Trans-Confessional Movements and Christian Renewal Definitions: Revival Revival is: 1. A sovereign work of the Holy Spirit among God’s people, the Church. 2. Usually preceded or accompanied by passionate corporate intercessory prayer. 3. Often accompanied by a deep conviction of sin, repentance, restitution. 4. Often followed by a manifestation of God’s presence and power, a subsequent joy, and a spirit of worship. 5. Fruitful in a deepening or resurgence of Christian life and witness. Revival is not: 1. Of human origin, though prayer contributes to the Spirit’s outpouring. 2. Organized by Christians who obey a set of principles, though in the Second Awakening this appeared to be valid. 3. A series of evangelistic meetings. Definitions: Awakening An Awakening: 1. Is a wider movement of the Holy Spirit that often begins with the revival of a group of Christians but then impacts nominal and backsliding Christians. 2. Stimulates a deep concern about the relationship with God of many who were previously careless about sin and ungodliness. 3. Usually causes many to seek God, attend places of worship and increases church membership. 4. Generates new structures and visions and result in new networks and movements to spread the Gospel. 5. Results in a large increase in people volunteering for Christian work and a surge in the sending out of missionaries to the ends of the earth. Definitions: People Movement A People Movement: 1. Is often the result of revival in the cultures of the missionaries who first bring the message of the Gospel to a people without a knowledge of the Bible or the Gospel. 2. Is a turning to Christ of many of a specific people group or population which had previously had little or no contact with the Gospel. 3. Is a work of the Holy Spirit within a specific culture that not only makes the Gospel relevant within that culture, but also changes that culture to conform more to biblical standards. 4. Should be followed with careful discipling, leadership development and Scripture translation. The Six Major Awakenings No. Main Areas Dates Main Impact Cause of Decline 1st Germany, UK, USA 1728-1790 Moravian missions Methodist revival Deism, revolutions 2nd UK, USA Scandinavia 1791-1812 Modern missions movement Wars 3rd USA 1813-1859 Mass evangelism Social uplift Social upheavals 4th North America North Europe 1860-1899 Surge in church growth and missions Liberal theology 5th Wales, USA Many lands 1900-1914 Pentecostal growth World wars 6th Africa, Asia, Latin America 1964- Evangelical resurgence Charismatic renewal Evangelical Awakenings 18th-19th Centuries Greenland 1733 Labrador Native Americans 1752 1742 Volga, Russia 1764 England 1738 St Thomas 1732 Herrnhut Jamaica 1754 Suriname 1736 Moravian Pioneer missions South Africa 1738 Awakenings: 1st 1728 1790 India 1768 Evangelical Awakenings 18th-19th Centuries Herrnhut Moravian Pioneer missions Awakenings: 1st 1728 1790 Methodist revival Whitfield and Wesleys 1738+ Evangelical Awakenings 18th-19th Centuries Norway Sweden Nova Scotia USA UK Herrnhut Awakenings: 1st 1728 2nd 1790 1812 1790 Evangelical Awakenings 18th-19th Centuries Norway Sweden Finland UK USA Switzerland Khasi Hills Pacific Islands Tonga S. India East Indies Madagascar South Africa Awakenings: 1st 1728 2nd 1790 1812 1790 3rd 1813 1859 Tahiti Samoa Fiji Evangelical Awakenings 18th-19th Centuries Norway Sweden UK Ukraine Canada USA Finland Germany Armenians Japan Khasi Hills Burma S. India Batak, Nias, Sumatra Madagascar Chile South Brazil South Africa Awakenings: 1st 1728 2nd 1790 1812 1790 3rd 1813 1859 4th 1860 1899 Java Australia New Zealand Persecution Evangelical Awakenings 20th Century Scandinavia Modern Pentecostalism Punjab Jamaica SE Nigeria Côte d’Ivoire S Brazil China Maharashtra S. India Batak Nias Madagascar Manchuria Japan Korea NE India Australia S Africa Chile Argentina Welsh 1900 1914 1. The Welsh Revival and its global influence – shown by red lines 2. The Welsh connection with the Pentecostal outpouring in USA and elsewhere was less direct, but valid – shown by green lines Evangelical Awakenings 20th Century Lewis NE Scotland Ulster E. Anglia USA China Cuba Korea Garo Mexico Brazil Ethiopia E Africa Congo Toraja PNG Madagascar E. Malaysia Argentina 1900 1914 1914 1964 1. Evangelicalism in the West was marginalized and in retreat. 2. There continued to be revivals and people movements around the world, the most significant being the East African Revival, the USA, Korea, Brazil and China (before the persecutions of Communism). Evangelical Awakenings 20th Century Prairies, Canada Jesus 1967 people USA 1967 Romania Toronto 1980 1994 Pensacola Kabyle, Cuba Algeria Iran 1984 1976 1990s Quechua, Peru 1970s 1980s 1980+ Philippines 1995 1988+ Ethiopia 1989 Bengkulu 1965 Java 1960s 1980s 1965 1990s Aymara Bolivia China S.Sudan Nigeria Brazil -1965 1980+ 1980 Guatemala Colombia S.Korea Nepal 1995 1988 1980s 1990s 1960s 1970s Argentina 1982 1900 1914 Kwasizabantu, S. Africa 1966 1914 1964 1964 – W.Timor 1965 Papua 1960s 1970 Solomon Is. 1965 New Zealand 1. Evangelical resurgence after 1964. 2. A massive awakening affecting mainly Latin America, Asia and Africa. 1986 2003 Evangelical Awakenings & Persecution 20th Century by Communists Muslims Hindus Various N.Korea Romania 1945-90 1910-2010 Nepal 1980-2008 Iran Kabyle, Algeria 1980-2010 1947-2010 S.Sudan 1984-2010 China S.Korea 1910-1953 1960-2010 Ethiopia 1975-90 Nigeria Kenya 1980-2010 1952-60 Uganda Java Congo 1971-79 1964 Afrikaners 1900-01 1900 1914 1914 1964 1990-2010 Madagascar 1905 1964 – Persecution 1. Many Awakenings have been accompanied or followed by persecution. 2. The persecutors have mainly been Communists and Muslims. Christian Renewal 1. Will the present momentum be maintained? 2. Are the leaders of today preparing leaders for the next generation? 3. Will there be a continued passion for God’s glory and fulfilment of the Great Commission? 4. How can we communicate a positive message of God’s present working, and expectant hope for the soon fulfilment of the Great Commission? Conclusion