What Is “The Gift of the Holy Spirit”

What Is
“The Gift of the Holy Spirit”
in Acts 2:38
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
• The three views presented in this lesson are held by
members of the church. Various views held among
denominationalists will not be considered here.
• Two basic questions:
– What “measure” or “manifestation” of the H.S.
are we talking about?
– Is the “gift” something the H.S. gives, or is the
“gift” the H.S. himself? (Note: The grammar alone
will not determine which is the correct one.)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 1: Miraculous Powers
• “The gift of the Holy Spirit” is the ability to work
miraculous powers by the laying on of the Apostles’
hands; the “gift” is what the H.S. gives miraculously
to every believer through the Apostles’ hands
• “and ye shall receive…” is something different from
remission of sins
• The day of Pentecost is set in the context of
miraculous activity from the H.S. (Acts 2:1-20)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 1: Miraculous Powers
• “Gift of the Holy Spirit” in Acts 2:38 is also used in
Acts 10:45; and “gift” (Gr. dorea) is also found in Acts
8:20 and 11:17 of the miraculous gifts of the H.S.
• “Receive” in Acts 2:38 is used elsewhere of receiving
miraculous gifts (Jn. 20:23; Acts 8:15-17; 19:2)
• Did the 3000 go home without any miraculous
confirmation of the gospel message? No. Acts 2:38 is
parallel to Mark 16:15-20.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 1: Miraculous Powers
• “The promise” in verse 39 is the same as the promise
of the H.S. to perform miracles (Lk. 24:49; Acts 1:4)
• “All that are afar off” (v. 39) refers to “all flesh” (v. 17)
• This (miraculous) “gift of the Holy Spirit” ceased when
the last Apostle died
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 1: Reviewed
• The laying on the Apostles’ hands is not found in the
immediate context, but later in Acts 8:17 and 19:6
• Miraculous powers for believers are associated with
the laying on of the Apostles’ hands (Acts 8:14-18),
not with repentance and baptism
• All believers were baptized in the first century but
not all believers received miraculous powers
(1 Cor. 12:27-30)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 1: Reviewed
• “Gift” (Gr. dorea) is found in Acts 10:45 and 11:17,
but this refers to something that Cornelius received
before baptism, and their was no laying on of the
Apostles hands on this occasion
• The “promise” of Lk. 24:49 and Acts 1:4 was for the
Apostles only
• If miraculous powers have ceased today as this
position demands, then the first part of Acts 2:38 is
still in effect today but the last part is not!
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 1: Reviewed
• There is no mention of believers performing miracles
in Acts 2 through 5, only Apostles (3:43; 4:16; 5:13).
In Acts 6:6-8 we find an example of the laying on of
the Apostles’ hands.
• “Afar off” in verse 39 refers to the Gentiles receiving
salvation, not miraculous gifts
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 2: Indwelling of the H.S.
• “The gift of the Holy Spirit” is the indwelling of the
H.S.; the gift is the H.S. himself dwelling in Christians
– View 2 (A): The H.S. dwells in us through his word
– View 2 (B): The H.S. dwells in us personally
• “The gift of the Holy Spirit” is clarified in Jn. 7:37-39;
Acts 5:32; Rom. 8:9,11,16,26-27; 1 Cor. 6:19; 12:13;
2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5; Gal. 4:6; and Eph. 1:13-14
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 2: Reviewed
• This position demands that the “gift” be the H.S.
himself which cannot be proved conclusively from
the grammar alone; the context must determine
what is meant
• There is nothing stated in the immediate context of
Acts 2 concerning the H.S. dwelling in the believers;
one has to look elsewhere for passages dealing with
the Spirit’s dwelling in believers to defend the
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Blessings of Salvation
• The “gift of the Holy Spirit” is the blessing of salvation
• Note three effects of the Holy Sprit from Joel 2:28-32
(Acts 2:16-21)…
– “And”: Prophetic revelation (Acts 2:17-18)
– “And”: Miraculous demonstration (Acts 2:19-20)
– “And”: Spiritual salvation (Acts 2:21)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Blessings of Salvation
• The word “For” (Gr. gar) in verse 39 ties “the gift of
the Holy Spirit” in verse 38, with the seed “promise”
offered to Abraham (Acts 7:17; 13:32; 26:6; Rom.
4:13-20; 9:8; Gal. 3:8,14,16,17,19,22,29; Eph. 2:12;
3:6; Heb. 6:15-17; 9:15; 10:36)
• “Afar off” (v. 39) refers to the promise of the Gentiles
being saved through Christ (Isa. 2:2; 5:26; 49:1;
57:19; Zech. 6:12-15; Eph. 2:13,17)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Blessings of Salvation
• The immediate context points to salvation
2:21 - And it shall be, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be
2:37 - Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto
Peter and the rest of the apostles, Brethren, what shall we do?
2:38 - And Peter said unto them, Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the
name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift
of the Holy Spirit.
2:39 - For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even
as many as the Lord our God shall call unto him.
2:40 - And with many other words he testified, and exhorted them, saying, Save
yourselves from this crooked generation.
2:47 - praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to them
day by day those that were saved.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Blessings of Salvation
• Acts 2:38 is parallel to Acts 3:19 in the same context
of Peter preaching to Jews in Jerusalem
Acts 2:38
Acts 3:19
1. Repent
1. Repent
2. Be baptized
2. Turn again
3. Remission of sins
3. Sins blotted out
4. Gift of the H.S.
4. Seasons of refreshing
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Blessings of Salvation
• The “promise of the Holy Spirit” (v.33) is what the H.S.
promised Jesus (to be raised to sit at the right hand of
God – Psa. 16:8-10), not the H.S. himself
• Salvation is described as a “gift” elsewhere in the NT
(Eph. 2:8, doron; Rom. 5:16-17, Heb. 6:6; dorea)
• “Gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38) is like the “gift of
God” (Jn. 4:10) or the “gift of Christ” (Eph. 4:7); the
gift is what each member of the Godhead gives;
otherwise, the gift and the giver would be the same
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Blessings of Salvation
• Peter was preaching to Jews who would “receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit”… What gift did the H.S. give the
– The H.S. predicted salvation in Christ to the Jews
(1 Pet. 1:10-11; cf. 2 Pet. 1:21)
– The H.S. preached salvation in Christ to the Jews
(1 Pet. 1:12)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Reviewed
• If “the gift of the Holy Spirit” is the blessing of
salvation, then Peter is being redundant in verse 38.
Therefore, the gift of the H.S. must be something
different from forgiveness of sins.
– Answer: First, remission of sins precedes salvation,
so the word “and” is appropriate. Second, there is
more to salvation than remission of sins. There are
other blessings such as answered prayer,
fellowship with Christians, a living hope, etc.
(Eph. 3:6).
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Position 3: Reviewed
• Miraculous gifts are found in the context of Acts 2
(especially 2:1-20). The Spirit’s indwelling is taught in
the NT.
– Answer: True, but what is the immediate context
of Acts 2:38? The subject of salvation is the
immediate context of Acts 2:38. Also, miraculous
gifts were not promised to all believers upon their
baptism. It is true that the Spirit’s indwelling is
found in the broad context of the NT, but it is not
found in the immediate context of Acts 2:38.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
• The word “gift” by itself does not tell what
manifestation of the H.S. is meant. One must look to
the immediate context to determine what “gift” is
• Position 3 best fits the immediate context of Acts 2
and the gift of salvation to both Jews and Gentiles.
• Position 1 requires something that was never
promised to all believers upon their baptism.
Position 2 requires one to leave the immediate
context of Acts 2 and go elsewhere to makes its case.