the ‘split’ that occurred in his reign, there was nothing that Rehoboam did that was of any importance, either. The one thing that happened in his reign that had any importance wasn’t as a result of anything he did. The split was due to Shlomo’s actions. It was as if Rehoboam was never even there - transparent. Seventeenth Stop • The 17th stop was at Rissah. Here’s Strong’s on Rissah, • 7446 Riccah ris-saw' from 7450; a ruin (as dripping to pieces); Rissah, a place in the Desert:--Rissah. see HEBREW for 07450 • 7450 racac raw-sas' a primitive root; to comminute; used only as denominative from 7447, to moisten (with drops):--temper. see HEBREW for 07447 • 7447 raciyc raw-sees' from 7450; properly, dripping to pieces, i.e. a ruin; also a dew-drop:--breach, drop. see HEBREW for 07450 Seventeenth Stop • Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines comminute as ‘to reduce to fine powder’, so Rissah was a ruin that was literally falling apart before their eyes, eroding away so quickly it was as if it were flowing like water. The place must have been constructed of mud or an adobe-like material, unable to hold up to the effects of wind and the stuff driven by it. Seventeenth Stop • The 17th name in Yeshua’s genealogy is AviYam, who had no children and when he died after only 3 years in the throne, his brother Asa ascended to the throne. His name means ‘the sea is my father’. Seventeenth Stop • I think that what was being comminuted (reduced to powder) was the reign of less than righteous kings, beginning with Shlomo in the latter years of his reign. What were also being comminuted was the righteousness of the people (with some notable exceptions, as we’ll see a bit later) and AviYam’s physical seed-line. Eighteenth Stop • The 18th encampment was at K’helathah, which means a place of congregation or gathering, from the root H.6950, kahal. Nothing of import happened here in the narrative, either. The Messianic ancestor who corresponds to this encampment is Asa. To this point, only David had been consistently a king after Y’hovah’s heart. Eighteenth Stop • Asa and his son, Yehoshaphat were personally righteous, though the people were growing ever more distant from Y’hovah. Asa begins a run of righteous kings in Yehudah, where the worship of Y’hovah was the general order of the day, despite the ever enlarging minority who went after other elohim. Nineteenth Stop • The 19th encampment was at Mt. Shapher. The root shaphar = glisten, beautiful. For the 5th time running, nothing of major import occurred here. But the Messianic ancestor named, is Yehoshaphat, whose name means Y’hovah judges. Nineteenth Stop • While Yehoshaphat cemented a political relationship with Ahav and Yezevel of Israel, by marrying his heir, Yehoram to a daughter of Ahav and Yezevel, AthaliYah, his own character and commitment to Y’hovah cannot be understated. Nineteenth Stop • He shone in comparison to his contemporaries, actually demanding a prophet of Y’hovah be found to prophesy of a battle he and Ahab were going to fight. As the people of Israel and Yehudah became less set-apart to Y’hovah, even the righteous kings started to think that Y’hovah was less interested in their political lives than in their spiritual lives, somehow forgetting that they are interrelated. Nineteenth Stop • What you believe should rule every aspect of your life, even your politics. AthaliYah’s name means Y’hovah compresses or constrains. Well, Y’hovah compresses the genealogy of Yeshua for 3 generations, I believe due to the wickedness of AthaliYah and her son. Nineteenth Stop • The missing 3 generations fits Ex.20, even though there were 2 righteous kings among them (Jehoash and Amaziah). • Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I Y’hovah Elohecha am a jealous Eloha, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (Exodus 20:5) • I believe this was done to thin the DNA of Yezevel out of the line of David. Twentieth Stop • The 20th stop was at Charadah, which is feminine of the root charad, meaning trembling, fearful. Nothing important enough to report happened here, either. The corresponding ancestor of Yeshua is Yehoram, whose name means Y’hovah raises. Twentieth Stop • What Y’hovah was raising was the awareness that AthaliYah was a wicked influence on her husband Yehoram, king of Yehudah and the fear and trembling that ought to be known in Yehudah. Twenty-First Stop • Stop 21 was at MaK’heloth, which like Kehalathah, derives from the root kahal, assembly. Nothing important occurred here, either – that’s 7 stops in a row. The ancestor corresponding to this stop was UzziYahu (strength of Y’hovah), or AzariYahu (Y’hovah has helped). Both names are applied to the same king. Twenty-First Stop • Notice that 3 generations of kings were NOT mentioned in Yeshua’s genealogy; Ahaziah, Athaliah, the usurper (was the queen mother who killed all her grandchildren except Joash), Yehoash and Amaziah. I assume that these were left out due to their tainted DNA. The 4th generation may have been sufficiently purged of the Yezevel DNA to be included again. Twenty-First Stop • I think the fear and trembling of Charadah was not wasted on Azariah/Uzziah and his descendants, whose father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had all lost a LOT of blessings due to Yehoram’s (and Amaziah’s) idolatrous lifestyles. Twenty-Second Stop • The 22nd stop was Tahath, meaning below. No important happenings here, either. Matt.1’s corresponding ancestor is Yehotham, whose name means Y’hovah is perfect or complete. Twenty-Second Stop • In his own life, Yehotham was a righteous king who was in Moshiach, in whom his kahal is tamiym, but the names below him in Moshiach’s genealogy begin to become more wicked, with a couple of outstanding exceptions. Twenty-Third Stop • Stop 23 was at Tarach, meaning ‘wild goat, wanderer or loiterer’. Nothing of any importance happened here, either (9th encampment where nothing is reported: I’m beginning to think that all the action was at very select places, and that the Wilderness Adventure wasn’t all that adventurous; Twenty-Third Stop • that life in the wilderness was a lot like a Navy cruise in a war zone – long periods of boredom punctuated by brief moments of abject terror). The son of David/ancestor of Yeshua corresponding to this stop is Ahaz. Ahaz was an unrighteous king in Yerusahalayim. Twenty-Third Stop • 2 Twenty years old was Ahaz when he began to reign, and reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem, and did not that which was right in the sight of Y’hovah his Eloha, like David his father. 3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom Y’hovah cast out from before the children of Israel. 4 And he sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree. (2Ki.16.2-4) Twenty-Third Stop • If you read the entire chapter of Melachim Bet 16, you will see that there may not have been a more wicked king EVER in Yehudah, so the connection is obvious between the ‘wild goat’ campsite and perhaps the most wicked son of David to occupy the throne. Twenty-Fourth Stop • Next stop was Mithkah (#24), which means ‘sweetness’, not to be confused with Walter Payton. This is 10th straight stop where nothing of any importance happened. ChizkiYahu, the ancestor of Yeshua who corresponds here, was one of the great and righteous kings of Yehudah. Twenty-Fourth Stop • He pulled down the high places and groves in Yehudah, and instigated a top-down revival. The sweetness was seen in the way that ChizkiYahu tore down the pagan altars and high places in Yehudah. But top-down action seldom works to the benefit of the whole people. Twenty-Fifth Stop • Hashmonah is stop #25. The word means ‘firm or capacious in resources’, and for the 11th straight stop, nothing happened there. Menashe is the ancestor of Moshiach that corresponds to this stop. Menashe was wicked for most of his reign, which was the longest in Yehudah’s history – 55 years. Twenty-Fifth Stop • He encouraged a rapid declension into idolatry for the people, as he went after the strange elohim himself. He set up an image (an obelisk) of the groves in the Temple itself: (2Ki.21) • 7 And he set a graven image of the grove that he had made in the house, of which Y’hovah said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever: Twenty-Fifth Stop • 8 Neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land which I gave their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded them. 9 But they hearkened not: and Manasseh seduced them to do more evil than did the nations whom Y’hovah destroyed before the children of Israel. (2Ki.21.7-9) Twenty-Fifth Stop • But Menashe also had a personal revival near the end of his life: • 9 So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the heathen, whom Y’hovah had destroyed before the children of Israel. 10 And Y’hovah spake to Manasseh, and to his people: but they would not hearken. Twenty-Fifth Stop • 11 Wherefore Y’hovah brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria, which took Manasseh among the thorns, and bound him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon. 12 And when he was in affliction, he besought Y’hovah his Eloha, and humbled himself greatly before the Eloha of his fathers, Twenty-Fifth Stop • 13 And prayed unto him: and he was intreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that Y’hovah he was Eloha. 14 Now after this he built a wall without the city of David, on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the entering in at the fish gate, and compassed about Ophel, and raised it up a very great height, and put captains of war in all the fenced cities of Judah. Twenty-Fifth Stop • 15 And he took away the strange elohim, and the idol out of the house of Y’hovah, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of Y’hovah, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city. 16 And he repaired the altar of Y’hovah, and sacrificed thereon peace offerings and thank offerings, and commanded Judah to serve Y’hovah Eloha of Israel. Twenty-Fifth Stop • 17 Nevertheless the people did sacrifice still in the high places, yet unto Y’hovah their Eloha only. (2Chr.33.9-17) • Menashe’s revival was not enough to get him buried among his fathers, but in his own property. Twenty-Fifth Stop • I think he was throughly humbled by Y’hovah and thought himself unworthy to be buried among his fathers. So, in the end, Menashe became firm in his trust in and service to Y’hovah. Remember that the stop is Hashmonah, firm or capacious in resources. Menashe’s latter end was all of that. Twenty-Sixth Stop • Next stop is #26, Moseroth, where for the 12th straight camp, nothing of import happened. Moseroth means ‘corrections’. The Moshiach’s ancestor corresponding to this stop is Amon. Twenty-Sixth Stop • Amon was as wicked as his father had been until his humbling, who ‘brought him up’ (the root word, H239 aman, from which Amon’s name is derived means ‘brought up’ or nurtured) to be a pagan. Twenty-Sixth Stop • Amon was SO wicked Y’hovah only let him reign for 2 years. Judging by his mother’s and maternal grandfather’s names he was firmly rooted in his wickedness, so much so that noone could trust him and he was killed by a conspiracy of his friends and servants in his own house. Twenty-Seventh Stop • Stop #27 is Beneja’akan, which means ‘sons of twisting’ or ‘tortuous sons’. This 13th eventless camp corresponds to Yeshua’s umpteenth grandfather, YoshiYahu, who began to reign when he was 8 years old. His adviser was HilkiYahu, the Kohen haGadol. In the 18th year of his reign he ordered a general clean up of the Temple. Twenty-Seventh Stop • This included losing the images of the groves that his grand-pappy had set up and to which his papa had gone after with reckless abandon. In the cleanup process, what to their wondering eyes should appear but the Torah scroll. Noone had SEEN it since at LEAST Menashe’s time, 20-some years before. Twenty-Seventh Stop • 2Ki.22,8, 10-20 - 8 And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, I have found the book of the law in the house of Y’hovah. And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it… 10 And Shaphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king. Twenty-Seventh Stop • 11 And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the book of the law, that he rent his clothes. 12 And the king commanded Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Achbor the son of Michaiah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asahiah a servant of the king', saying, Twenty-Seventh Stop • 13 Go ye, enquire of Y’hovah for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found: for great is the wrath of Y’hovah that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do according unto all that which is written concerning us. Twenty-Seventh Stop • 14 So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asahiah, went unto Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college;) and they communed with her. Twenty-Seventh Stop • 15 And she said unto them, Thus saith Y’hovah Eloha of Israel, Tell the man that sent you to me, 16 Thus saith Y’hovah, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even all the words of the book which the king of Yehudah hath read: Twenty-Seventh Stop • 17 Because they have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other elohim, that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands; therefore my wrath shall be kindled against this place, and shall not be quenched. 18 But to the king of Yehudah which sent you to enquire of Y’hovah, thus shall ye say to him, Thus saith Y’hovah Eloha of Israel, Twenty-Seventh Stop • As touching the words which thou hast heard; 19 Because thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before Y’hovah, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, that they should become a desolation and a curse, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before me; Twenty-Seventh Stop • I also have heard thee , saith Y’hovah. 20 Behold therefore, I will gather thee unto thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered into thy grave in peace; and thine eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring upon this place. (2Ki.22.8, 10-20). • I think the connection between stop 27, ja’akan/twistings, and YoshiYahu is made pretty plain. Twenty-Seventh Stop • Yoshi was afraid that he would see the nation rent from its inheritance, but Y’hovah assured him that his personal righteousness would hold off the final judgment and exile for as long as he occupied the throne of David, his father. Twenty-Eighth Stop • The 28th stop is at Horhagidgad, which means ‘cave of self-inflicted cuts’, where for the 14th stop in a row nothing important happened. Sounds like a Tophet cave. The refusal of the kings of Yehudah to enforce Y’hovah’s Toroth in their kingdom was the source of the self-inflicted cuts that got the nation exiled into Babylon. Twenty-Eighth Stop • Moshiach’s ancestor that matches this stop is ConYahu, the king of whom it was prophesied • Thus saith Y’hovah, Write ye this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Yehudah. (Jeremiah 22:30) Twenty-Eighth Stop • Because YeconYahu was written childless none of his seed could flourish on the throne of David. That does NOT preclude them sitting the throne of another nation, which they certainly did in Parthia, where the king HAD to be a son of David by law. Twenty-Eighth Stop • However, the fact that this verse is in Matthew’s gospel record is what convinces me that this is the genealogy of Yoseph, the husband of Miriam and NOT that of Miriam. What would be the point of mentioning the curse on YeconYahu’s sons if it was Miriam’s genealogy. As a daughter of David and not a son eligible to be king, the curse did not apply to her. This was the nadir of Israel’s national righteousness. Twenty-Ninth Stop • Stop #29 was Yotbathah, meaning ‘pleasantness’. Again, nothing important happened here. The ancestor of Yeshua corresponding here is Shealtiel, whose name means “I have enquired of Eloha.” The connection is quite plain in this instance because after the sons of YoshiYahu – all wicked men – Shealtiel must have been a breath of fresh air. Twenty-Ninth Stop • While he was not king in Babylon, the people of Yehudah still looked to him for leadership because he was the heir to David’s throne. His leadership in Babylon was likely crucial to what Yehudah and Israel, their companions, experienced there. Thirtieth Stop • Stop 30 was at Ebronah, which Wiki (it’s gotta be true!) says was the beginning of the descent and the pass from the high Arabah to Etzion Gever and the Gulf of Aqaba. Ebronah means passage and its root is avar to cross over, in this case from the highland to the valley. Thirtieth Stop • This is the 16th uneventful stop in succession, and Israel must have been getting bored. They won’t have to wait much longer for some action. The Moshiach’s patriarch that corresponds to this encampment is Zerubbabel, who lead Yehuda as they crossed BACK over the Euphrates on their return journey to haAretz. Thirtieth Stop • Zerubbabel is a compound word from H2215 zarab, meaning ‘to flow away’ (like hot wax), and H894 babel, meaning ‘confusion’. After Rithmah (Kadesh), this was the furthest from haAretz Israel got. Thirtieth Stop • They were heading towards Etzion Gever on the north shore of the Gulf of Aqaba and from this point onward b’nei Israel were spiritually headed steadily up to the land, flowing like wax from the flame; the flame representing the confusion of Babylon. We were flowing away from the confusion of babel and towards the promised rest. Thirtieth Stop • In this metaphor, Yeshua haMoshiach is our promised rest, as Hebrews says • 9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of Eloha. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as Eloha did from his. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. (Hebrews 4:9-11) • They WOULD labor through a series of successful battles with Canaanite tribes – while not suffering even a scratch in them. Thirty-First Stop • Stop 31 was Etzion Gever, which is another compound word from H6096 etzion, spine, and gever, a valiant warrior. Gever is from the same root as Gavriel, ‘my valiant warrior is Eloha’. Etzion Gever means the ‘backbone of a valiant warrior’. The ancestor of Yeshua who corresponds to Etzion Gever is Avihud. Thirty-First Stop • Avihud’s name means ‘my father is renowned’ or ‘an imposing figure or person’. That’s kinda like ‘Chuck Norris was born on May 6, 1945. Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945.’ Need I say more? I mean, if Chuck Norris was YOUR father you would win every school-yard debate because your father really COULD beat up the other kid’s father. Y’hovah is Avihud’s Father.. Even Chuck Norris can’t beat him up. Thirty-Second Stop • Stop 32 was at the Wilderness of Zin, which is Kadesh, where Miriam died. They stayed here for just enough time to mourn Miriam. Moshe called it Rithmah earlier (stop 14), I think because they were there for such a long time, as I said before. Thirty-Second Stop • Here it is called by its proper name, because they were on the last leg of their journey and had been set apart unto Y’hovah, and the place was set apart by the death and subsequent ‘sitting shiva’ over Miriam. Thirty-Second Stop • Kadesh is ‘Kadosh’, with a slightly different vowel pointing. The ancestor corresponding to Kadesh is Elyakiym, Eloha raises up (not rises up, but raises up). Y’hovah had set Israel apart, exalted us, and we were on our spiritual ascent to our inheritance. Thirty-Third Stop • The 33rd stop was at Mount Hor, where Aharon died, and passed his mantle to his son, Elazar. Israel stayed here for another time of ‘sitting shiva’. The custom of sitting shiva is that a family in morning is visited by extended family and friends for a shavua - a week of mourning - over the loss of a loved one. Thirty-Third Stop • The visitors will bring meals and take care of any household needs for the mourners, recall the good memories and deeds of the departed and generally mourn with them; to succor them. After the week, the official mourning is over and life returns to normal. Thirty-Third Stop • In the case of Israel, they no sooner finished mourning for Miriam and moved a few miles to Mount Hor (on Edom’s border), than they got to do it all again, this time for Aharon, their Kohen Gadol. Yeshua’s ancestor who corresponds to Mount Hor is Azzur, helpful. His name has the root H5826 azar – succor (assistance and support in times of distress). Thirty-Third Stop • Not only was succor what Israel needed right then, but I think it was Y’hovah who supplied it. They were encamped at Mount Hor, the ‘looming mountain’, which foreshadowed the next event. Hor is from the unused root harar, meaning looming, or a threatening presence. Thirty-Third Stop • Y’hovah ‘sat shiva’ with Israel because HaSatan was going to try to use these backto-back losses to discourage them. Discouragement from the enemy was looming, and Y’hovah sat shiva to succor them. Thirty-Third Stop • That next event (right away while they were still at Mt. Hor) was that in an attempt to kick Israel while they were down; haSatan inspired king Arad to take some Israelites hostage. What haSatan meant to cause Israel to despair, Y’hovah used to get their Irish up, and Moshe sent a force to wipe Arad out – literally – and to rescue the hostages. Thirty-Third Stop • Israel left behind nothing that drew breath, and suffered not a scratch in doing so. Maybe now you know why Israel is so good at hostage rescue: they’ve had a lot of practice over the millennia. • There are 8 moves left before we reach the plains of Moav on the east bank of Yarden, and our new beginning with Yehoshua taking command and preparing us to cross Yarden to take our inheritance. Thirty-Fourth Stop • The 34th stop was Tzalmonah, shadiness, from the root H6757 tzalmaveth, the shadow of death. Ps.23 comes to mind • 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death [tzalmaveth], I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thirty-Fourth Stop • We had just come through the valley of the shadow of death, and Y’hovah gave us victory over the 1st Canaanite tribe who came out against us for the purpose of building our confidence that he had our backs. Thirty-Fourth Stop • Yeshua’s ancestor corresponding to this stop was Tzadok, from the root H6663 meaning ‘righteous’. Y’hovah had brought us through the Wilderness Adventure and was bringing us to our inheritance. He had lifted us up, set us apart and we were righteous in his sight. Thirty-Fifth Stop • Stop 35 was at Punon, which means perplexity or to be distracted. The cause of the perplexing distraction isn’t revealed to us, but Moshiach’s ancestor corresponding to this encampment is Yokim, a shortened form of Y’hoYakim, Y’hovah raises up. In Kadesh, Eloha raised us up. Here, Y’hovah raises us up. Thirty-Fifth Stop • In between, Y’hovah Elohenu succored us by and in his righteousness, first by sitting shiva with us and then by delivering us through our 1st battle against a Canaanite force. I think it was those in between ‘succorings’ that kept us from long considering the distractions the enemy sent our way. Thirty-Sixth Stop • The 36th stop is at Oboth, meaning ‘waterskins’, which suggests refreshing. Yeshua’s corresponding ancestor is Elihud, whose name means ‘my Eloha’s grandeur’ (hod – exalt, an imposing figure, like Avihud). Thirty-Sixth Stop • Do you think Y’hovah was telling them that he was their ‘shield and exceeding great reward’? • After these things ‘Devar Y’hovah’ came unto Avram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Avram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (Genesis 15:1) Thirty-Sixth Stop • I think it’s a no-brainer, myself. Everything he’d done for us was to build our confidence that, as long as we live in his Toroth, he is our platoon’s point man, our flankers and our rear guard. NOTHING and NOONE can harm us, regardless their bluster to the contrary. Thirty-Seventh Stop • Stop #37 was at Iye haAvarim, ‘the heap or ruins of those who cross over’. This is the border of Moav, one of Lot’s sons by his incestuous (while in a drunken stupor) relations with his daughters shortly after Sodom was destroyed. Lot had crossed over Euphrates with Avraham, and Avraham had saved his butt twice. Thirty-Seventh Stop • Y’hovah had told Moshe that Israel was to do battle with neither their brother Esau nor Lot’s sons, their cousins Ammon and Moav. So they skirted Edom and Moav. I think the ‘ruins of those who crossed over’ may have been ruins of a Moavite or Ammonite city. Thirty-Seventh Stop • We see in Devarim that Moav’s northern border is quite a bit further north that Iyim, and that Ammon has taken all that land from Moav, so what Israel is about to traverse on the king’s highway is not legitimately ruled by either Moav (who’d lost it) or Ammon (who’d occupied it). Thirty-Seventh Stop • Moshe did not ask Ammon’s leave to cross his territory until we actually got to what Ammon ruled by Y’hovah’s gift and not by right of conquest. Knowing that, I think that these ruins are of a Moavite city destroyed by Ammon in that fight and are aptly named. Thirty-Seventh Stop • Yeshua’s progenitor lining up with Iye haAvarim is Elazar, whose name means ‘Eloha succors or helps’. At this time, the succor chol Israel is receiving is that they are not engaged in internal conflict, tribe against tribe, as Lot’s sons had been. I think a 2nd sod thought may be that these last few stops correspond to the first patriarchs - this one to Avraham, as the deliverer of Lot and the master of Elazar, servant of Avraham. Thirty-Eighth Stop • The 38th stop was at Divon Gad, the wasting or pining of a troop or crowd. Why this is named ‘pining of a crowd’ isn’t told us, but perhaps it has to do with the circumstances of the last stop, where brother fought brother to the destruction of a city. Yeshua’s great-granddad was Matthan, whose name derives from nathan, meaning gift, to give. Thirty-Eighth Stop • If I am right about Israel’s empathy for their cousins Moav and Ammon, they are also rejoicing over the gift of Y’hovah that they are not at each other’s throats, because such family squabbles are more the rule than the exception in this world. By the way, if the rest of this teaching is correct, this gift is the gift that Avraham received of Y’hovah, Yitzhak. Thirty-Ninth Stop • Stop #39 is at Almown Diblathim, a concealed (or sod) double-cake of figs. I think when we see the sod of Yeshua’s papa and granddaddy, we might see the reason for the double-cake of figs. Yeshua’s supposed paternal grandfather’s name is Ya’acov. I have no doubt that Yoseph’s father’s name was really Ya’acov and this is not JUST an allusion to Yitzhak’s son, though I think it is that, too. Thirty-Ninth Stop • Ya’acov, the son of Yitzhak, had 2 sons who were tzadikim, Yehudah and Yoseph; each was, in his own way, sweetness to Ya’acov, as one would be progenitor of a line of kings and the other would be the progenitor of a line of Tzadikim, and their lines would merge in the MelchiTzadik, Yeshua – THE double-cake of figs. Fortieth Stop • The 40th stop is Aravim, before Nebo. Nebo is the highest mountain in the Aravim, and likely the Pisgah where Moshe was called to view the entire land of Israel, I think from the Euphrates to the Red Sea and at least to the Nile, and there to die. The whole northern part of the Aravim is called Pisgah, and Nebo is the highest of those mountains. Fortieth Stop • Moshiach Yeshua’s progenitor corresponding to this stop is Yoseph, the husband of Miriam (who I believe corresponds to the plains of Moav in transYarden). Nebo/Pisgah, being the highest in this range of mountains, relates very easily to Yoseph the son of Ya’acov, who was arguably the most tzadik of the tzadakim of the Tanakh. Fortieth Stop • Yoseph, Miriam’s husband, meanwhile is declared a righteous man – a tzadik – in Matt.1 • 18 Now the birth of Moshiach Yeshua was on this wise: When as his mother Miriam was espoused to Yoseph, before they came together, she was found with child of Ruach haKodesh. Fortieth Stop • 19 Then Yoseph her husband, being a just man [a tzadik- the word man is added], and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel Y’hovah appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Yoseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Miriam thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of Ruach haKodesh. Fortieth Stop • . 21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name YEHOSHUA [Yeshua, for short]: for he shall save his people from their sins. 22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of Y’hovah by the prophet, saying, 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, Eloha with us. Fortieth Stop • 24 Then Yoseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of Y’hovah had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name YEHOSHUA. Fortieth Stop • And Yeshua came as Moshiach ben Yoseph in his incarnation, to call the lost sheep of the house of Israel out of their exile. • My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace. (Jeremiah 50:6) • But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 10:6) • But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 15:24) Fortieth Stop • When he returns, he will come as Moshiach ben David to bring the 2 sticks together and to be the one King over both houses who will call scattered Yisrael, both Yehudah and Ephraim, from the 4 corners of the earth. Forty-First Stop • The 41st stop is at the plains of Moav at the foot of the Aravim. It was HERE that Balak sent for Bilaam to curse Israel for him. It was here that Bilaam blessed Israel after seeing the order of the camp. It was here that Balak followed Bilaam’s advice and sent daughters of Moav to entice Israel to adultery and idolatry. Forty-First Stop • This worked for some of the general population, but not for the elders or priests. So Balak sent the daughters of the elders of Midian to entice the princes of Israel, and Zimri, prince of Simeon, took Cozbi princess of Midian to the Mishkan before Moshe and all the people and into the Mishkan itself, where Pinchas stayed Y’hovah’s wrath by pinning them both to the floor of the tent with one stroke of a spear. Forty-First Stop • This was where the last 24,000 Israelites died before entering the land by the plague Y’hovah sent as a result of them succumbing to the doctrine of Bilaam. Israel was finally purged of the entire generation who had chosen the word of the tourists over the Word of Y’hovah. Forty-First Stop • You might think we’re out of Yeshua’s progenitors, but if you’ll notice, there are only 12 patriarchs mentioned so far since YeconYahu (28th stop). Who is the 13th ancestor of Yeshua named in Matthew 1? Forty-First Stop • How about Miriam? When she was found with child, everyone who knew it figured she’d been unfaithful to her espoused husband, Yoseph – even Yoseph – in much the same way that Israel had played the whore with Ba’alpeor. Y’hovah told Yoseph to marry her, as he would do with Israel, and that the son born to her would be Moshiach. Yoseph was a tzadik. He obeyed w/o thinking. Forty-First Stop • He bore the reproach of an adulterer, for what could people think when he didn’t put away his adulterous intended and actually married her?! In their eyes this MUST be his own son. There is controversy over whose genealogy is in Matthew, Yoseph’s or Miriam’s. I think it is Yoseph’s, but I don’t think it makes a lot of difference if it is Miriam’s. Forty-First Stop • The Aramaic clearly says ‘gowra’, guardian, but that could also refer to her husband, as AENT says in the note. It could be, as the Restoration Scriptures’ note says, that Yoseph in v.16 was actually her guardian. Moshe Koniuchowski thinks the Yoseph of 19ff is a different man. Forty-First Stop • I don’t see why her guardian might not become her husband. If he was BOTH, imagine the scandal of an older guardian seemingly impregnating a ward in his care and the despite he might receive from his neighbors, the names they would call Yeshua. Forty-First Stop • ‘Mamzer’ would be POLITE. But Miriam was NOT an adulterous woman. She was the chosen vessel of Y’hovah to bring forth from her flesh (made from the dust of the earth) Moshiach – Y’hovah brought forth the Bread of Life from the earthen vessel, Miriam – hamotzi lechem min haAretz! And they called his Name, Yehoshua. One Move Left • There is only one stop to go, #42. This would be done in the 1st month in time for the 1st recorded Pesach in 40 years. And who would lead them to ‘cross over’ Yarden, but Yehoshua, the shadow of Moshiach Yehoshua, who will lead us into the Kingdom and then the New Earth, wherein dwelleth tzedakah. Fulfilling Torah Ministries • Send any correspondence for Mark Pitrone or FTM to: • Email: mark@pitrone.net • Snail mail: O Box 500 PMB 203 Gnadenhutten, Ohio 44629 P