“When you finished the prayer, remember and mention God (with your tongues and hearts), standing and sitting and lying down on your sides. …(Know that) the Prayer (being most important kind of worship) is prescribed for the believers at fixed times.” The Qur’an (4-103). In many of his sayings, the Prophet (peace be upon him) told of the prayers that should be recited following the salah. To his daughter, Fatima who requested a servant to help in the house hold chores, he recommended for her to recite 33 times following each salah, “Subhanallah, Elhamdulillah and Allahuekber.” In the works of Bukhari and Muslim, there is a common narration from the Prophet (peace be upon him), “Without a doubt, Allah most High has angles who travel the roads and seek those who recite (his names)…” Along with the narrated prayers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and including those prayers, there are the prayers and recitations of the great scholars, spiritual leaders and friends of Allah. This tesbihat before you is such collection by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. It is preferred to read a text in its original form. Especially, a book like the Qur’an should be read and understood in its original form. For those who do not know Arabic but want to recite the tesbihat, we have written the text in the Latin alphabet. Of course it is impossible to convey all the sounds of the Arabic language using the Latin script and therefore it is inevitable that there will be a divergence in pronunciation from the original. The best method of reciting the tesbihat is to read it in its own language, Arabic, and thereby receive a greater reward. Evening (Maghrib) Salah Tasbihat translation& transliteration beta v 0.2 After the farz of the evening salah, one recites: Allahumme entesselamu wa minkesselam, You are the All-Peaceful O God, And from you is all peace. tebarakte ya ze’l-jelali we we’likram. How holy You are, O the Lord of Majesty and Bounty. Then the Salaten Tunjeena is recited: Allahumme salli ala Seyyidina Muhammedin wa ala ali Seyyidina Muhammed. O God! Show Your compassion to our leader Muhammad and to the family and household of Muhammad. Salaten tunjeena biha min jemeeil ahwali wel afat. With Your compassion, save us from all scares and disasters, grant us salvation. Wa takdilena biha jemeealhajat. Wa tutahhiruna biha min jemeeiseyyiat. With that compassion, fulfill all our needs, purify us from all wickedness, filthiness, and sins. We terfeuna biha indeke a’ledderejat. Wa tubelliguna biha aksalgayat, Min jemeeilhayrati fil hayati wa ba’del memat. With that compassion, elevate us to blessed levels in Your quarters. With that compassion, enable our hands to reach to the holiest of all deeds before and after our dead. Amin ya mujeebeddeawat, welhamdulillahi rabbil alemeen. Amin. Amen, You, the One who answers our prayers, accept us O Responder. All praise is due to Allah. Amen. After praying the final 2 Sunnah rekats, one says: • Amenna biennehu (I bear witness that) La ilahe illallahu wehdehoo la sherikele Lehul mulku we lehul hamdu yuhyee we yumeet. Wehuwe hayyun la yemoot biyedihi’l-hayr we huwe ala kulli shey’in kadeer. (Repeat this 10 times) There is no god but Allah. He does not have a partner. He is the Owner of all things. All praise is due to Him. He is the Giver of Life. He is the Giver of Death. He is the Ever-Living; death cannot reach Him. All good is in His hand. He is the Able One. we ileyhil maseer. (one time). Return is to Him. The “Istiaze” prayers are recited with hands lifted, palms facing downward. Allahumme ejirna mine’n-nar (According to preference, can be recited 3,5 or 7 times). O God, protect us from the fire. Allahumme ejirna min kulli nar. O God, protect us from all kinds of fire. Allahumme ejirna min fitneti’deeniyeti we’d-dunyewiye. O God, protect us from all kinds of religious and worldly menace. Allahumme ejirna min fitneti akhirizzaman O God, protect us from menace days. in the final Allahumme ejirna min fitneti’l-Meseehi’dDejjali we’sSufyan. O God, protect us from the menace of the Messiah-Dejjal, and Sufyan. Allahumme ejirna min ejirna mine’d-dalalati we’l-bidiyyati we’l-beliyyat. O God, protect us from going astray, from invention in religion, and from troubles. Allahumme ejirna min sherri’nnefsi’l-emmare. O God, protect us from evil caused by our carnal self. Allahumme ejirna min shuroori’nufoosi’l-emmarati’l fir’awniyye. O God, protect us from the evil caused by carnal selves of the like that of Pharaoh. Allahumme ejirna min serri’nnisa/rajol. O God, protect us from the evil of ?humans. Allahumme ejirna min belai’nnisa/rajol. O God, protect us from the trouble of ?humans. Allahumme ejirna min fitneti’nnisa/rajol. O God, protect us from the trouble of ?humans. Allahumme ejirna min azabi’l-kabr. O God, protect us from the torture of the grave. Allahumme ejirna min azabi yewmi’lkiyameh. O God, protect us from the torture of the doomsday. Allahumme ejirna min azabi Jehennem. O God, protect us from the torture of Hell. Allahumme ejirna min azabi kahrik. O God, protect us from the torture of being subject to your wrath. Allahumme ejirna min nari kahrik. O God, protect us from the fire of being subject to your wrath. Allahumme ejirna min azabi’l-kabri we’n-neeran. O God, protect us from the torture of the grave and fires. Allahumme ejirna mine’r-riyati we’ssum’ati we’lujubi we’l-fahr. God, protect us from hypocrisy, from showing-off in our prayers, from confidence in our good deeds, and from vanity. Allahumme ejirna min tejawuzi’lmulhideen. O God, protect us from the intrusion of the who go astray. Allahumme ejirna min sherr’ilmunafikeen. O God, protect us from the evil of hypocrites. Allahumme fasikeen. ejirna min fitneti’l- O God, protect us from the menace of the sinners. Allahumme ejirna ejir walideyna we talabete Rasaili’n-nuri’s-sadikeene fi hidmeti’l-Kur’ani we’l-eeman. We ahbabe’l-mu’mineene’l-muhliseene we akribeyna we ejdadena mine’n-nar.(One now turns his palms upward) O God, protect us, our parents, loyal Nur students serving the religion and the Qur’an, our devout and believing friends, our relatives, and our ancestors, from the torture of Hell fire. Bi afwike ya Mujeer, bifadlike ya Gaffar. Help us with your forgiveness, grant us salvation, O Mujeer. You, the One who forgives whom He whishes, cleans whom He whishes from all sorts of badness. Bless with Your virtue, we take refuge in Your forgiveness, O Gaffar. Allahumme edhilne’l jennete meal ebrar (repeat 3 times) O God, take us into Heaven with your pure and beautiful servants. Allahumme edhilna we ehil ustadena we walideyna we talebete Rasaili’nnuri’s-sadikeene we ihwanen we ehawatena we akribaena we ejdadena waa ahbabene’lmu’mineene’l-muhliseene fi hidmeti’l-imani we’l-Kur’an. O God, take us, our teacher Said Nursi, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our relatives, our ancestors, our devout and believing friends that serve the religion and the Qur’an, El-jennete meal ebrar, bi shefaati’nnebiyyike’l-muhtar we alihi’l-ethar we ashabihi’l-ahyar we sellim madame’l-leylu we’n-nehar. Amin, we’lhamdulillahi Rabbi’l-alemeen. (take us into Heaven) with your pure and beautiful servants with the blessings of your chosen Prophet, his clean household, and for the sake of his blessed companions. As long as there is day and night, greet Your chosen Prophet, his household and companions. Amen. All praise is due to God. Subhanallahi we’l-hamdulillahi we La ilahe illallahu wallahu ekber God is perfect, praise is due to God, there is not god but God, God is the greatest. we la hawle we la kuwwete illah billahi’laliyyi’l-azeem. Strength and power is God’s. He is Majestic and Splendid.. Then one reads “Ayate’l-Kursi” from the Qur’an. ( Al Bakara 2/255) GOD: There is no other god besides Him, the Living, the Eternal. Never a moment of unawareness or slumber overtakes Him. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Who could intercede with Him, except in accordance with His will? He knows their past, and their future. No one attains any knowledge, except as He wills. His dominion encompasses the heavens and the earth, and ruling them never burdens Him. He is the Most High, the Great. Then one recites: Subhanallah (33 times) God is perfect Elhamdulillah (33 times) Praise is due to God Allahu Ekber (33 times) God is the greatest La ilahe illallahu wahdehu la sherike leh. Lehul mulku we lehul hamdu yuhyee we yumeet. We huwe hayyun la yemut. Bi yedihi’l-hayr. We huwe ala kulli shey’in kadeer we ileyhi’l maseer. He does not have a partner. He is the Owner of all things. All praise is due to Him. He is the Giver of Life. He is the Giver of Death. He is the Ever-Living; death cannot reach Him. All good is in His hand. He is the Able One. Return is to Him. Fa’lem ennehoo Know that La ilahe illallah There is no god but Allah (repeat 33 times, or 100 times if desired) , Muhammedu’r-resoolullah sallallahu teala aleyhi we sellem Muhammad is his messenger, God’s peace and blessings be upon him. Bismillahirrahmanirraheem. In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate. Innallahe we maelaiketehoo yusalloone ale’n-nebiyy. God’s and His angels’ peace and blessings are upon His Prophet. Ya eyyuhellezeene amenoo salloo aleyhi we sellimoo tesleema. You, o believer, deliver your peace and blessings onto him as well. Lebbeyk. Your command is our duty. Allahumme salli ala Seyyidina Muhammedin we ala ali Seyyidina Muhammed. Bi adedi kulli dain we dewain we barik we sellim aleyhi we aleyhim keseera. O Allah! Bless our leader Muhammad and his family as many times as there are troubles and solutions. Deliver infinite blessing and peace upon his family and household. Allahumme salli ala Seyyidina Muhammedin we ala ali Seyyidina Muhammed. Bi adedi kulli dain we dewain we barik we sellim aleyhi we aleyhim kesera. O Allah! Bless our leader Muhammad and his family as many times as there are troubles and solutions. Deliver infinite blessing and peace upon his family and household. Allahumme salli ala Seyyidina Muhammedin we ala ali Seyyidina Muhammed. Bi adedi kulli dain we dewain we barik we sellim aleyhi we aleyhim keseeran keseera. O Allah! Bless our leader Muhammad and his family as many times as there are troubles and solutions. Deliver infinite blessing and peace upon his family and household. Salli we sellim ya rabbi ala habeebike Muhammedin we ala jemee’il enbiyai we’l-murseleen we ala ali kullin we sahbi kullin ejmaeen. Amin we’l-hamduilillahi Rabbi’l-alemeen. O Allah, bestow Your peace and blessings onto Your beloved Muhammad and all messenger and prophets and their family and households. Amen. All praise is due to God. continues… Elfu elfi salatin we elfu elfi selamin aleyke ya Rasoolallah. A million times a million blessings and a million times a million greetings to you o prophet of God! Elfu elfi salatin we elfu elfi selamin aleyke ya Habeeballah A million times a million blessings and a million times a million greetings to you o God’s beloved one! Elfu elfi salatin we elfu elfi selamin aleyke ya Emeene wahyillah. A million times a million blessings and a million times a million greetings to you o the one trusted with the revelations! Allahumme salli we sellim barik ala Seyyidina Muhammedin we ala alihi we ashabih. O God! Bestow Your peace and blessings upon our leader Muhammad Bi adedi ewraki’l-eshjar as many times as there are leaves on the trees we emwaji’l-bihar and waves in the oceans we katarati’l-emtar, and drops in the rains, wagfirlena werhamna weltuf bina we bi ustadina we walideyna we bi talebeti Rasaili’n-noor’s-sadikeene ya ilahen bi kulli salatin minha shehadeh. O God! For the sake of these blessings, forgive us, show your mercy, bless us, our teacher Said Nursi, our parents, and obedient Nur students. Eshedu enla ilahe illalah we eshedu enne Muhammeden Resoolullahi Sallallahu Ta Ala Aleyhi We sellem. I testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad, upon whom be peace and blessings, is His messenger. Bismillahirrahmanirraheem. In the name of God the Merciful the Compassionate. Ya Jemeelu Ya Allah, You are The All-Gracious O Allah; Make all our plights beautiful. Ya Qareebu Ya Allah, You are The All-Near O Allah; Make us the ones who win your nearness. Ya Mujeebu Ya Allah, You are The All-Answering and Meeting (of needs) O Allah; Respond to our prayers. Ya Habeebu Ya Allah, You are The All-Loving and Loved O Allah; Make us the ones who love you. Ya Raufu Ya Allah, You are The All- Pitying O Allah; Treat us with your compassion Ya Atoofu Ya Allah, You are The All- Affectionate O Allah; Make us happy with your gifts and rewards Ya Ma’roofu Ya Allah, You are The One Known,The All Recognized O Allah; Bring us happiness by letting us know you Ya Lateefu Ya Allah,You are The All- Subtle O Allah; Make us happy with your bounties Ya Azeemu Ya Allah, You are Azeem O Allah; Make us witnesses of your Supreme Glory Ya Hannanu Ya Allah, You are The AllKind and Caring O Allah; Bring us joy with your kindness Ya Mennanu Ya Allah, You are The All-Bounteous and Favoring O Allah; Make us feel obliged only to you Ya Deyyanu Ya Allah, You are Dayyan O Allah; Make us indebted only to you Ya Subhanu Ya Allah, You are Subhaan O Allah; Make us aware of our weaknesses and incompetence Ya Emanu Ya Allah, You are Amaan O Allah; Make us the ones who reach salvation by obeying you Ya Burhanu Ya Allah, You are Burhaan O Allah; Make us the ones who see the signs of your highness Ya Sultanu Ya Allah, You are Sultaan O Allah; Make us the ones who become sultans by being your servants Ya Musteanu Ya Allah, You are Mustaan O Allah; Make us the ones who seek help only from you Ya Muhsinu Ya Allah, You are Muhseen O Allah; Make us the ones who experience happiness with your beauties Ya Mutealu Ya Allah, You are Mutaal O Allah; Make us the ones who praise you Ya Rahmanu Ya Allah, You are Rahman O Allah; Bring us happiness with your compassion Ya Raheemu Ya Allah, You are Raheem O Allah; Make us happy with your mercy Ya Kereemu Ya Allah, You are Kareem O Allah; Fill our hearts with your Grandeur Ya Mejeedu Ya Allah, You are Majeed O Allah; Make us the ones who are honored with you obedience Ya Ferdu Ya Allah, You are Ferd O Allah; Make us the ones who claim you the one and the only Ya Witru Ya Allah, You are Vetr O Allah; Make us the ones who accept you as the only God Ya Ehadu Ya Allah, You are Ahad O Allah; Make us the ones who are witnesses of your oneness Ya Samedu Ya Allah, You are Samad O Allah; Make us the ones who are poor only before you Ya Mahmudu Ya Allah, You are Mahmuud O Allah; Make us the ones who thank you with pleasure Ya Sadika’l-Wa’di Ya Allah, You are Sadik’al Va’de O Allah; Make us the ones who keep their promises of being your servants Ya Aliyyu Ya Allah, You are Aali O Allah; Make us the ones who elevate to the highest by being your servants Ya Ganiyyu Ya Allah, You are Khanee O Allah; Make us the ones who are poor only before you Ya Shafee Ya Allah, You are Shaafee O Allah; Make us the ones whose hearts have found cure avoiding negligence Ya Kafee Ya Allah, You are Kaafee O Allah; Make us the ones who attain sufficiency only with you Ya Muafi Ya Allah, You are Muaafee O Allah; Make us the ones who are always healthy Ya Baki Ya Allah, You are Baakee O Allah; Make us the ones who attain eternal life Ya Hadi Ya Allah, You are Haadee O Allah; Make us the ones to whom you grant salvation Ya Kadiru Ya Allah, You are Qaader O Allah; Make us the ones who know their impotence Ya Satiru Ya Allah, You are Saater O Allah; Free us of the shame of our shamelessness Ya Kahharu Ya Allah, You are Qahhaar O Allah; Keep us distant from your severe punishment Ya Jebbaru Ya Allah, You are Jebbaar O Allah; Make us the ones who fully obey you Ya Gaffaru Ya Allah, You are Khaffaar O Allah; Make us the ones who forgive sins and uprisings Ya Fettahu Ya Allah. You are Fattah O Allah; Make us the ones whose hearts and minds are open to the truth. One raises his hands in prayer: Ya Rabbe’s-semawati we’l-ard, O the Lord of earth and the skies, Ya ze’l-jelali we’l-ikram. O Allah; most generous, most sublime! Es’eluke bi hakki hazihi’l-esmai kulliha entusalliye ala Seyyidina Muhammedin we ala ali Muhammed, For the sake of all these beautiful names, I supplicate that you bestow upon our dearest prophet Muhammad and his lineage werham Muhammeden kema salleyte we sellemte we barekte we rahimte we terahhamte ala Ibraheeme we ala ali Ibraheeme fi’l alemeen, peace, mercy, abundance and blessings; just like you did upon Prophet Abraham and his race. Rabbena inneke hameedum mejeed, bi rahmetike ya erhamerrahimeen, we’l-hamdu li’l-lahi Rabbil-alemeen. O our Lord, you are the most praiseworthy; all praises and thanks, all appreciations and obligations belong to you. You are Majeed; the source of all kinds of honor and glory. You are the one who owns every kind of esteem and rank; O the most Merciful of the merciful, help us with your compassion. All thanks to you; O the owner of all creation. Recite verses 22-24 of the Sura Hashr. *** It is a sunnah to recite the last three verses after the Early Morning and Evening Prayers. Bismillahirrahmanirraheem. In the name of God the Merciful the Compassionate. 59.22 God is He save Whom there is no deity; the Knower of the unseen (all that lies beyond sense-perception) and the witnessed (the corporeal realm). He is the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. 59.23 God is He save Whom there is no deity; the Sovereign, the All-Holly and All-Pure, the Supreme Author of peace and salvation and the Supreme Author of safety and security Who bestows faith and removes all doubt, the All-Glorious with irresistible might, the All-Compelling of supreme majesty, the One Who has exclusive right to all greatness. All-Glorified is God in that He is absolutely exalted above what they associate with Him. 59.24 He is God, the Creator, The All-Holy Maker, the AllFashioning. To Him belong the All-Beatiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and on the earth glorifies Him, (declaring Him to be absolutely above having any defects). He is the All-Glorious with irresistible might, the All-Wise. “So always remember and make mention of me (when service to Me is due) , that I may remember and make mention of you (when judgment and recompense are due); and give thanks to Me, and do not be ungrateful to Me . ” The Qur’an (2-152)